Anyone who is good with computer art, can you please help me? I need to make a cover for a poem book that my class is making in school. The cover of the book needs to match the title. The title of the book is [Insert Title Here]. This title sucks, but thats what my class picked. I have no clue what i should put for the cover, and i have no skills in computer art. So can somebody please help me??? I know its a lot to ask, but i really need help!
Perhaps your teacher will get mad at the subtlety and fail to see the joke, thus mistaking it for laziness, but on the cover page have a blank page (aside from the title) and then have
Well i was asking for someone to make the cover for me. Someone who is good with computer art. Its a lot to ask, but i hope that someones kind enough to help me.
Well i was asking for someone to make the cover for me. Someone who is good with computer art. Its a lot to ask, but i hope that someones kind enough to help me.
And I gave you an idea to do it yourself. You could also google images
oh I got ninjad! However I don't think anybody will make a cover for you, but we can still help you. First tell us what programs are you using. If you don't have any fancy program I would suggest you to download GIMP (free). About the actual cover if you dont like wolf's idea I would suggest something computerish, it fits well the title. Something like a black background with green writings and maybe lots of 0s and 1s. And if you use images from google, be sure they aren't copyrighted.
If you use wolfs idea, I think if you make it cool with a graffiti type look, nobody can say it was lazy. I would recommend That try try drawing it with line tools and the such, but if that doesn't work for you... Use a cool font