I want to promote two people, one is a friend of mine and the other is someone my friend knows. Firstly, my friend is a Music Producer and a Musician in his own right. As a favor for him, not that he knows I"m doing this, but... I'm trying to get more people to know who he is. He goes by the name of 'XayberOptix'. You can see his videos on his Youtube Channel. Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/user/xayberoptix Or you can go to his website: www.xayberoptix.com Also, check out all these other sites: www.reverbnation.com/xayberoptix www.soundcloud.com/xayberoptix www.twitter.com/xayberoptix www.facebook.com/pages/Xayberoptix/109150992446101 www.soundclick.com/xayberoptix Yes, he's got a lot of connections. But, he's not well known yet. My goal is that one day, everyone in all the world knows his name and knows his music the way I do. You can also listen to most of his music for free on Newgrounds. Here's the link to his music portal: http://xayberoptix.newgrounds.com/audio/ Secondly, the other is an aspiring singer named Lianah Stah Ana. I'll add links to her when I get a chance. But, here's her fan site: http://lianahfanclub.info/
No offense, but, I'm detecting high amounts of "thread fail-urnium" for this thread. The AG community just isn't interested in doing this, if not, prove me wrong. *hint hint* you should be happy. That was help if you understood.