Hey, I'll be starting to post my new art here. I'm a pixel artist, which means I draw with a 1x1 brush, one pixel at a time. Sorta like lo-fi graphics. Retroooo :3
Random landscape
Logo for friend's band [One On Us]
Character drop a la Miervelles
Silly character mockup a la SuperBrothers
Walk cycle [first attempt]
Treasure Chest Gold
More to come, I'll try my best to update this regularly (few times a week)
i love your pixels and i want to know how so well iv allready said this on your page but once agein i want to know a website to learn it
Hey thanks! Honestly, I picked it up on myself without any tutorials at first, but of course I was terrible. After a year and a half of practicing and dabbling in styles, I finally found my own and stuck with it. I use a program called Gimp. Gimp isn't specifically created for pixel art, but it gets by just as well. Here's a link to the website. http://www.gimp.org/downloads/ It's for Windows and Mac.
As for learning the tools, pixel art consists of using a 1x1 pencil brush, and placing each pixel individually.
And as for tutorials, there's a ton around the internet. I suggest visiting the following sites to learn the basics, and get critique on your work. --- http://www.wayofthepixel.net/pixelation/index.php --- http://www.pixeljoint.com/ ---
They both have a forum which you can sign up to and post stuff, and ask for help.
I don't really have the best original comic ideas, so if anyone were to maybe lend me some jokes, I think it would be pretty neat to make a short comic series.
That's been suggested before and I answered this: I don't really have the best original comic ideas, so if anyone were to maybe lend me some jokes, I think it would be pretty neat to make a short comic series. Thanks!