ForumsGame WalkthroughsThis is a Work of Fiction Walkthrough

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NOTE: The following walkthrough contains many spoilers that may ruin your experience playing the game. It is highly recommended that you actually try to beat the game first before consulting this walkthrough. But anyway, if you really want to read this walkthrough, then here it is...

"This is a Work of Fiction" is divided into 5 distinct modes of gameplay: Route, River, Riddle, Rotary, and Riot. Each mode has 4 levels of difficulty, making for a total of 20 puzzles, as well as 20 complentary conspiracy files.

To get past the first "riddle", you have to rotate your mouse around the node clockwise if you want to play the game, or counterclockwise if you want to erase your progress. If you haven't figured that part out, you might as well just stop reading this walkthrough .

Anyways, on to the walkthrough:


In this game mode, your goal is to weave your blob through obstacles using the mouse keys. The first order of business is to collect all of the rings that lay scattered throughout the map. Once that's finished, you must navigate to the crosshair-ish thing, which by now should have turned green. One caveat, however: Whenever your blob through again. So, when you move across the map, be sure not to trap moves, it leaves behind a chalky trail that your blob cannot move yourself in a corner, or something. Here's some specific tips for beating each level:

++Round 1++

Being the simplest of all the possible rounds, there are many ways to beat this round. I usually just direct the blob in a clockwise manner until it eats all the rings, then tunnel back into the spiral created by the chalk trail to reach the crosshair. There is more than just one way to get past this round, though; try to experiment with some different methods. If you used the simplest method, then your white trail should like a little something like this:

++Round 2++

Curiously, this round is much easy than its predecessor. The only trick you have to worry about is getting the blob in and out of the curves of the 'm' - just slide the blob in from one side, collect the rings, then exit out the other side. Once you've done that with one of the curves, loop around the contour of the 'm' character while collecting the rings, then make your way back to the cross. If you followed these instructions correctly, your trail should look like this:

++Round 3++

I think that a picture should be sufficient enough to elucidate the solution to this round:

Just follow the white trail until you reach the crosshair.

++Round 4++

The final round requires a little more meddling, but it's still as simple as the others. Gently push the blob to the right so it picks up the ring immediately to the right. Next, navigate the blob as follows:

Once you've followed these steps you should be done with the Route series (yay!). Now, on to the rest of the game...


The basic premise behind this game mode is that you must direct the particles to their respective endpoints by placing vortex things that control the movement of the particles. If you've played Compulse before, then you probably get the gist of what this game mode is about. The major difference, through, is that in this game, the vortexes all spin counter-clockwise instead of pushing the ball in one direction. With correctly placed vortexes, the color-coded particles should end up in their corresponding boxes.

++Round 1++

Simple - just place one vortext to the left of the red particle generator, and another vortex to the right of the blue particle generator, and the pixels should fill up the boxes and cause them to
spin and flash.

I'm too lazy to post a picture, but I'm sure you can figure it out by yourself

++Round 2++

Place a chain of vortexes, starting with one at the top left of the particle creator, until the particles can reach the red box. Your vortex placement should look kind of like this:

++Round 3++

The basic idea behind the solution to this is to distribute your 5 available vertexes so that one is in the center, and 2 pairs, out of the remaining 4, transport the particles from their generators to the central vortex. If positioned correctly, the central vertex should carry the particles all the way home. Here's my admittedly inelegant solution:

++Round 4++

Distribute your 3 vortexes so that each one is a short distance from one of the particle creators. The vortex should essentially line up with its respetive particle creator. Visually, the vortex placement should appear as follows:


Ya know, this is where just giving out the answers kills all the fun of trying to figure them out :/ . But if you insist, I suppose I'll give the answers...

Round 1 - Noose
Round 2 - Picture or Camera or Film
Round 3 - Newspaper
Round 4 - Password


In order to beat this game mode, you must rotate the central wheel and the shapes surrounding it until each shape has all of its sides with the same color. Unfortunately, the initial states of the puzzles are completely randomized, so there is no clear cut solution to them. I will, however, give a few quick tips for beating the levels.

