ForumsArt, Music, and Writingsky wolf short story

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Midnight was alone. But he liked it that way. He sat on the edge of his floating island that he had called home for his whole life. He stared into the black void that was his sky. His island was one of the peopleâs creations, how he hated to say it. Midnight hated the people. The people were responsible for the near extinction of his entire race. The island was originally meant to sell goods and wares to other parts of the world. That is, when there were other parts of the world. Now all that remained was this little spiral, this small island, his home. A chain had once anchored it to the ground but there was no ground now and the chain hung limply in the windless void and seemed to fade into the darkness, swallowed up by the sky.
Midnight was a sky wolf, a black one at that, which was very rare. And his eyes were the most intense blue of his kind. That is when he had a kind, as he was now alone. He was the last of his kind, usually referred to as sky wolves by the people, he was one of the greatest hunters that ever had lived because of their wings and jet black fur they could travel anywhere and be nearly invisible when they wanted to. This was why the people had feared them so much to begin with, they had something that could compete with their knowledge and ability to reason and they were frightened.
So a pact was formed between the people and the sky wolves, one that would last for centuries, in return for knowledge the humans would allow them sanctuary. And for a time the peopleâs cities flourished, they made great advances in medicine and technology. There was no disease or wars, they built towers that stretched to the sky and vehicles that could travel at great speeds that traveled through the air or to the greatest depths of the oceans. And for a time there was peace and all seemed well with the world.
But then the fighting started. When feuds broke out wars were waged with the peopleâs new weapons and vehicles. And the wars were deadly, many died and everyone was unhappy. The people in their ignorance blamed the sky wolves for bringing this fighting upon them with their strange ways. And with that the sky wolves were banished from the cities and the people began to hunt them for sport. The cities became ruins and the people lived lives of filth and labor to help supply for the constantly expanding population. Earthquakes and tornadoes destroyed thousands of civilizations sending the people spiraling into poverty and despair. The sky wolves offered their help again in return for peace once again, because their population was alarmingly small by this time but the people refused the offer choosing instead to declare war on the sky wolves.
That fateful decision doomed the people and the sky wolves. For by the end of the year the people had used up all of their recourses and essentially run the planet dry. That is what was left of it. The planet was destroyed, left in little pieces to float around the galaxy. His island is all that remains, and for once he is alone. But as he said, he likes it better this way.

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64 posts

actually wherever it says peoplea it is supposed to be people i guess that word didn't like copying that to here
i enjoy stories that have a deeper meaning and i was listening to a very sad piece of music when i wrote this. =D

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