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Hello people of the AMWS! I've been pretty inactive for the past few days so to speak. If you have read my other threads, you would know me for being the one in to medieval themed stories. Unfortunately, I'm not really that good. Please give me constructive criticism, be harsh if needed.

Prologue - The Price to win a war

Lightning sparked in the meadow, and only the dark silhouette of men can be seen. A loud shout is heard, followed by the banging of shields. A thousand pikes were there, lowered, ready for battle. Two armies, each spanning about a hundred meter, formed this grueling sight. Nature seemed to react to this sad event, as dark clouds covered the sky.

"I didn't sign up for this." A boy said, about twelve years of age, as he gripped his weapon as hard he could, covering his body with his shield held by his other hand. "What do you think war was a walk in the park?" a man answered him, laughing.

"CHARGE!!!" a loud roar ripped through the battlefield, as the two armies collided with each other. Oh, it was a grimy sight, and one could hear the crackling of bones as their weapons pierced through each otherâs bodies.

The boy, tried with all of his might to slash his enemies, but he can't. They were too fast, and some wouldn't even mind him. Frustrated, he swung his sword with all his might, and aimed for a warrior that had his back against the him. He hit the warrior, and his blood splattered all over the boy's pockmarked covered face. But this warrior, seemingly unaffected and very much alive, turned around, looking at the boy, as he swung his mace to smash the child. He was hit, point blank, his skull broken, suffocating. White light started to slowly creep...

"Wait, let me get this straight, you indisputably placed the whirlpool battalion in a fight that you know they would lose?" a well-fit man asked, as he questioned his general for his actions. "Shidori, you can't win a war without losing a few skirmishes." The general explained, as he looked at the man. "Hmph!" the man said regretfully. "So, what did you call me for this time for, assassination, theft, or genocide?"

"Assassination. Frederico Alberti, Scantian leader in the north, oldest Albertian noble. Born in Pelonini, he killed people for breakfast and built miseries in the night. Some say he supported the assault. If so he poses as a great threat to us, especially with his "newfound power". Eliminate him."

"As if I haven't heard of that before. I'll get it done." the man said, as he walks outside the tent. "Oh, no Shidori. You're not going alone again. The team will be with you. I know you want to be a loner, but you've got to understand, in a commander's perspective, we can't use you, we've got protocols to maintain..." the general explained loudly as he was interupted. "Yah yah, save it." The man said as he walked. "Shidori!" the general called once again. "Fi de acord cu!" as Shidori continued walking

It was a bright cold autumn in Nipon, but no colored leaves could be seen, as most trees were destroyed in the three-day assault. Shidori, knowing that he would leave soon, decides to spend his remaining hours reminiscing, sitting on a bench.

Two days later..

"Break's over Fadka, let's go." Shidori said with his lips full of ice, as he swayed his arm to remove the fire he produced. He stood up, with his back against an ice wall, as he swerved aside moving across the ridge, removing himself from the safety of the ledge that preceded. The blizzard hampered down on them, the simply chilling weather was enough to kill a person. The man he had just called Fadka, followed him. It was clear that he was cold as he shivered every time he moved. "I wish I had the same ability as you Shidori." Fadka told him, as he envied Shidori's ability to create fire. "Hmph, it's only useful when cold." Shidori answered, as he stopped. The mountain ended there, and the ridge connects to a flat, completely white because of ice, accessible further to the left. The two of them goes to the flat, while seemingly minding their surroundings. They continued while their backs were connected to small pockets of ice wall. The wall turned to the left, Fadka peeks to the corner, as Shidori sat. He closed his eyes, and on his mind formed a virtual representation of the landscape.

"Hey Dawnay, when will you finish that crap." A green-eyed, well-shaped big bodied man said. "It's finished" another smally-built man said, as he clipped a complex system of metal plates with a clamp. "This should hold for a minute or two Grafalcon" Dawnay explained. "Let's get going, we don't want Shidori to go around leaving us nothing to play with again. I bet his even reading our minds right now." The green-eyed Grafalcon-named man said, as Dawnay follows him.

"Shidori, shidori!" Fadka said hastily, as he tapped the seemingly sleeping Shidori. "Two men, heading this way." as two green uniformed patrols headed to their positions. "Don't worry" Shidori said calmly. "They'll go away." a few moments later, the two patrol turned around, and walked away. "Let's go" Shidori said after waiting for about a second later, as he started walking, with Fadka following him. The visibility in the area was quite low, for the blizzard carried heavy ice. They headed for a metal plate of some sorts, with a small hole barely fit able. Shidori jumped to the hole, and ordered Fadka to stay outside.

He slipped down the hole quickly, though not quickly enough to stop a swirl of ice from entering along. The hallway was made of pure metal, and it smelt like, well, ice. At one end of the hallway was an arrow pointing to the left, KITCHEN, the letters beneath it said. He turned around, going to the other end of the hallway, on which an arrow pointing to the right was present. He ran his way there, but careful enough to prevent any noise from being produced. There seems to be no one present, and a gritty sense of cold and alone-ment could have tormented anyone. The yellow light bulbs flickering swayed from right to left, but the light it gave was enough to make the proceeding halls distinguishable.

The walls stopped, and a big metal door had stopped Shidori's progress. The door had its sides rusting, though it was covered up by the thick layer of ice that had formed there. Shidori slips his fingers into its side, as he repeatedly pulls it to the left. He had opened it enough for him to squeeze through, and small pockets of ice went with him. Inside was a room, very much decorated, but outside, the world looked cold. A table was present, and papers were scattered all over. A man, unaware of his presence, was there, using a short stick of graphite to scratch the thin texture of paper. Shidori walked to him, and the man, seeing him, was very much alarmed, and tried to walk away, though Shidori stabs him with a short beveled knife, and as the man's life faded, "You're death will give life to others." these words came out of his killer's mouth, as he swayed his hands barely giving contact to the man's head, but enough to close his eyes. Shidori turned around, and squeezed his way out of the metal door he went in.

He traversed his way back, and jumped up to climb from the hole. He seems to have not noticed though, that a patrol guard wearing the same green uniform was there. "Let's go Fadka" he said to the patrol, as he followed him. They went to the edge of the mountain, with Dawnay and Grafalcon waiting for them. "You couldn't wait." Grafalcon exclaimed with a high tone. Shidori, then decided to jump, kilometers down. The other three, followed him. The cold snowflakes hit them, as they continue to descend downwards...

As they hurled themselves down, Fadka, after being signaled by Shidori, then waved his arms as they go down, creating a spring of water to cushion their fall. "I told you it was a bad idea." Grafalcon complained, as he remove himself from the chilling water. "You never said anything!" Shidori said, as he starts walking north. "YOu read minds!" Grafalcon complained again, as he follows Shidori. "I'm getting tired of those two, always bickering at each other." Dawnay said to Fadka, who pulled him out of the water. Fadka, now on the ground said "When will you learn."

The four of them continued heading north, Fadka and Dawnay shivering as they walked. The occassional noise of the blizzard was overshadowed by an almost deafening explosion atop the cliff they had just left. The four of them turned their backs, looking at the explosion, as Fadka applauded, looking at Dawnay. "That was mine, That was mine!" Dawnay said repeatedly, as he looked at the three men besides him. "Dawnay, I told you to do it quietly!" Shidori said, enraged. "I couldn't resist." he explained. "Besides Shidori, you have got to take these missions a little less seriously." "He's right you know" Fadka intervined. "I mean, did you get a clear look at that? It was ****ing awesome!"

Now that the explosion was finished, they had continued to walk homeward across the icy plain, as the sun dropped like a bright yellow egg. "Wow, it's getting late" Fadka had said...

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(NOTE: All writings that are present here are drafts, including the prologue.)

ACT 1:Unsettled Assets

Chapter 1 - A Leap of Faith

"You ain't taking orders from me anymore kid!" the general shouted loudly, but the voice he produced became barely audible as it was overshadowed by the loud crowd. "I understand!" Shidori, the man the general was talking to, answered. The two men where in Eurundium, a city known for its beautiful landscape and scenery, as it's now being deployed of cannons and siege towers. Eurundium was
adjacent to Nirondum, home of the largest gold mine in the land.

"You're taking orders from me now, kid!" another general said to Shidori, as he gave him a small piece of paper. The brown-colored paper had been stained with charcoal, forming an image. "Fi de acord cu" letters beneath it was present.

"Reading minds is not that easy." Shidori said to a man, as they talked like very close friends. "You need to make your target think about the thing you need. Once he is thinking, he'll produce synapses about it, and once they're vulnerable, I could use waves to read them." "Well you're going to do something more lethal than reading." the man said to Shidori. "I can't expect you to kill a friend, but, I believe, we have no other choice. You need to take a leap of faith. It's going to be hard, no doubt."

