ForumsForum GamesWanted! (RPG)

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You're currently someone who is the most wanted person in the FBI. They are trying to chase you. The things you've done, it's unforgivable to the world. (My second RPG. I hope you enjoy this as well. It's completely different from my first RPG, The Superhuman. If you do want to join The Superhuman, click this link.

Once again, I hope you enjoy this.)

Character Sheet
Name: (Insert name here)
Age: (20-40)
Weapon: (You either start with a knife or pistol [Not silenced] )
Health: 100/100
EXP: 0/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: N/A
Specialty: (Insert in what you're good at)

Levels and Experience Points
You should know this when you've been into RPGs. Yet, I have to explain. Levels and Experience Points play an important part of your RPG life. It enhances your abilities and skills. You earn it in almost every scene.

Health. It's very, very, VERY important in the RPG. Your Health can alter your actions. Say, if you're low on health, you will move slower than before.

Strength helps you in melee combat. It applies to melee weapons as well. If you plan to use a gun, go for dexterity, although strength is important sometimes.

Dexterity, skills in using weapons and handling bombs or any technical stuff. You have a higher chance of defusing a bomb if your dexterity is higher.

Luck plays an important role in this RPG. If your luck is low, more enemies will likely to come, or, injure you. You know how luck is.

The higher your speed, the better when you try to escape from a place. It also helps you to dodge attacks. It's connected to strength, somehow.

Specialty is what you are able to do other than simple stuff. It can be related to the four attributes, strength, dexterity, luck or speed. It could be something else.

Name: Rapyion
Age: 25
Weapon: Pistol
Health: 100/100
EXP: 0/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: N/A
Specialty: Able to react faster

  • 430 Replies
2,752 posts

Name: "The Brain"
Age: 20
Weapon: Pistol, revolver, Scar, Mosin Nagant
Health: 100/100
EXP: 21/150
Level: 2
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 4
Luck: 2
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: N/A
Biography: Grew up in an orphanage, never to see his biological parents, since they were killed in a car accident. By 17 years old, he had found out the identity of the driver of the other car involved in the accident, which had, actually, been caused by the driver's being intoxicated, and killed him. Afterwards, he murdered a number of corrupt political leaders and revealed a lot of state secrets. He was eventually caught while committing one of his crimes.
Money: $499
Specialty: Resourceful

I do as Zero asked, and shoot at where I remember the two policemen were with the Scar.

3,028 posts

Name: Raymond
Age: 39
Weapon: Knife, pistol
Health: 100/100
EXP: 85/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: N/A
Specialty: Can disguise himself in tons of different aliases

Keep on trying to get my legs unstuck, and if the police get there before i do, make a British accent.

2,300 posts

Name: Tsiao Soung
Age: 25
Weapon: Silenced pistol, silenced sniper rifle in suitcase, 3 flash, smoke, frag grenade, A.W.P
Armor: Kevlar
Health: 130/130
EXP: 100/200
Level: 3
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 2
Luck: 5
Speed: 4
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: Heroine, 4 E.M.P devices, 9 C4 bombs, clothes
Money: $998100 amount you're holding / $16005 in bank
Car: Nissan Sylphy 2.0
Specialty: In pretending and generally convincing others
Suspicion: 10/100

You go up a building. On the way, you throw a flash grenade at the guards. The flash blinded them and they can't hear. You quickly run up and set your A.W.P and shoot them one by one. (40 EXP+) Danielle nods and she gets inside. You now play the role of Danielle as she gets to the top of the building. (It's five floors high.) Danielle has a pistol and a pair of knives to use. Gangsters aim at her when she comes in. One of them is going to shoot. What will Danielle do?
Name: "The Brain"
Age: 20
Weapon: Pistol, revolver, Scar, Mosin Nagant
Health: 70/100
EXP: 51/150
Level: 2
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 4
Luck: 2
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: N/A
Biography: Grew up in an orphanage, never to see his biological parents, since they were killed in a car accident. By 17 years old, he had found out the identity of the driver of the other car involved in the accident, which had, actually, been caused by the driver's being intoxicated, and killed him. Afterwards, he murdered a number of corrupt political leaders and revealed a lot of state secrets. He was eventually caught while committing one of his crimes.
Money: $499
Specialty: Resourceful

