ForumsForum GamesWanted! (RPG)

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You're currently someone who is the most wanted person in the FBI. They are trying to chase you. The things you've done, it's unforgivable to the world. (My second RPG. I hope you enjoy this as well. It's completely different from my first RPG, The Superhuman. If you do want to join The Superhuman, click this link.

Once again, I hope you enjoy this.)

Character Sheet
Name: (Insert name here)
Age: (20-40)
Weapon: (You either start with a knife or pistol [Not silenced] )
Health: 100/100
EXP: 0/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: N/A
Specialty: (Insert in what you're good at)

Levels and Experience Points
You should know this when you've been into RPGs. Yet, I have to explain. Levels and Experience Points play an important part of your RPG life. It enhances your abilities and skills. You earn it in almost every scene.

Health. It's very, very, VERY important in the RPG. Your Health can alter your actions. Say, if you're low on health, you will move slower than before.

Strength helps you in melee combat. It applies to melee weapons as well. If you plan to use a gun, go for dexterity, although strength is important sometimes.

Dexterity, skills in using weapons and handling bombs or any technical stuff. You have a higher chance of defusing a bomb if your dexterity is higher.

Luck plays an important role in this RPG. If your luck is low, more enemies will likely to come, or, injure you. You know how luck is.

The higher your speed, the better when you try to escape from a place. It also helps you to dodge attacks. It's connected to strength, somehow.

Specialty is what you are able to do other than simple stuff. It can be related to the four attributes, strength, dexterity, luck or speed. It could be something else.

Name: Rapyion
Age: 25
Weapon: Pistol
Health: 100/100
EXP: 0/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: N/A
Specialty: Able to react faster

  • 430 Replies
2,300 posts

Wood - Squire


Name: "The Brain"
Age: 20
Weapon: Revolver, Scar, Mosin Nagant
Health: 110/120
EXP: 125/200
Level: 3
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 6
Luck: 3
Speed: 2
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: Binoculars, cap
Biography: Grew up in an orphanage, never to see his biological parents, since they were killed in a car accident. By 17 years old, he had found out the identity of the driver of the other car involved in the accident, which had, actually, been caused by the driver's being intoxicated, and killed him. Afterwards, he murdered a number of corrupt political leaders and revealed a lot of state secrets. He was eventually caught while committing one of his crimes.
Money: $22963
Car: Toyota MR-S 1.8
Specialty: Resourceful

You get inside your house. Only the living room is thrashed so far. You get into your bedroom and drop to the bed and fall asleep. The next morning, you wake up and find a woman changing clothes. You recognized her. It's your girlfriend, Caitlynn. What will you do?

2,752 posts

Name: "The Brain"
Age: 20
Weapon: Revolver, Scar, Mosin Nagant
Health: 110/120
EXP: 125/200
Level: 3
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 6
Luck: 3
Speed: 2
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: Binoculars, cap
Biography: Grew up in an orphanage, never to see his biological parents, since they were killed in a car accident. By 17 years old, he had found out the identity of the driver of the other car involved in the accident, which had, actually, been caused by the driver's being intoxicated, and killed him. Afterwards, he murdered a number of corrupt political leaders and revealed a lot of state secrets. He was eventually caught while committing one of his crimes.
Money: $22963
Car: Toyota MR-S 1.8
Specialty: Resourceful

I have a girlfriend about whom I had forgotten all about...right...

I guess I ask her "How have you been?".

2,300 posts

Name: "The Brain"
Age: 20
Weapon: Revolver, Scar, Mosin Nagant
Health: 110/120
EXP: 125/200
Level: 3
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 6
Luck: 3
Speed: 2
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: Binoculars, cap
Biography: Grew up in an orphanage, never to see his biological parents, since they were killed in a car accident. By 17 years old, he had found out the identity of the driver of the other car involved in the accident, which had, actually, been caused by the driver's being intoxicated, and killed him. Afterwards, he murdered a number of corrupt political leaders and revealed a lot of state secrets. He was eventually caught while committing one of his crimes.
Money: $22963
Car: Toyota MR-S 1.8
Specialty: Resourceful


"Yeah, been good." She's done changing when she turns. She's wearing her dress. It matches with her high heels. "So," She slides a sheet of paper on the bed and gets on it as well, not crushing the paper, of course. "This is the next target." What will you do?