++Round 1++

The first thing you may have noticed is that there exists 4 cyan sides, and only 3 yellow/purple sides. Therefore, you need to allocate the cyan sides to the square, and the other colors to the triangles.

++Round 2++

Applying the same logic used in round 1, you can see that the octagon must be colored yellow, and the remaining shapes should be of purple hue.

++Round 3++

Unfortunately, the only thing that's apparent here is the fact that each color should be applied to a triangle and rectangle. Otherwise, you pretty much have to figure this one out yourself.

++Round 4++

Well, I don't have any tips for this level, so you're pretty much on your own. glhf .


In this game mode, you play as a little donut-shaped thing evading a rampant horde of random balls flying in your direction. Since this is mostly a reflex-based rather than Q and A type of game, I can only offer little tidbits of advice - the rest is completely up to you. Here's a breakdown of each level:

++Round 1++

The first round is simply the game mode at its fundamental core. Just wave your donut around the screen and avoid the balls until the bar fills to the top of the screen. Note that the floating balls are oriented to fly directly at your cursor's location, so it won't help to stand still.

++Round 2++

This time around, the bar only increases when the cursor is stationary, and decreases when the cursor moves. It's advantageous to move diagonally in brief stides and stay in one spot for as long as possible before moving to avoid an imminent collision.

++Round 3++

Similarily with the second round, the bar increases when the cursor stands still, and decreases when the cursor moves. This time however, the magnitude of decrease depends on the amount of time the cursor moves, so its better to use quick and terse motions to avoid the balls.

++Round 4++

In complete contrast to the previous levels, the bar increases only when cursor moves, and decreases when the cursor is stationary. In order to survive, you have to move like a shark throughout the level, without pause. You definitely don't want to end up running into a ball, obviously.

And with that said, this walkthrough is finished . I hoped I helped at least some of you guys, and I wish you all luck in beating the levels I didn't cover in detail. Also, if you have any questions/comments/concerns, please feel free to post them below

  • 25 Replies
3 posts

I have updated my walkthrough with the second part (last 10 levels) of this game. You can find it here:
This is a Work of Fiction Walkthrough

303 posts

dude you forget put how to start the game

Actually, he didn't if you actually read the first post.

you have to rotate your mouse around the node clockwise if you want to play the game,
1 posts


Round 2 - Picture or Camera or Film

"Photograph" works as well.
3 posts

Cute game, the riddles had me annoyed though. How does a camera shatter the truth?

The documents were stupid. Maybe there's some super secret message for those of us who long for another little orphan annie marketing gimmick, I don't have the patience for that kind of thing.

If taken for what they were, they were a bunch of idiotic ramblings from someone who suffers pathetically from psycho envy. Most of the references were made up by the way.

Any moron can ramble philisophically about the universe and free will and our definition of real, you can usually tell that it's the rambling of a moron if it never reaches a conclusion and the moron makes a comment near the end like "I have one more revelation". Wondering like a four year old doesn't reveal anything except the occasional flash of obvious wisdom.

Cute game, horrible attempt at esoteric atmosphere during it.

1 posts

OK, the video for Rotary round 4 is completely different than what it looks like on my screen. After aligning all the colors correctly and making 6 distinct triangles (2 yellows, 1 red, 1 blue, 1 violet, 1 teal) it still doesn't work. What the eff

489 posts

Any moron can ramble philisophically about the universe and free will and our definition of real, you can usually tell that it's the rambling of a moron if it never reaches a conclusion and the moron makes a comment near the end like "I have one more revelation". Wondering like a four year old doesn't reveal anything except the occasional flash of obvious wisdom.

reminds me of the ending for "Lost"....
1 posts

Finale undoes the scenario. There might be no free will up to a given point, past or not. Only logical conclusion is to count onfree will at least until it exists...

1 posts

actually, on riot round 5, u can basically stay stationary, just wiggle the mouse a bit while you're at it.

2 posts

Hehehe. After I read "The Doctor" at the end of message 1 I could not stop hearing it in Doctor Who G11 voice. That's just my brain. Also, could somebody tell me if the steganography message is indeed steganography, and if so what is tho code to see the message? I don't want the message itself. Just the solution to finding it.

1 posts


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