I once got very creative(usually I am not)and it was in fifth grade,78 pages,typed out....In 2 weeks.Its a very good book,30 chapters,called the Little Elf's Adventure.
So I've completed Nanowrimo for the past two years, and the second year was a sequel - which means I have around 100,000 words of the one storyline. If we take 400 words per page, that will result in approx. 250 A4 pages.
Of course, this is completely undrafted etc, and having written it in two months - the quality of writing is probably lacking...but oh well!
A novel I was working on got up to 255 A4 pages (about 110000 words) before I decided to revise it. That was a few months of a lot of fun willy-nilly writing, but now I'm taking it slow and steady.
which means I have around 100,000 words of the one storyline. If we take 400 words per page, that will result in approx. 250 A4 pages.
Woww.. I'm pretty envious of most of you, some of the word counts are huge. I think the furthest I've ever gotten is about 13k. Although, I got just over halfway in that story.. so if I ever do finish it, it would be about 20k?
I'm sooooo getting on the NaNoWriMo boat this year. Longest story I've every written..... Well. There was one on Word that I spent a few months on one. Let's see if it's in my computer somewhere...
AHA! Found-ed it. Never made a title, but it was 203 pages.
If I tried to edit it now, I could put it to a paragraph... I hate looking back on what I wrote.
I'm not sure why people are posting the number of pages of writing. It's not a particularly good measure of the amount, because depending on font size, number of lines per page, margins, etc, etc the number of words per page can vary widely.
In 2010, I completed NaNoWriMo, and finished up with just over 61k words. With the font and page setup I've chosen, it equates to 136 pages in a Word document. It's a novel that's somewhat alternative, and I haven't yet decided how I'm going to publish it. Oh, it's been edited, too.
While it's the longest story I've ever written, I think the thesis I wrote for my masters degree is somewhat longer.
Is you book published and out in stores or anything
I'm presuming you're asking me. No it isn't, and that's something I don't plan to do. I didn't write it to sell it. I had some personal motivations for doing so, and when the time comes, I'll publish it online on a fiction website--of which there are several.
Woww.. I'm pretty envious of most of you, some of the word counts are huge. I think the furthest I've ever gotten is about 13k.
A word count is meaningless without the words that comprise it imparting meaning :P At least imho. There is a certain user in the NaNoWriMo community who likes to rack up millions of words simply by cutting and pasting random bits and pieces of blogs and journals. Can't remember what he called it, but as you might imagine it's really annoying some people!
I've only written 9 pages at most for a poem. I also got it to rhyme, took me about 2 months to do it though. And then the file disappered on my computer, but at least I have a printed out copy. Don't look forward to typing it in again.
There is a certain user in the NaNoWriMo community who likes to rack up millions of words simply by cutting and pasting random bits and pieces of blogs and journals.
Or that girl who told us she had 50k by the third day - mostly handwritten. Yeaaaah, the Adelnano Chatroom got fairly fired up about that...
There is a certain user in the NaNoWriMo community who likes to rack up millions of words simply by cutting and pasting random bits and pieces of blogs and journals. Can't remember what he called it, but as you might imagine it's really annoying some people!
From his own blogs or someone else's?
but haha yeah I get what you mean :P
I'm thinking of doing NaNoWriMo this year.. It looks fun but with my fail of organisation skills, I'll probably end up writing quite a lot on the 30th of November :P
For those who have done NaNoWriMo.. was it a good experience?