ForumsForum GamesWanted! (RPG)

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You're currently someone who is the most wanted person in the FBI. They are trying to chase you. The things you've done, it's unforgivable to the world. (My second RPG. I hope you enjoy this as well. It's completely different from my first RPG, The Superhuman. If you do want to join The Superhuman, click this link.

Once again, I hope you enjoy this.)

Character Sheet
Name: (Insert name here)
Age: (20-40)
Weapon: (You either start with a knife or pistol [Not silenced] )
Health: 100/100
EXP: 0/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: N/A
Specialty: (Insert in what you're good at)

Levels and Experience Points
You should know this when you've been into RPGs. Yet, I have to explain. Levels and Experience Points play an important part of your RPG life. It enhances your abilities and skills. You earn it in almost every scene.

Health. It's very, very, VERY important in the RPG. Your Health can alter your actions. Say, if you're low on health, you will move slower than before.

Strength helps you in melee combat. It applies to melee weapons as well. If you plan to use a gun, go for dexterity, although strength is important sometimes.

Dexterity, skills in using weapons and handling bombs or any technical stuff. You have a higher chance of defusing a bomb if your dexterity is higher.

Luck plays an important role in this RPG. If your luck is low, more enemies will likely to come, or, injure you. You know how luck is.

The higher your speed, the better when you try to escape from a place. It also helps you to dodge attacks. It's connected to strength, somehow.

Specialty is what you are able to do other than simple stuff. It can be related to the four attributes, strength, dexterity, luck or speed. It could be something else.

Name: Rapyion
Age: 25
Weapon: Pistol
Health: 100/100
EXP: 0/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: N/A
Specialty: Able to react faster

  • 430 Replies
2,752 posts

Ninjaed, lol... I guess you can remove that part from the sheet :S...

2,300 posts

Name: "The Brain"
Age: 20
Weapon: Pistol
Health: 100/100
EXP: 10/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: File, steel bar
Biography: Grew up in an orphanage, never to see his biological parents, since they were killed in a car accident. By 17 years old, he had found out the identity of the driver of the other car involved in the accident, which had, actually, been caused by the driver's being intoxicated, and killed him. Afterwards, he murdered a number of corrupt political leaders and revealed a lot of state secrets. He was eventually caught while comitting one of his crimes.
Specialty: Resourceful

You grab the file and file the steel bar from the door. A few minutes later, the steel bar comes off. (10 EXP+) You can use it as a weapon for now. You move out from that place. A prisoner sees you and he yells, "Someone's escaping!!!" Maybe he was angry and jealous of you. A pair of policemen barges into the place and sees you. What will you do?

3,028 posts

Name: Raymond
Age: 39
Weapon: Knife
Health: 100/100
EXP: 15/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: N/A
Specialty: Can disguise himself in tons of different aliases.

Keep on jogging, hoping he walks right past me.

319 posts

Name: Tsiao Soung
Age: 25
Weapon: Pistol(Not Silenced)
Health: 100/100
EXP: 20/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: Frag grenade
Specialty: In pretending and generally convincing others

I will keep walking until i reach the local motel.If the police find me i will try pretend that I am someone else and if that fails i will try to convince them that it was a matter of life and death

2,300 posts

Name: Raymond
Age: 39
Weapon: Knife
Health: 100/100
EXP: 15/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: N/A
Specialty: Can disguise himself in tons of different aliases.

The officer passes by you. Then, he turns around and asks, "Do you know a man named Raymond? We are currently trying to find and arrest him." What will you do?
Name: Tsiao Soung
Age: 25
Weapon: Pistol(Not Silenced)
Health: 100/100
EXP: 25/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: Frag grenade
Specialty: In pretending and generally convincing others

You keep walking to the local motel. A policeman comes out of the vehicle and runs to you. "Hello, are you the one who fired a gun?" You convince the policeman that you are someone else. "Okay, I see. When you find the man, give the police a call." (5 EXP+) He walks off and finds that a man dead on the side walk. His left eye has a hole. He also finds five other men who are knocked out. He goes over them and examine them. He calls for the ambulance. You reach the local motel. Your phone starts ringing. You answer the call. "Hello. I saw you killing one of the gang. You're not bad yourself. You have to help me, or else, I am forced to report to the police. Of course, I will give you money. Big ones. How about $7000? Now, come over to my house. I will send you a message of my address." He sends you a message telling you his address. Wait, how does he know your phone number? What will you do?

