any weapon from absolutely any game.
the energy sword from halo, or the fat man from fallout 3
The chopper gunner from BO
halo: -spartan laser -anti-garv. hammer -brut gun -smg -aliens bazooka BORDERLAND -smg-assault rifle-rovolver counterstrik -desert eagle -fams, galil, m4a1, ak-47
Flak Cannon- Unreal tournement
Gravity Gun from Half-life 2
Hmm.... definitely has to be the BFG from the original Doom xD That gun made my childhood entertaining.
the death star 2 superlaser from empire at war FOCand of course the gdi ion cannonand the entrencher
Thundergun- CoD:BO, zombie mode.Fat Man- Fallout 3Scarab Gun- Halo 2
hard to decide, I'm going to say the portal gun from portal, you could knock over turrets with it!!
Anyone who says the Fat Man from Fallout 3, has clearly never experienced the sheer pwnage of the...EXPERIMENTAL MIRV!!!*dramatic music*Its the Fat Man, but it fires 8...8!!!8 Mini Nukes.
in the vegas cosole, fallout has a testing laser rifle with a 100% crit rate, its called the disintergratori leave the rest to your imaginationalso, liberty laser pwns them all
deffinatley the intervention
I really like some of the rocket launchers and snipers from Borderlands. I also like the High Power Pistol from Red Dead Redemption. But I really love the Battle Rifle from Halo 3. Better than the DMR from Reach, and I really love it.
Halo:1.Sniper Rifle2.Shotgun3.Gravity Hammer4.Melee =D5.Fuel RodCounter-Strike:Source1.Desert Eagle2.AWP3.Steyr Aug4.Colt M4A15.M3 Super
the monkey
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