(You can see them. The flash is gone when Zero signals you to.)
You quickly bring out your Scar and shoot the two policemen. (30 EXP+) But one of them shoots his pistol blindly and it cuts through your arm's flesh before he dies. (30 HP-) There are still more policemen that are blinded. You are Zero for the time being. What will you do?
Name: Raymond
Age: 39
Weapon: Knife, pistol
Health: 100/100
EXP: 90/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: N/A
Specialty: Can disguise himself in tons of different aliases

You try it again and one of your legs are out. (5 EXP+) You do the other one but the officer was there a few seconds ago. He signals some paramedics to come and help. Puck! Your other leg is out and you're in the ambulance next. The officer asks you some questions. "So, are you Raymond?" What will you do?

64 posts

Name: Daniel
Age: 17
Weapon: Rifle
Health: 100/100
EXP: 0/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: N/A
Specialty: Precise Aim

319 posts

Name: Tsiao Soung
Age: 25
Weapon: Silenced pistol, silenced sniper rifle in suitcase, 3 flash, smoke, frag grenade, A.W.P
Armor: Kevlar
Health: 130/130
EXP: 100/200
Level: 3
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 2
Luck: 5
Speed: 4
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: Heroine, 4 E.M.P devices, 9 C4 bombs, clothes
Money: $998100 amount you're holding / $16005 in bank
Car: Nissan Sylphy 2.0
Specialty: In pretending and generally convincing others
Suspicion: 10/100

She throws a knife at him.She tries to hit him lethaly.Se then continue crouching and hiding behind walls.Every time she watches someone she shoots or throws a knife

2,752 posts

Name: "The Brain"
Age: 20
Weapon: Pistol, revolver, Scar, Mosin Nagant
Health: 70/100
EXP: 51/150
Level: 2
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 4
Luck: 2
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: N/A
Biography: Grew up in an orphanage, never to see his biological parents, since they were killed in a car accident. By 17 years old, he had found out the identity of the driver of the other car involved in the accident, which had, actually, been caused by the driver's being intoxicated, and killed him. Afterwards, he murdered a number of corrupt political leaders and revealed a lot of state secrets. He was eventually caught while committing one of his crimes.
Money: $499
Specialty: Resourceful

I keep on shooting, while making sure that noone who sees my face gets to live (I know, I've been imprisoned once already, but you can never be too sure).

2,300 posts

Name: Daniel
Age: 17
Weapon: (Insert knife or pistol)
Health: 100/100
EXP: 0/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: N/A
Specialty: Precise Aim

You can only select pistol or knife.
Name: Tsiao Soung
Age: 25
Weapon: Silenced pistol, silenced sniper rifle in suitcase, 3 flash, smoke, frag grenade, A.W.P
Armor: Kevlar
Health: 130/130
EXP: 140/200
Level: 3
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 2
Luck: 5
Speed: 4
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: Heroine, 4 E.M.P devices, 9 C4 bombs, clothes
Money: $998100 amount you're holding / $16005 in bank
Car: Nissan Sylphy 2.0
Specialty: In pretending and generally convincing others
Suspicion: 10/100

Danielle quickly throws a knife at him. He suffers from the impact and he dies quickly. (20 EXP+) She quickly hide in one of the tables. She watches her back and she throws another knife to a man who is going to shoot you. (20 EXP+) She sees a grenade in front her. What will Danielle do?
Name: "The Brain"
Age: 20
Weapon: Pistol, revolver, Scar, Mosin Nagant
Health: 70/100
EXP: 81/150
Level: 2
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 4
Luck: 2
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: N/A
Biography: Grew up in an orphanage, never to see his biological parents, since they were killed in a car accident. By 17 years old, he had found out the identity of the driver of the other car involved in the accident, which had, actually, been caused by the driver's being intoxicated, and killed him. Afterwards, he murdered a number of corrupt political leaders and revealed a lot of state secrets. He was eventually caught while committing one of his crimes.
Money: $499
Specialty: Resourceful

(Uh.. You are Zero..)
Zero shoot the other officers with revolvers and they die. (30 EXP+) He comes to you and takes out his medical pack. He is trying to heal you. You have to defend yourself with your other arm. Policemen see you both and aim their pistols. What will you do?

