a giant wall high and mighty so very sturdy so very strong the walls so high the walls so long no way over no way around its foundation digs in the ground
it stands against earthquakes it stands against tsunami's nothing can bring it down not even the world's army's
I find this to be quite good actually. I am no critic, but I do love the way you write. In the simplicity of your style, and the wonder that follows it. Congrats on an excellent first time.
Well, I don't want to be the Big Bad Meanie, but feedback helps you become better. First off, good job for a first poem! However, some punctuation would be nice(yes punctuation is important in poetry too)! With no periods, commas, or even semicolons, the poem can be hard to read (flow). Basically, it appears to the reader as a HUGE run-on sentence (with no end either, missing period). Observe: (periods are self explanatory) A giant wall high and mighty; (semi seems to fit best) So very sturdy, so very strong. (comma adds a 'break point' The walls so high the walls so long, (for a pause) No way over, no way around. (again, a pause) Its foundation digs in the ground.
It stands against earthquakes, (pause) It stands against tsunamis; (took out ' added semi) Nothing can bring it down, (I used ! cause it seemed emphasized- Not even the world's armies! simple spelling fixed)
Well, there's my 2 cents, keep up the good work man!
On a side not, the semicolon( is like a period. Ends one sentence begins another. However, like the colon ( it is kind of like a list, you are giving an example, or listing what you mean. Basically, use it when you are giving more detail or it is the same idea, like in:
A giant wall high and mighty; So very sturdy so very strong.