This thread is for wolf1991 and murasaki9 to host a story that hopefully, will soon be underway. All others are allowed to critique as they see fit. If anyone is interested in joining in order to contribute to the story, please contact either of us on our message boards.
If anyone wants to contact me, they must talk to me about that on my message board. I'll need contact with anyone who wishes to contribute. (giving opinion on the thread is not considered contribution.)
I want 3 heroes ( more can be added, optional) I also want 7 enemies ( nothing wacky, please be original Joel and don't over do it) Next, I want a maximum of 10 chapters (let's not get too fancy here, yet) Wolf will provide the world (please be detailed in describing it, don't worry, I'm not concerned about your prowess as an author, just be so detailed that I don't have to guess anything. I want to feel like I live in your world.)
No one is allowed to post contributions to this thread unless they contact Wolf1991 or murasaki9. Comtributions are these: advice or ideas pertaining to the story, characcters, world. If you aren't on this list, Wolf1991 (writer) murasaki9 (writer) Supalegit (editor) Nurvana (contributor) Joel (contributor - characters) Then, you may not post on his thread, other than to tell us what you think. This thread is user specified. I will open the thread up to outside opinions when the full story has been posted. (Or more likely, I will post the complete story on a thread by itself.) If you wish to become a contributor here, please contact me.
This is my rule: Wolf1991 or Murasaki9 reserve the right to dismiss contributors as they see necessary. Contributors will be admitted at the discretion of the Main Authors.
If Joel hasn't already started, I have the names for the heroes: Avith, Raven , and Exon. Avith is a knight, exiled and etc. Raven is a runaway Mage apprentice and Exon is a skilled, but young Archer out to do it on his own. Joel may elaborate or revise at his discretion. By the way, as decent enemies aren't my strong suit, Joel gets to forge them on his own. I tend to create enemies that either die too fast, or aren't worth respecting. One seems repulsed too much without being able to relate. Not all my enemy characters get to redeem themselves. Some of them don't have any dignity. And the ones I intended to be truly menacing wind up being despised or so pitiful that one feels little hatred towards them. I do heroes better.
I see that no one has done anything. That's fine. Something unexpected just came up and I'm really disappointed. I will not be able now to give this project my undivided attention for the next three months or so. Anyway, when I can, I'll send a message to everyone and let them know. If you want to be included in the mass email that I'll send, then... I already have two emails, one from the other author and one from a contributor. Just in case I lose this, I'll need the editors email and the other contributors email. I'm actually thinking of moving this project to my own website. We'll see what becomes of that.
Murasaki9, it appears that most of these posts would have been more appropriate in the messenger (see your profile page), or even in some kind of IM chat/email as they were specifically directed towards certain users, as opposed to for everybody's edification. For this kind of thing, it's just tidier to organise everything behind the scenes before posting anything in a public place otherwise people will get confused.