3,028 posts

Name: Raymond
Age: 39
Weapon: Knife, pistol
Stealth Equipment: FBI suit
Health: 110/110
EXP: 75/150
Level: 1
Strength: 2
Dexterity: 2
Luck: 2
Speed: 2
Attribute Points: 0
Money: $599
Specialty: Can disguise himself in tons of different aliases

"I've been trackign you turds for a while," I say, hoping they fall for it."Get on the floor, and give me your waepons."

173 posts

Name: Balthic
Age: 25
Weapon: Pistol
Health: 100/100
EXP: 0/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: N/A
Specialty: Very silent and thinks a lot before action. He notices a lot of things.

Dash and see if anyone is aiming me with this.

149 posts

Name:Billy Jones
Health: 100/100
EXP: 0/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: N/A
Specialty:Can find great hideouts and great at spying in general.

2,300 posts

Name: Raymond
Age: 39
Weapon: Knife, pistol
Stealth Equipment: FBI suit
Health: 110/110
EXP: 75/150
Level: 1
Strength: 2
Dexterity: 2
Luck: 2
Speed: 2
Attribute Points: 0
Money: $599
Specialty: Can disguise himself in tons of different aliases

One of them mumbles, but you can hear it. "Heh, alone? Us five against him? What an idiot." Another FBI officer stands up and points his pistol. "Put your hands in the air, you are under arrest!!" Now, all of them are focused at the other officer. Now's your chance. What will you do?
Name: Balthic
Age: 25
Weapon: Pistol
Health: 100/100
EXP: 0/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: N/A
Specialty: Very silent and thinks a lot before action. He notices a lot of things.

(No, no. The Dragunov is on the table. No one is using it.)

A person comes in and witnessed the dead body. What will you do?
Name: Billy Jones
Age: 25
Weapon: Pistol
Health: 100/100
EXP: 0/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: N/A
Specialty: Can find great hideouts and great at spying in general.

Somebody discovered your biggest and stealthiest hideout. Police are coming to your hideout, which you are in. What will you do?

2,752 posts

Actually, Rapyion, I would like to take a break from this RPG for a while, if not quit it altogether. I'm not sure what it is, but I believe I've lost interest in it because of the fact there is absolutely no goal here. In the Superhuman RPG, at least, you have the duties that come along with being superhuman (and I hope that at some point I'll get the 'ultimate bad guy' and it will all end), while here, all there is in the story is "The FBI is after you.". And? It's, obviously, not constantly chasing me, and, for me, it would not matter anyway, since I have been captured and then have - easily - escaped already.
Sorry for posting this here, but I was not sure whether I'd get a response by posting this on your account page.

2,300 posts

Okay, I understand. You can stop, I won't force you to join, that'll be horrible. You can quit, it's up to you. By reading it, you're saying that The Superhuman RPG is better than Wanted! RPG, am I right?

2,752 posts

Yeah, definitely better, for my standards, at least.

2,300 posts

Glad to know.

2,300 posts

Wow, after that talk, no one seems to play anymore.

2,752 posts

****! I'm terribly sorry for potentially 'sending' other players away. However, I believe that Runescape124 hasn't been around the forums for a couple of days (again, before the last few days he was gone for about half a week or so), and that Marios2 has not checked the forums recently, since he has not responded in his own thread either.
Now, Holladay15? Has been a while since his last post here, not sure whether he has checked the forums recently, either.
Then again, I don't know, it's not impossible that I influenced computo2000 .

2,300 posts

Guess, this RPG is closed, since there are no posts lately.

3,028 posts

Name: Raymond
Age: 39
Weapon: Knife, pistol
Stealth Equipment: FBI suit
Health: 110/110
EXP: 75/150
Level: 1
Strength: 2
Dexterity: 2
Luck: 2
Speed: 2
Attribute Points: 0
Money: $599
Specialty: Can disguise himself in tons of different aliases

Guess, this RPG is closed, since there are no posts lately.

I'm still playing!!!

Shoot one in the head, throw my knife at another, and bash my gun into the closes one's head.
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