Anyway, due to the large influx of poetry the AMW section has been receiving, I decided that this section needed a little more art, and thus created this thread. I'll try to post my drawings as often as I can. Feedback and critique are greatly appreciated.
Here's some of the stuff I draw in class to pass the time, (click on picture to see bigger size): [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL]
I can't view anything now as i'm on my phone, but try tagging in lower-case only.
Thanks, Strop. I'll try that next time I post.
Oil tower, how long did that take you to draw?
Hm... I started one night around 2AM, had just finished playing machinarium.(Really beautiful game) I was inspired by the art style and overall look of the game. I think it took me around three hours. I dunno. Still isn't finished, so I'll post finished versions of those three when I finish them.
Woah Soap Bar, I'm thankful I have cable, otherwise I'd have never loaded those images. I'm guessing you scanned them and uploaded them direct at the default resolution?
A handy thing to do would be to resize the image in an image program of some sort. You could then also adjust the brightness, contrast etc. to your liking to enhance viewing.
Those are the three images i keep looking back to when i think of your hatcing recently, they are really good! You need to finish the oil in cavern, you had told me you probrably won't, but i hope you do!
These are very beautiful. i love the design. maybe if you... not ex actually, but add dark shades of brown, black, red and green would make it nice.
I've been thinking of adding watercolor to some of my drawings, or I might go over them in PS.
I figured it out, the cave one is to bright. I can't see anything on my computer.
It might be your brightness/contrast settings, Osumnis, or maybe the image isn't loading on your computer. Is anybody else having trouble viewing the images? (contrast too low, etc etc)
Anyway, testing out what Strop said in his first post with posting tags in lowercase in order for the picture to show: