This is lyrics a praise song that I wrote yesterday. I wish I knew how to write music, lol Please, no slamming of Christianity.
From the darkest depths of hellfire, In the throne of Satan's empire there reigns a name of ultimate power, It makes demons flee and darkness cower, A name that deserves all praise...
You, You are God, You are my Lord, yeah you, You are God, My shield and my sword,
You, You are God, You are my Lord, Yeah you, You are God, Maker of the world.
I can be hurt but never broken, With the praise always outspoken, I am persecuted but strong, For you I sing this little song, Even though I'm beaten down, You still wear my heart's gold crown,
'cause you, You are God, You are my king, yeah you, You are God, Worthy of my everything, oh you, you are God, The reason why I sing,
That you, You are God, standing strong with all might, You, You are God, My Way, My Truth, My Light... Amen...
Was wondering what praise music was. xD I think it's good, I'm not a Christian though, so I'm gonna just comment on the rhythm itself. I think it sounds good, I can imagine a good, epic drum hit after every line, with slow, yet loud guitar strums in the back...ahhh =w=, you should submit this to a band!