ForumsGame WalkthroughsI beat Endurance mode 1337 waves on the hardest settings

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2 posts

Hello , I currently beat gemcraft labyrinth endurance mode with all the hardest setting , without letting a single monster reach my orb , without any hack/slow/whatever.

Here are a few of my tips.

1- Anger anger anger anger , Anger waves as much as you can as soon as you can. I like to anger 10 times with gems grade 2 wich gives me around +96 monsters.

2- Build a 3x3 tower/amplifier that looks like that :


Use Yellow/Green gems with yellow/green amplifiers. At around grade 12 gems use yellow only to upgrade the level on your dual gems.

Build (5 to 10 depending) Shrine and make a lot of gem grade 5 .

Send all waves at once that you angered 10-15 times. Just dont go at very high armor level anger as much as you can . Try to get +296 monsters per waves.

When all monsters are on map , drop all gem grade 5 on shrines that hits most monsters.

You will earn so many mana its insane, usually a wave has 4 monsters , but you get 290x that mana per wave.

Et voila if you survive your first wave, you should be able to have massive mana pool , make gems grade 12 like pie and start dropping gems grade 12 on shrine.

Repeat until you beat all endurance levels. all 1337.

once you have a gem grade 18 it will start to be super easy. personally i made a level 21 gem that had these stats ( approximative)

400.000-700.000 damage
100% chance to hit for 150x damage
100% chance to hit 47 target

At this point its win. Enjoy

  • 34 Replies
1 posts

nekomimi069 your guide is awesome beat E2's challenge amulet on like the 5th wave. pretty insane.

40 posts

How did you figure this out?! I love Gemcraft.

7 posts

If you are low on levels, and feel that you should pump up levels with mana farming I found an alternative for this (for ppl below lv 100):
-Unlock yellow,lime, and orange, but only use orange and lime in traps (cheaper and more mana income easier), build traps that form lines on the places monsters gather around, amplify them with appopriate gems, get a 8amp y/l tower, upgrade everything, and duplicate your traps and trap amplifiers, summon, when it starts to lag or when it starts to spam monsters that you are unable to kill because of your weak gems, you can do the amulets, or suicide by bombing yourself, you get around 15-20 lvs in an hour max.

385 posts

Wow, this is amazing! How did you figure this out? I would have never figured something like this out. Great job and you made it very clear.

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