3,028 posts

Name: Raymond
Age: 39
Weapon: Knife
Health: 100/100
EXP: 15/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: N/A
Specialty: Can disguise himself in tons of different aliases.

"Raymond? Oh, yes, I heard went went on a fishing trip with some friends to the park." I say in a voice a bit deeper than my regular voice. (seeing if he knows how I regularly speek)

2,752 posts

Name: "The Brain"
Age: 20
Weapon: Pistol
Health: 100/100
EXP: 10/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: File, steel bar
Specialty: Resourceful

"What? He's lying! There is a visitor for me and I was told I was about to be escorted by two policemen. Isn't that right?" At the same, time, in case they both approach me (either to take me with them to "see the visitor" - although highly unlikely - ,or to tell me to go back to my cell), I look around for anything of use when it comes to killing. Unless I find anything, I use the file to quickly slash through their exposed necks. If I see either of the policemen approaching having his hands on a holstered gun, on guard, it is him that I kill first.

319 posts

Name: Tsiao Soung
Age: 25
Weapon: Pistol(Not Silenced)
Health: 100/100
EXP: 25/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: Frag grenade
Specialty: In pretending and generally convincing others

I am very very confused about what's happening but i agree and visit his house.I do not know why but i trust this guy.I will knock his door.When he opesn and tell me what he want i will try to convince him to give me more money to do the job

2,300 posts

Name: Raymond
Age: 39
Weapon: Knife
Health: 100/100
EXP: 15/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: N/A
Specialty: Can disguise himself in tons of different aliases.

The policeman nods. He suddenly gets very suspicious about you. He will recognize your face. "Hmm, you do look like Raymond." He jerks his body back quickly and brings out his pistol and aims it at you. "FBI, you're under arrest!" What will you do?
Name: "The Brain"
Age: 20
Weapon: Pistol
Health: 100/100
EXP: 10/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: File, steel bar, 2 revolvers
Specialty: Resourceful

One of them says, "Huh? There's no visitors coming to see you. Get back in you *******!" They walk over to you and they send their hands to grip your arms. You quickly take out your file and slash their hands first. With enough time, you slash their necks. Their bodies drop to the ground, with blood spilling out of their necks. They got their revolvers. You take them. Other policemen will get suspicious because these two haven't make it back. What will you do?
Name: Tsiao Soung
Age: 25
Weapon: Pistol(Not Silenced)
Health: 100/100
EXP: 25/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: Frag grenade
Specialty: In pretending and generally convincing others

You go to his house. You knock the door and he invites you in. "Okay, I want you to kill this man over there." He leads you to a window and points to a man who is smoking and relaxing on the balcony. "Uh.. More money.. Okay.. How about $8000? Sounds good?" What will you do?

319 posts

Name: Tsiao Soung
Age: 25
Weapon: Pistol(Not Silenced)
Health: 100/100
EXP: 25/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: Frag grenade
Specialty: In pretending and generally convincing others

Ok i agree with the price.I ask him why he can not do it alone as the man is very near.Then i go and kill the man and then run to a restaurant to hide myself

2,300 posts

Name: Tsiao Soung
Age: 25
Weapon: Pistol(Not Silenced)
Health: 100/100
EXP: 40/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: Frag grenade, heroine
Specialty: In pretending and generally convincing others

"Well, you must have common sense. I don't want to go to jail. And it's not everyday he comes there." You go to the building. You climb up the stairs to the balcony. You see him. You approach him quietly and you shoot him in the head. You search the man and found some heroine. (15 EXP+) You quickly run down and go to a restaurant and hide. The police arrives at the crime scene. They discover the dead body. They go in and investigate. What will you do?

