Post poems here that you made up on the spot and I and one other person will judge your work. All art must be posted by March 4, 2011.
You will be judged on:
- Poetry format [5] - Rhythm [10] - Focus [10] - Creativity [15] - Spelling/grammar [5] - Details(this one depends on how long your story is) [5] - Overview [50] - Total [100]
Use your own work or else you will be disqualified.
You are allowed to post two more entries after your first one. Your last one will be counted. You're not allowed to resubmit after you have been judged.
I think that what DV is trying to say is that there's no way to confirm whether the poem actually was made up on the spot or not. It's a nice idea, but I'm afraid it wont work on an internet forum.
So you just want to make a poetry contest? Then you should have a theme. Also, some of the things you'd be judging on differ from poem to poem, so it'd be hard, unless you set a standard.
What i meant to say was please don't post if you wont particapate. NO PLAGERISM!!!
- Spelling/grammar [5] Minus five points. Hey, it could be a very interactive prose, right? xP
Second: Do you even know what in the world you are talking about!? Do you even write poetry?
DV, that came out a little bit too harsh. But he's right, a poetry contest already exists so there really is no need for a second one. If you would like to participate in the official poetry contest, you may do so here.
The stuff you score the poem about has nothing to do with it... Are you talking about usage of tone? Poetic elements? Style?
This is true, DV, but even so it is not, strictly speaking, necessary for one to be aware of how to properly write poetry in order to write good poetry. She's probably judging from the things that are important to the reader. It's possible she's referring to the same things you are referring to, the actual elements and principles of poetry(tone, image, sentence structure, alliteration, et cetera) but because she has never been taught, she is unaware of their proper names.
But since I'm here...
There was a poetry contest Of which no one knew to exist A newcomer, catty, Made a thread 'bout po'try The velociraptor was pissed.
I timed myself just now, writing that poem. I wrote it in 52.04 seconds. *pumps fist into air* I'm not a big fan of speed poetry, but what now?
Anger like a neadle Always digging deeper Writhing with pain With hope looking bleaker
Angry at DV As we can all see There are to many poetry contests I have to pee....
- Poetry format [5] - Rhythm [8] - Focus [9] - Creativity [14.5] - Spelling/grammar [5] - Details(this one depends on how long your story is) [5] - Overview [46.5] - Total [93]
Comment: That was a little random but it was nice. 93% is pretty good.
There was a poetry contest Of which no one knew to exist A newcomer, catty, Made a thread 'bout po'try The velociraptor was pissed.
- Poetry format [5] - Rhythm [9] - Focus [9] - Creativity [14] - Spelling/grammar [5] - Details(this one depends on how long your story is) [5] - Overview [47] - Total [94]
Comment: Pretty good. I really like the flow of the words. 94% is excellent!
Another one of these contests, Some taking up my interest, Others leaving you to bore, Then you just want more, This is on the spot poetry, And, really, it interests me.
As you can see from its uselessness, I wrote it on the spot.
Another one of these contests, Some taking up my interest, Others leaving you to bore, Then you just want more, This is on the spot poetry, And, really, it interests me.
- Poetry format [5] - Rhythm [9] - Focus [9] - Creativity [13] - Spelling/grammar [5] - Details(this one depends on how long your story is) [4] - Overview [45] - Total [90]
Comments: Nice job. I totally like your flow. Great job. 90% is still really good.
Seeing as this is more or less another poetry contest, I will lock this a duplicate. Sorry. However, no one is stopping anyone from participating in the actually poetry contest, the haiku contest or the 50 theme challenge, if they want some themes to go by. And you are all welcome to comment on others' poetry to help them improve (preferably without the ratings, that usually does not help at all).