ForumsArt, Music, and WritingRage

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Rage is a forum based short story series. I will put it into a minimum of 5 languages and it will be on many forums. I am looking for feedback on this and i will post the prologue below.
First of all I would like to put out the English version for obvious reasons and you can read it.
I am also looking for an editor and a techy so please email me if you are interested at

There is no such thing as a peaceful world. One day we thought we had accomplished it but it didn't last long. It was perfect for about 5 years, we called them the quiet years. No war, no fighting, and police became practically useless.
Then one day a bright life flashed across the world. It was blinding. After it subsided a cold feeling swept across the world. That is when we understood. The peace was gone and it isn't coming back anytime soon.
A new evil had arose, a man with no name arose from the ground. He called himself the Fire Demon. He could control fire and would pass on a horrible rage to anyone he came in contact with. Only he could control the rage within people so he would use it against them any time he could. He used his rage to scare people into following him and soon he had an army of slaves that would do anything to not be consumed by horrible rage.
The light brought not only evil but a new hope as well. 5 warriors were created by the light. Each carrying a unique weapon. One as shield that was impenetrable and could grow at his masters will to any size, one a sword that could slice through diamond and fire a light that destroy flesh, one a dagger that would make its master invisible and allow them to pass through anything like it was air, another a spear that could create and control water, and finally the last weapon was a scythe. The scythe was the most deadliest weapon of them all and considered evil by many. From a distance its master could dispel the rage inside the being. Yet, it had a bad side as well. Anyone that would touch it would suddenly die.
The five warriors fought the Demon and even though they had captured him they were unable to kill him. Not even the deadly scythe could end his life. So they sacrificed everything and sealed there souls and the demons to a door forever.
If the door would ever open the demon would be free once again but the warriors would remain trapped until the souls moved on.
Even without the Demon controlling people its followers had become evil. They were still full of the rage and fear the Demon had put inside them and they could not help but destroy. They were called the Slayers.
Out of the madness one last hope still stands. A group of children born after the light had come could summon weapons identical to those of there 5 warriors. Only the scythe was never seen again.
They were called the summoners and each had one weapon that was bound to his or her soul. As they group up they were all gathered to a school where they learned how to control there powers. Now they are nearly ready to finally find out what they were destined to accomplish.

That is what this story is about. Those at the school and there story of destroying the demons evil and bringing back the quiet.

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