[b] A threat in medieval times, a demon leader of the 13 Hells. He went by the name Varklosh, his servant, Zuvburda, used there magic magic of fire,shadow, and the infinite evil of the 13th Hell to cause havoc. He was banished by the 12 mages of Bolderosh. They used water, arcane, and the Holy power of heaven. They didn't only banish Varklosh and Zuvburda, but they also absorbed the power of the 13th hell, sending its infinite power to Heaven, but that power came with a price, the 12 mage came corrupted with power, he made the 13th Hell anew, summoned the power of Varklosh and Zuvburda, he absorbed the power and became the ruler.
Now, someone must take the book of holy spells, the sword of magical heavens, and ban him to a fate worse then a painful death, the Underdark.
It was very... Confusing... I think the biggest problem was how you tried to fit so much story into so few sentences. It got a bit messy, to say the least. I guess the story itself might be interesting, though.
Also, I'm guessing the Underdark you're referring to isn't the same Underdark as in D&D? I remember being in Underdark while playing Baldur's Gate 2, and I'd say death is worse. If it's another Underdark, and I guess even if it's the same, I think you should explain what exactly it is.
Death is not horrible when it happens that is Death might seem horrible But when it happens its like a long long sleep A sleep where you never get up. It lets your soul rest in harmony and peace
now another poem Elements
Fire, burning down great cities Water, It goes around soothing Lightning is great pride It never comes out losing Shadow causing chaos around the land Light, Fights shadow to the last breath
Like them, please do feedback and sorry for the double post
And the Underdark is a place where you see your own bad memories, and you feel them too (and you also get tortured.)