ForumsArt, Music, and WritingExit Path

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For a while me and my friend have had a little idea for a story about Exit Path. I have now decided to make that idea a reality. So, I'll continue this if y'all like it.
It was a shocking day when it happened. I lay at the end of the level, frozen in mid-jump. I had won the tournament. I had beaten the best of the best. I would meet the god of the world.
The god of the world... we never spoke his name, for then he would realize his power. For he was Jmtb02(called John by people of his world), and he had created many worlds beyond our own. He created worlds featuring elephants, others with gore, some with traffic, and even several with a very cool-looking ball. But ours was possibly his greatest feat.
And I was possibly the best player. It was amazing. I looked back at all I had done to accomplish this. From the very first day I stepped into the arena, to this very moment, as I waited for the other astonished players to finish...
After I got my 10,000th win in a row, I got a letter cordially inviting me to race against other players of my level. And the prize was not only a spot in the Exit Path Hall of Fame, or just a trophy, but also getting to meet our god. So, when I ran through all of Uniplayer and all of Multiplayer combined into one, and then finished with a score of 2:50, you can see why I passed out.
Especially when I saw Jmtb02 at the finish line.
I awoke in the hospital, with a nurse awaiting my consciousness patiently. It was all a dream, and I had been in a vegetative state. My family would be pleased that I was even alive...
Or so I thought.
"He's awake! The champion has awoken!" the nurse hollered as she pressed a green button. Suddenly, everyone I knew and many people I didn't crowded at the foot of my bed. People, including Jmtb02 himself!
But he didn't hold the trophy... he held a key.
"Hello, champion," he said with a grin.

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I'm too tired right now to do more than the introduction. So, what do you guys think our hero's name should be?

855 posts

Wow. Jmtb02 said hi to me. I mean, wow. How could I not be totally speechless as he handed me a key and explained what was going on.
"You see, this wasn't any old championship that you won,"Jmtb02 said mysteriously. "I held it to determine who would help me create... the next world."
The next world? My eyes widened so largely that they felt like they would pop out.
"What could I possibly do?" I said quietly, unsure of how to talk to Jmtb02.
"You don't realize how famous you are, do you?" He gestured towards the room's balcony.
I began to inch toward it, but the thick crowd flung me back like a rubber band.
"Before you leave, please tell us what it was like to win the championship..."
"Are you okay, champion?"
"Woa there, where are you going?"
"Can I have your autograph?"
But beyond all the voices was that of my mother's.
"Jimmy! Jimmy, where are you?"
I jumped up so that she would she me.
"Right here, mum!"
"Thank goodness you're awake!"
Despite everything, I couldn't help but ask,"Was it all a dream?"
Her relieved face took on a darker mood.
"No. And if you make the choice... we'll never see you again."
My little sister slunk out from her hiding place within the crowd.
"Please don't leave us!"
"What are you all talking about? What am I going to do?"
My sister stared at me, amazed at how dumb I was.
"Everyone loves a good sequel..."
And it was all clear to me now. We weren't in the same world anymore. We were in Exit Path 2... Beta.
"How long was I out?"
"Two months, 1 week, three days, eight hours 41 minutes and... 55 seconds."
And I was amazed at what I saw when I stepped onto the balcony.

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