This is a compilation in the works of some of my poetry and short stories. It may take a while for me to get most of them on here, but I apreciate any input.
All alone, surrounded by darkness, I only had the unrelenting pain of my wounds to remind me that I was alive. I felt detached from my body. Unfortunately, that sense of detachment wasnât enough to keep me safe from the racking waves of agony that incessantly tormented me. I heard screams, and I found myself praying that if I didnât make it through this, that this poor soul would. I felt myself breathing, felt the blood that was filling up my windpipe. The sensation was awful, a choking, gurgling feeling that made my stomach clench. The screams began to dim as my pain intensified. As I died, my suffering partner in misery stopped screaming. It was only as the last of my consciousness faded away that I realized where the screams were coming from. They were coming from me. â This is the prologue of a novel i am working on. Any suggestions?
It will take time.. To be honest i started today, but i will post more as i write. I will make sure i post them together though because im planning on posting some poetry as well.