ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Rings Of Fate - An Epic Tale

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(Please ignore my failish spelling ability)

Many years ago, when the sun was still blue and the world was still young, there once was a boy.

This boy was the son of this new worlds ruler. They called it Foshaden and they dedicated their lives to build it to greatness. The gods whom watched over Foshaden felt sorry for the young ruler and his wife and son so one night, while the ruler and his wife were sleeping, the gods stole from them their son. They knew it would bring great sadness upon the family to have lost it's only child but it was for the best. They took the child, whom at that time was a mere age of five, to the end of the world. There, the gods gave him everything he needed. Shelter, food, entertainment, knolage. They raised him like he was their own and the loved him very much. The daughters of the gods would often sit with him and flirt with him and adore him. The named this boy Ostravious and this is the epic tale of how he became a hero to all mankind.

"What is a father, Zendlondia?" Ostravious asked the beautiful goddess and his most trusted friend "What are their purpose in the life of a mortal?"

At this time, Ostravious was now twenty-one. He was kind and brave. Strong and honest. But, best of all, he was still living with the gods and goddesses of Foshaden.

"A father," began Zendlondia "Is much like a the male mate of the humans. According to the elders, when a child is born, the father has to give up part of it's life and soul to the child whom his wife bears. That is why, the connection to the father is sometimes stronger in daughters than in sons, because it takes more soul to form a woman than a man. They are more livelier, just like the real thing."

"What do you mean?" Ostravious inquired, quite intreged.

"I'm sure that the elders have told you," she informed "Of how mortals such as the humans were made in the likeness of us gods? How each human is unique but has traits passed on by their elders, like us gods? Are you sure Zenfreid never spoke of this to you?"

"I'm sure," Ostravious demanded.

"Granson? Fredrick? Harold? Babliona? Sophia? Crystal? Anyone???" Zendlondia hypervenalated.

"Nope," Ostravious replied, calmly. He did not understand why this would have such an impact on Zendlondia. It did not apply to them regard less. Did it?

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(Every new post is a new chapter... sorry but a lot of them are short.)

"I can't believe you would tell him all of this Zendlondia," cried Elder Tomas. He paused for a moment in mid-cry.

"Did you tell him," the elder asked, wide-eyed "Did you tell him the truth of what he is?"

"What do you mean?" Ostravious demanded. He was afraid of what was wrong with him. Was he a demi-god? Or a outcast? What was wrong with him?

"Ostravious," began the elder "I should have told you this long ago. You do not belong here, in the land of the gods. You are not supposed to be welcome here but, we made an excepting, inorder to save the entire world of Foshaden."

"So I'm an outcast?" Ostravious asked, bewildered "did I really do something so bad that you had to keep me from the mortal?"

"Ostravious," he said, calmly "You are a mortal."

Ostravious didn't want to hear it. As soon as he heard those words, he bolted.

No-one came after him. No-one stopped him.

Because he knew.

And they couldn't let him stay.

So he ran. He attempted to run the entire length of the Great Mountain Morris that held as a barrior dividing The Mortal Domain from The Kingdom Of The Gods. He made it about half way. For he was only mortal and the Great Mountain Morris was only doing it's job, not letting any mortal past it.

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