I guess since so many people decided to make a place to post their brain goop, I'm joining in. I probably won't post much poetry, but expect... stuff. Here's something I'm writing from scratch.(A poem, just because they're easy.) I walked to the shore And I saw your body Drenched in water and gore I scream and shout Till my throat is sore But I can't bring you back I know that for sure.
I blow out the candle. It darkens. Fear. A monster pops out. He eats them all. Death. I run, I flee. But can't escape. Doubt. And when I scream, it only wastes breath. The monster's teeth are bared but suddenly... Hope.
And in honor of pie day... I open the pie shop, filled with aroma. Gather my choices. And when I buy my pastry, and begin to chew. I start to hear voices. Saying "Don't eat me, I'm too young to die! AAAAAAAAAAAAH!" I stare at the pie. For the longest time....
And then I ate it, cause it was too hard to resist.
Those were my uninspired pieces. Next time I probably will make more of a story and less of a poem.