Was thinking of posting a story or two, maybe some action and romance, or epic tales of betrayal, just curious though, will it get flamed if I do? e.o;;
I don't see why you would. If anyone did that 'round here, they'd be ban-slapped in the face. We need more stories in this forum. All I see nowadays are poetry and various art pieces.
As far as critiquing goes, I'm an honest guy. If a guy made a clear mistake or something that can definitely be improved, I'll say it. I don't think I'm as blunt and in-your-face as DV is....Either way, what is Constructive Criticism without a bit of clear statements that you need to improve in areas? Saying "I like it, good job!" defeats that purpose. I ain't harsh though.
Depends on wether its good or not. If it's good, its usually followed by a lot of compliments. If it's bad, people usually won't comment and if they comment in an offensive or mean manner, report the comment (little red flag on the right of comment) and the moderators would remove it. So i say go for it, post your stories.
If it is horrid, ( which it almost never is ) we will beat you into the ground with our opinions.
This here. Basically, if you ask for critiques, you need to be able to take them, no matter how they come out. However, throw me a link to this thread, if you think it is getting too much (some users here does not always know when to stop, this goes for both critics and writers), and try not to argue with people about petty things like that. It is a take it or leave it deal.
Also, because it is a common misconception, and I am tired of seeing it:
report the comment (little red flag on the right of comment) and the moderators would remove it.
If it is offensive or mean, go to a mod. Don't just click on the flag, because then your problem does not get solve. Not before AG, at least. So, you are being abused, go to a mod. If you are abusing others, I count on them being just as smart, keep their tail clean, and go to a mod. Remember: Arguing drags yourself into the mud. When both you and your opponent are covered in mud, mods are not going to play "favourites".
In short: Be nice, blahblahblahblah, report offenses to mod, blahblahblahblah.
just go for it ! its easy tell tell the comments that are people who just are being jerks and the ones that you should seriously consider. alot of people would like to hear your stuff to