319 posts

Name: Tsiao Soung
Age: 25
Weapon: Pistol(Not Silenced)
Health: 100/100
EXP: 40/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: Frag grenade, heroine
Specialty: In pretending and generally convincing others

The go in


Anyway if they are coming in the restaurant i will order some coffee and wait there un til the cops leave.If the do not come in to the restaurant after 20 minuts i will go in the man who called me and take the money
2,752 posts

Name: "The Brain"
Age: 20
Weapon: Pistol
Health: 100/100
EXP: 10/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: Revolver
Biography: Grew up in an orphanage, never to see his biological parents, since they were killed in a car accident. By 17 years old, he had found out the identity of the driver of the other car involved in the accident, which had, actually, been caused by the driver's being intoxicated, and killed him. Afterwards, he murdered a number of corrupt political leaders and revealed a lot of state secrets. He was eventually caught while comitting one of his crimes.
Specialty: Resourceful

No exp for double homicide? Anyway...

I check whose clothes would fit me better and strip him. I then wear his clothes and dress him in my inmate clothing. I carefully place the file into the "inmate's" right hand and then close it firmly. I also place the bar back to where it was, while putting one revolver back to where I got it from (to the guard's &quotocket&quot. Also, I look at the guy who tried to warn the guards and say "One more word out of you, and you're joining them in no time." while temporarily pointing the revolver at him. Then I scream "Man down!" and, while waiting for other guards, figure out an excuse for what happened (more specifically, my story would be: "Poor ______ - the guard's name, after checking it around his clothes - ...I came in too late! Looks like that son of a @#$%@ filed his hand, then his own, and then killed him, before committing! Why would he do that?!&quot.

2,300 posts

Name: Tsiao Soung
Age: 25
Weapon: Pistol, frag grenade
Health: 100/100
EXP: 40/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: Heroine
Money: $8000
Specialty: In pretending and generally convincing others

(The police is investigating the death of the man.)
You go back to the man's place. He prepares a cheque of $8000 for you. "Go to the nearest bank and get them." You go to the bank and you receive $8000! ($8000+) What will you do?
Name: "The Brain"
Age: 20
Weapon: Pistol, revolver
Health: 100/100
EXP: 50/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: N/A
Biography: Grew up in an orphanage, never to see his biological parents, since they were killed in a car accident. By 17 years old, he had found out the identity of the driver of the other car involved in the accident, which had, actually, been caused by the driver's being intoxicated, and killed him. Afterwards, he murdered a number of corrupt political leaders and revealed a lot of state secrets. He was eventually caught while comitting one of his crimes.
Specialty: Resourceful

(Aah! So sorry!)
(30 EXP+) You strip the policeman's clothes after you see which is fit. You replace his clothes, then, you place your bloody file on the man's right hand and close it hard. You place the bar back and put back one revolver in the guard's pocket while looking at the man who shouted just now. You point the revolver to the man. The man says, "Woah! Okay, okay!" "Man down!" and the guards rush down here. They check everything and their suspicions rise a little. One of the guards says, "Wait, Red. Your face changed a little. What happened? How did Number 766852 escape?" Too bad the guards were too stupid to compare your face with the 'inmate'. "Anyways, we'll investigate this. You go on." You walk past the guards and you're out and free! (10 EXP+) What will you do?

3,028 posts

Name: Raymond
Age: 39
Weapon: Knife
Health: 100/100
EXP: 15/100
Level: 1
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 1
Luck: 1
Speed: 1
Attribute Points: 0
Inventory: N/A
Specialty: Can disguise himself in tons of different aliases.

I take his arm, squeeze it so he loses his grip on the gun, pick it up, and smash it right on his skull, hopefully knocking him out. Then drag him into the bushes, and put of his clothes, hoping they fit.

Showing 16-30 of 430