There once was a beautiful women called jessie, she was an angle looking for someone to love. Her hair blond she had blue sparkly eyes and her lips as red as roses. She came to earth to find love as she grew up here she found humens boring and not good looking. She was lossing hope she ever would find love untill she had a examn and she met Cris in the libary. Chris was tall and handsome with borwnish hair, borwn eyes. She knew where to get her love from so they talked and went on a date. On that date they fell in love and went to chris's house where she told him what she was and they made love with each other. But humens and angles are not ment to bread they make things like me a half-angle. This is the curse they put on me a hlaf thing which has down and up effects for one thing i get the good looks and wings but i can only fall for one person ever in my life which isnt easy seeing as im human which is natrol to fall in love help me. My name is james, I have brownish hair, blue eyes and of course wings. My mother and father had to move away so we went to amerika where a small poperlation lived in sunnytown but it wasnt very sunny. We lived in a two bedroom house with three barthrooms. Small and hiddend at a end of a street. Right next to a forest where I would go and be free to show my wings. But on one winter day my life change forever.
Chapter one
"mum, im going out be back later" I was getting my coat on and grabing my phone when my mother came down strairs. She said "James be careful, We do not want any one seeing you and be safe ok" With my useal sigh i said "yes mum" she lithed her eyes "Love you mum." I walked out of the door into the cold rainy day. I was only aloud out on rainy days no one would be out as i got into the forest and the tree got higher. My wings came out and feathers fell to the ground. The wings baeutifuly white with siny edges. I looked so powerful as i walked around the forest thinking about what I am. When I heard a loud scream. I follwerd my natrol insticks and ran towards it. AS i got vloser i could see a figure of a wolf no a man no a wolfman. I could here the screamning getting louder now so i went quicker as i got there i saw something i never would of wanted to see. There was a younge man being ripped apartfrom a warewolf. I never even knew they were real. The younge man had blood dripping down his boody so i did a very stubid thing and attacked the wolf with my wings of course he was happy with his meal so he ran away. As the younge man breathing got slower i put my arms around him and heeled him using my heeling powers but I couldent cure the damidge the warewolf had done to his life.
When he woke up we were near a river with a beautiful blissful waterful it was peacful here. But the shocked whe he saw me was surprising he almost screamed as he saw my wings fultering, But when he looked down at his bodey he sreacmed like mad i put my hand over his moth and said "don't worry im fixing it" he looked around and said " what happend to me?" I then put a wet cloth on his sscars and said "do you want the truth it will ruin your life forever." He tought for a monent and replyed "tell me." I looked around put my wings back into m bodey sat next to him and sarted to talk " well you were actacked by a warewolf whcih means your one now so you can;t go back to your family or school or anyone." he looked shocked and tarified. I smiled and said " I can look after you if you like?" He looked at me and nooded. i stood up and said "Lets get you some good cloths and a shower."
Occasionally on another website frequented by authors, I do some editing. I've taken the liberty of showing you how your story might appear after I've edited it:
Storey of an Angel Prologue There once was a beautiful woman called Jessie. She was an angel looking for someone to love. Her hair was blonde, she had blue sparkly eyes and her lips were as red as roses. She came to Earth to find love. As she grew up here, she found humans boring and unattractive. She was losing hope that she ever would find love until she had an exam and she met Chris in the library.
Chris was tall and handsome with brownish hair and brown eyes. Jessie knew where to get her love from so they talked and went on a date. On that date they fell in love and went to Chris's house where she told him what she was and they made love with each other. But humans and angels are not meant to breed: they make things like me, a half-angel. This is the curse they put on me--a half thing which has both positive and negative effects. For one thing I have the good looks and wings, but I can only fall for one person ever in my life, which isnât easy seeing as I'm human as it's natural to fall in love. My name is James. I have brownish hair, blue eyes and of course, wings. My mother and father had to move away so we went to America where a small population lived in Sunnytown although it wasnât very sunny. We lived in a two-bedroom house with three bathrooms. It is small and hidden at the end of a street, right next to a forest where I would go and be free to show my wings. But on one winter's day my life changed forever.
Chapter One "Mum, I'm going out, be back later." I was getting my coat on and grabbing my phone when my mother came downstairs.
She said, "James, be careful, we do not want anyone seeing you and be safe, okay?"
With my usual sigh I said, "Yes, Mum. Love you, Mum." I walked out of the door into the cold rainy day. I was only allowed out on rainy days since no one else would be outside. As I got into the forest and the tree were higher, my wings came out and feathers fell to the ground. My wings were beautifully white with shiny edges. I looked so powerful as I walked around the forest thinking about what I am. Then I heard a loud scream. I followed my natural instincts and ran towards the sound.
As I got closer, I could see a figure of a wolf--no, a man--no, a wolf man. I could hear the screaming getting louder now, so I went faster. As I got there I saw something I never would have wanted to see. There was a young man being ripped apart by a werewolf. I never even knew they were real.
The young man had blood dripping down his body, so I did a very stupid thing and attacked the wolf with my wings. Of course he was happy with his meal so he ran away. As the young manâs breathing got slower, I put my arms around him and healed him using my powers. But I couldn't cure the damage the werewolf had done to his life.
When he woke up we were near a river with a beautiful, blissful waterfall and it was peaceful there. But the shock when he saw me was so surprising he almost screamed as he saw my wings fluttering. But when he looked down at his body he screamed like mad. I put my hand over his mouth and said, "Don't worry, I'm fixing it."
He looked around and said, "What happened to me?"
I then put a wet cloth on his scars and said, "Do you want the truth? It will ruin your life forever."
He thought for a moment and replied, "Tell me."
I looked around, put my wings back into my body, sat next to him and started to speak. "Well, you were attacked by a werewolf, which means you're one now, too. So you can't go back to your family or school or anyone." He looked shocked and terrified. I smiled and said, "I can look after you if you'd like?"
He looked at me and nodded. I stood up and said, "Let's get you some good clothes and a shower."