Well, hi. I'm a bit nervous about this but several users said I should create an "Addition Poem" whatever that is... Basically, we write a poem line by line until it gets very long. Just copy and paste the previous users' work onto your own, and add a line. If you can, make it rhyme. Diagram: I say: Welcome to the world TBPM says: Welcome to the world I hope you see the squirrels TBP that person says: Welcome to the world I hope you see the squirrels It's a very good day. I honestly don't care where this poem goes, positive or negative. Just have fun, and this is a very experimental thread. Also, bold the line you added.
This wonderful place, Such a safe haven. Shows the face Of heavens maven. God, is the expert. That grand architect, Not even could he Could give a monster a resurrect
This wonderful place, Such a safe haven. Shows the face Of heavens maven. God, is the expert. That grand architect, Not even could he Could give a monster a resurrect
For in God's eyes it's naught but an insect
Paarfam, maybe you could fix the grammar in your last sentence. It was kind of confusing, but I didn't want to change it for you in case you'd find it rude or something. For example, could is already said, and ressurrect is not in past tense, while could is. Sorry for being a grammar nazi. Couldn't resist.
Sorry for double posting, but I failed my grammar nazism. What I should've said is that resurrect is used as a noun, when it is a verb. I think resurrection is the word you're looking for.
Sorry guys, but considering you only add one line each, and they are not exactly very long either, I am going to lock this. I will recommend you go use the "First line poetry" instead.