Mine is Munna
Not spamasaur?
Let's start with the broader views first: The fifth generation has a good handful of pokemon I would actually consider to be worth it, at the point of seeing them. Usually I end up with the new generations to grow on me, but never even close to the first two generations. However, the fifth does have its little pearls, which I am quite thankful for, and it almost feels like... pokemon again.
As the other old pokenerds, I have a hard time picking out one favourite, or perhaps even a few, because the pokemon I grew up with is obviously quite dear to me, but I will give it a try anyway.
First of all: Fire. And all time party favourite, I am sure, but being a hipster is too mainstream, so I go with the flow on this one.
Secondly, I have found a new love in the fifth generation ghost pokemon to a point, simply because of the rather creepy dex entries some of those have. We are talking "Will suck out your soul"-creepy here.
But a list. I gotta make a list.
No, wait, I don't.
Thank goodness for being an artist.
Honourable mentions are, but are not limited to:
The eeveelutions. Sans Leafeon and Glaceon, because they bother me to no end.
Charizard. Big dragons with a gruff expression, what is not to like.
Golem. For no particular reason.
Furret. For particular reasons.
Banette. For having a ridiculously creepy dex entry.
Joltik. People drawing fanart of it, is making it look really, really, really cute. Besides, the appeal of having a pokemon smaller than your hand.
but i also like lucario celebi and other pokemon from other generations.
I never liked Celebi, and I never will. It, along with some crappy computer animation, ruined the fourth movie for me.
''Strong pokemons, weak Pokemons, that is only the selfish perception of trainers. Truly skilled trainers should try to win their favorites.'
I can only agree. Even though, should I ever get around actually catching Lugia, I will forever have it in my team. Because Lugia.
I despise people fighting with teams of legendaries; isn't it just simply boring!?
Not only boring, I find it to defeat the purpose of it being "Legendary" in the first place. From a purely storytelling/pokeverseic point of view, catching legendaries should be impossible.
Considering I have never owned any of the games before I bought myself SoulSilver (which I have yet to actually finish), I had a lot of time sitting around being an annoying pokefanatic with an overactive imagination, so I more or less have the entire pokeverse planned out from a more realistic point...
Rambling, sorry.
Yeah, my entire post is why we can't have nice things/pokemon threads.