I often find myself in a predicament of not being able to think of what to draw. I believe I am not the only one, and hopefully this thread will help people to think of, or challenge what they draw.
The point of this thread is for each other to say what to draw, and that person must draw it. Just ask what to draw, or request someone else. The person will then draw the idea, and people will be able to see their ideas pop up, as well as challenging the artist at the same time. I unfortunately am to busy at the moment with school EOCT's so I can't start, but I hope others will!
No outrageous requests that you know are against the rules.
Ex: DudeWhoLovesArt: Man, I need something to draw, any tips from yo peeps out there?? CheeseIsGood: Draw a rat made of cheese trying to get cheese made of mouse fur and a tail. DudeWhoLovesArt: Uhhh.. Ok bra! ExampleMan01: CheeseIsGood, you should draw a a naked guy! CheeseIsGood: I am sorry, but that is against the code of conduct! ExampleMan01: Oh.... Ok... then draw an Ostrich choking on a microphone! DudeWhoLovesArt: Cha dude, I'm like totally done with tha picture!!! (Picture would go here) CheeseIsGood: Dude that totally awesome, blah blah (Insert critique), and Example man, OK!!
But if somebody decides to, draw a horizon in your own imagination
Quick sketch. Would be more interesting and better developed if I had more time. Quality is crappy since my SAI trial ran out and I had to printscreen.