I think we've had about five incarnations of this thread, but they're so far down in the history there's no point digging them up.
My first instrument is piano. I've played it for about 20 years, though only the first fourteen or so of those were serious training. My brother is the career musician, he's been playing piano for a little longer.
My second instrument is the French Horn. Because of that I'm also able to play the other brass instruments (with the exception of the trombone, they have the same system). I don't practice it much though, but have filled in for concerts etc. as I can pick it up whenever I want and with enough practice can play most orchestral pieces without too much difficulty.
Because I have extensive experience with both keyboard and brass, I can also play the melodica. My brother introduced me to this nefarious device early this year.
This all said, I need to pick up the guitar. Round off the cool factor, you know?
Violin is all so far, for almost 4 years. I'm getting fairly good, I guess, but I do want to branch out to viola and musical saw (which would be really awesome).
I m playing piano/keyboards for almost 15 years, and currently studying classical music at Faculty of Arts(I m 22), also playing bass guitar in a rock band(5 years), and I can play drums a little
Melidicas are so much fun and made of win. I play the synthesizer, I have a korg microkorg, so amazing. I also make music on my original Gameboy using something called LSDJ.
Although I'm not the best, I can play the drums, rhythm acoustic guitar, electric guitar, and rhythmic bass. My best tool would be my throat because ,yep, I'm a singer.