My friend in school is an awesome artist. He can draw almost anything you ask. He just drew the assassination of Julius Caesar to give to our English teacher. After watching him draw, i really wanted to be as good as him. But i couldnt draw for my life. I asked him for some tips but he couldnt really explain what he did. So i was hoping that someone can give me a few tips to get started. Thanks.
If you really want to be a good artist, find your outlet, some are good with drawing, some painting, modeling with clay, or like me with 3D Models (when I actually put effort in), you may find you're not good at character art, but excell in other areas like landscapes and other areas, I know I'm not, but if your deadset on becoming a good artist, never be completly satisfied with your work always try to improve, find where your strengths lie, and work the hell out of 'em. good luck!
mojo I agree. I find that whenever I "copy" something it gets easir to draw. For example, pokemon. I looked up some pics draw it on the paper and then (in my case) paint. then later when I doodle that kind of thing, it turns out better. My friend is a FANTASTIC cartoonest. she draws her "signicure" cariter in like 20 seconds flat. all in pencil, shaded ect. she draws pokemon animamey and stuff like that. she hardly ever ereses any thing. the shapes of the heads and the poroprtion from head to body (something I have a Lot of trouble with when drawing humans) is perfict EVERY time. It never ceses to amaze me. I will never be that good at drawing. I'm more of a paint person.
I suggest you practice hard lols... practice makes perfect. One example is me... just 2 years ago, my art was sh!tty and messed up. But now, because i practiced and attented classes, it has changed. Here's the difference.
Old New [url=]
Ooops.. sorry i got the link wrong... Old [url=[IMG][/IMG]] New [url=[IMG][/IMG]]