2,752 posts

Name: "The Brain"
Age: 20
Weapon: Pistol, revolver, Scar, Mosin Nagant
Health: 70/100
EXP: 81/150
Level: 2
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 4
Luck: 2
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: N/A
Biography: Grew up in an orphanage, never to see his biological parents, since they were killed in a car accident. By 17 years old, he had found out the identity of the driver of the other car involved in the accident, which had, actually, been caused by the driver's being intoxicated, and killed him. Afterwards, he murdered a number of corrupt political leaders and revealed a lot of state secrets. He was eventually caught while committing one of his crimes.
Money: $499
Specialty: Resourceful

(Uh.. You are Zero..)
I was going to ask the other time, but it just seemed to me like a typo, lol. I mean, wouldn't it have been more clear for "You now control Zero's actions, because you cannot keep on fighting." to be said or something?
I use the revolver to shoot at them.
3,671 posts

Name: Jones
Age: 28
Weapon: Knife, silenced MP5
Health: 100/100
EXP: 95/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: N/A
Money: $10000
Specialty: Ex-navy seals soldier, great at stealth

Throw the grenade back

3,028 posts

Name: Raymond
Age: 39
Weapon: Knife, pistol
Health: 100/100
EXP: 90/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: N/A
Specialty: Can disguise himself in tons of different aliases

(wait, how do they know I'm Raymond?)

"Raymond? Who is this "Raymond?" I am from Britian, visiting my sister. I was heading for the airport, when I passed a car, and I guess I forgot to go back to the other lane, you know how british people drive on the other side of the road? well, i forgot to go back to the other lan, and, well, crashed," I say in my best British accent.

319 posts

Name: Tsiao Soung
Age: 25
Weapon: Silenced pistol, silenced sniper rifle in suitcase, 3 flash, smoke, frag grenade, A.W.P
Armor: Kevlar
Health: 130/130
EXP: 140/200
Level: 3
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 2
Luck: 5
Speed: 4
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: Heroine, 4 E.M.P devices, 9 C4 bombs, clothes
Money: $998100 amount you're holding / $16005 in bank
Car: Nissan Sylphy 2.0
Specialty: In pretending and generally convincing others
Suspicion: 10/100

If the renade is active and up to blow she will kick her.Otherwise she will store her for later use(if she sees a lot of enemies together)

2,300 posts

Name: "The Brain"
Age: 20
Weapon: Pistol, revolver, Scar, Mosin Nagant
Health: 50/100
EXP: 121/150
Level: 2
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 4
Luck: 2
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: N/A
Biography: Grew up in an orphanage, never to see his biological parents, since they were killed in a car accident. By 17 years old, he had found out the identity of the driver of the other car involved in the accident, which had, actually, been caused by the driver's being intoxicated, and killed him. Afterwards, he murdered a number of corrupt political leaders and revealed a lot of state secrets. He was eventually caught while committing one of his crimes.
Money: $499
Specialty: Resourceful

You quickly bring your arm up and shoot them. The recoil causes Zero to damage your other arm. (40 EXP+ ; 20 HP-) This time, a frag grenade lands in front of you. What will you do?
Name: Jones
Age: 28
Weapon: Knife, silenced MP5
Health: 110/110
EXP: 0/150
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 4
Inventory: N/A
Money: $10000
Specialty: Ex-navy seals soldier, great at stealth

You throw the grenade back at them and it explodes in the air. (5 EXP+) Level up! Now, it's your turn to attack. What will you do?
Name: Raymond
Age: 39
Weapon: Knife, pistol
Health: 100/100
EXP: 90/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: N/A
Specialty: Can disguise himself in tons of different aliases