"I'll still get it done, no matter how hard." as Shidori rides a horse for Nirondum. From Eurundium, it would take two days to reach Nirondum, even with the fastest horse.

"After he's dead, we would launch an all direction assault against it. With that amount of friction, I don't know how they will survive. Mining will start out directly after." the general said to a group of people. "What about your reader?" a man from the group asked him. The general was speechless for the next few seconds, but he continued nevertheless: "After we have what we want, we'll have no need for such an asset." "Make sure you do this correctly general." another man said. "You only have one chance."

Two days had passed, though Nirondum was still beyond Shidori's reach. His horse had died because of the heat, and Shidori is forced to continue on foot. Nirondum had been cannoned by Eurundium day and night, though it still remains intact. It's leader, Mirowu, is an expert strategist, and was a close friend of Shidori. They had worked together before numerous times, most notably, Project Abraham, in which Lori, another friend of theirs, died.

Nirondum was a large castle, about the same size as Eurundium, but maybe a little smaller.

Shidori had been walking for a day now, and he finally reached Nirondum. It's large walls was in the middle of a large plain of sand. It's army had left for Eurundium a day ago for a counterattack against Nipon. This had dramatically made Shidori's infiltration much more easier. He used an old aqueduct system to enter the castle. Since Nirondum was in the middle of a desert, it needed a lot of water. As he was now inside Nirondum's walls, he went to its keep, in which Mirowu was present. The keep was enough to be a small town by itself, adorned by a few bars of gold in it's wood. It's roof had craters on it though, showing that it was affected by the cannons. The keep's main door was guarded by two guards, which was easily bypassed by Shidori.

He had entered the keep, evading patrols as he went deeper and deeper inside. As he reached the room of Mirowu, He saw inside was four men, including Mirowu himself. Shidori makes his presence known, and as Mirowu sees him, he ordered the other three men present in the room to go out. They walked away without a word.

Mirowu sees his old friend, now, turned enemy.

"Why did you do it?" Shidori asked Mirowu, as he pulls once again the beveled knife he had once used. "I will not fight a false war Shidori." Mirowu said, as he walks closer to Shidori. The two had paused for a brief moment, their eyes looking at each other. "My mind speaks better than me." Mirowu said. "Likewise" The other man answered.

Shidori goes outside a few moments later, exiting the room he had been in. Now that his mission was finished, he needed to go back to Eurundium alive, to report his findings.

"We are in war gentlemen." The general said to a men of ten. "I am afraid the only way to eradicate this problem is to control all of the twelve states. That way, we will achieve peace." "What! You expect us to believe that? You can't control our world by means of control. Without freewill, we will not be humans anymore." A man said, contradicting the general's decision. "I am afraid we have no other choice. I know that what I am asking might seem very hard to bear, but I ask all of you to take a leap of faith with me." "NO! You plan on doing something that will destroy our very ideals, the main thing that we are supposed to protect, and you want to have our support? Get out general! We do not need you here." another man said, outraged. "Calm yourself old man!" The general shouted. "What indecency!" Some of the other men had said. "People, your wine had been poisoned. I am afraid that if you oppose me, you will die." "What!" The men of ten had panicked, and all of them started to choke and slowly die. Save for two that is. One of this men stood up, "Looks like your plan had worked general." he said. "Of course. Those stupid enough to oppose the new world order will die!" The general chuckled loudly.

Another four days had passed, and Shidori had reached Eurundium. "Did you finish the mission?" the general said, as he waited for Shidori in a tent. "Yes" Shidori answered. "Where is it then?" "Two is in the south side of the castle, the other one is in the middle." As soon as the general heard this, he walked out of the tent, and told the other men Shidori's findings. Before he could go away though, Shidori blocked the general's way with his hands. "I read Mirowu's mind." The sentence came out of his lips. The general looked at the guards, nodded and walked away.

The guards the general had nodded grabbed Shidori, as he tried to break free. "What is this?" He asked, as more men secured him. "What? What are you arresting me for?" he shouted once again. He was pulled by the guards that had grabbed him, into a carriage, as the guards lock it's door. "You wont get away with this!" He said furiously, as the carriage begins to move.

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