(You are the most wanted person. The police are searching for you.)
"British, huh? Can I see your I.D?" says the man. What will you do?
Name: Tsiao Soung
Age: 25
Weapon: Silenced pistol, silenced sniper rifle in suitcase, 3 flash, smoke, frag grenade, A.W.P
Armor: Kevlar
Health: 130/130
EXP: 145/200
Level: 3
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 2
Luck: 5
Speed: 4
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: Heroine, 4 E.M.P devices, 9 C4 bombs, clothes
Money: $998100 amount you're holding / $16005 in bank
Car: Nissan Sylphy 2.0
Specialty: In pretending and generally convincing others
Suspicion: 10/100

She kicks it and it rolls away and explodes. (5 EXP+) The table is being shot and they are shooting everywhere. So, the bullets are gonna hurt you. What will you do?

2,752 posts

Name: "The Brain"
Age: 20
Weapon: Pistol, revolver, Scar, Mosin Nagant
Health: 50/100
EXP: 121/150
Level: 2
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 4
Luck: 2
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: N/A
Biography: Grew up in an orphanage, never to see his biological parents, since they were killed in a car accident. By 17 years old, he had found out the identity of the driver of the other car involved in the accident, which had, actually, been caused by the driver's being intoxicated, and killed him. Afterwards, he murdered a number of corrupt political leaders and revealed a lot of state secrets. He was eventually caught while committing one of his crimes.
Money: $499
Specialty: Resourceful

I try to kick it away, if it's nicely positioned for me to send it far enough. Otherwise, I just shout "Grenade!" and try to let Zero know where it's located with my eyes, by 'widening' them and lifting my eyebrows towards its location.

319 posts

Name: Tsiao Soung
Age: 25
Weapon: Silenced pistol, silenced sniper rifle in suitcase, 3 flash, smoke, frag grenade, A.W.P
Armor: Kevlar
Health: 130/130
EXP: 145/200
Level: 3
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 2
Luck: 5
Speed: 4
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: Heroine, 4 E.M.P devices, 9 C4 bombs, clothes
Money: $998100 amount you're holding / $16005 in bank
Car: Nissan Sylphy 2.0
Specialty: In pretending and generally convincing others
Suspicion: 10/100

Try to hide behind a column or a table and shoot wile they are reloading.

2,300 posts

Name: "The Brain"
Age: 20
Weapon: Pistol, revolver, Scar, Mosin Nagant
Health: 100/100
EXP: 133/150
Level: 2
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 4
Luck: 2
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: N/A
Biography: Grew up in an orphanage, never to see his biological parents, since they were killed in a car accident. By 17 years old, he had found out the identity of the driver of the other car involved in the accident, which had, actually, been caused by the driver's being intoxicated, and killed him. Afterwards, he murdered a number of corrupt political leaders and revealed a lot of state secrets. He was eventually caught while committing one of his crimes.
Money: $50499
Specialty: Resourceful

You can't kick it, there's another wall opposite you for the grenade to bounce back. Zero notices it right away before you shout out. He reaches out quickly and grabs the grenade to throw it out. "Grena-!" And there was an explosion. It killed off the police that was taking cover behind you both. (12 EXP+) You're all healed and you're ready to go. (50 HP+) You and Zero go to the bank and no one is there. So, you try going to a different bank. Zero gets the money and he pays you half of the cash. ($50000+) "Get a ride or buy a new weapon. See ya'." He walks away from the bank. What will you do?
Name: Tsiao Soung
Age: 25
Weapon: Silenced pistol, silenced sniper rifle in suitcase, 3 flash, smoke, frag grenade, A.W.P
Armor: Kevlar
Health: 130/130
EXP: 195/200
Level: 3
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 2
Luck: 5
Speed: 4
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: Heroine, 4 E.M.P devices, 9 C4 bombs, clothes
Money: $998100 amount you're holding / $16005 in bank
Car: Nissan Sylphy 2.0
Specialty: In pretending and generally convincing others
Suspicion: 10/100

Danielle quickly jumps to another table just in time before the table was broken. When she hears 'reloading sounds', she quickly comes up and brings out her pistol. She shoots everyone in this room and she reloads. (50 EXP+) She comes out of the building and she signals you to come in. Now, you are Tsiao Soung. What will you do?

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