ForumsGame Walkthroughs[Guide] Modifying Crush The Castle 2: PP castle codes.

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If you have been creating lots of custom castles like me and are running out of ideas check this out.

Joey Betz, the Creator of the Crush The Castle series has allowed us to play with the code.

This guide is for Crush The Castle 2 Players Pack. Note that most of the features are similar to the ones featured in Crush The Castle 2.

In the Castle Builder, there is a the tool box (Left of the editor) that comprise 3 main menus: Edit Castle, Edit Terrain, and Edit environment. At the bottom, you find an other box with 9 menus which are New, Save, Load, Share, Zoom, Help, Settle, Play, and Back.

01 - Left Tool Bar:

Menu 1 - Edit Castle:

Sub Menu 1 - Create/Select Tool:

This is where you will find all the material needed (beams, doors, arches, people,etc.).

Sub Menu 2 - Transform Tool:

Here you can change the width, length, and type of material as well as align the pieces.


Menu 2 - Edit Terrain:

Sub Menu 1 - Transform Terrain:

This is where you can Raise, Lower, Flatten, Smooth the terrain.

Sub menu 2 - Place Foundation:

Here you can choose between three kinds of foundations: Standard, Frozen and Volcanic.

These blocks will allow you to create fixed structures (that won't fall) to support your material.
You can also create nice rock formations or mountains to enhance your masterpiece.

02 - Bottom Bar:

1- New: Open an empty window so you can start creating.
2- Save: Here you can Save and Export your Castle.

Export: This allows you to Copy the code for the castle you have just created and Export it into a text editor in order to modify it.

3- Load: Here you can load a saved castle or Load a modified code from a text editor.
4- Share: This is where you can submit your creation to the People's Empire so that other players can destroy it.

After you submitted your castle, a new window will open with the option to share the link with your friends on Facebook, or Twitter. There is also an option to Copy link to Clipboard (this allow you to copy and paste your link to a forum such as http:/community/thread/5772085/crush-the-castle-2-custom-castles/page/1) where you can discuss, write a story, or simply share it with other Enthusiastic Castle Crushers.

5- ZOOM: Here you can increase or decrease the size of the window for when you need to place an object with precision.

6- Help: A tutorial.

7- Settle: This is an important feature that allow you to test the stability of your structure. You can zoom and play with your creation, and if you are happy with the results, click on save positions and then go back to get out of the Settle mode.

8- Play: Test your creation for stability and to decide which ammunition will work best to crush it.
9- Back: Leave the editor (Castle Builder) and go back to the menu.

In the Next topic we will discuss how to Hack the Code.

  • 105 Replies
5 posts

SSTG ' s tutorial is good and now i can share good and fantastic castles

1 posts

Hey can someone help me out? According to the other forum, there's this new principle where pieces seem to jump around on their own. Here's an example:


How do you make that in the castle builder? and What parts of the code should I manipulate?

13,055 posts

Ask FishPreferred ,
he found out how to do it.

1 posts

Hey does anyone know how to change the foundation blocks so they become invisible?

13,055 posts

Edited by Reton8 to add code tag so castle code shows properly.

Hey does anyone know how to change the foundation blocks so they become invisible?

You need to change the height or width of the block until it's pushed beyond the visible part of the screen.
For example if you have a block here:
{"n":"AAA","c":["prince,580,640,1,1,0","fs,580,700,1,1,0,1"],"t":[-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20],"p":"SSTG","l":["td","mc","bg","wc","id"],"o":-1,"r":["rw","rwc","rs","rsc","ri","ric","rb","rbc","rfb","rpb","rrb","rf","rl","rr","ra","rp","rc","rsl"]}<br><br>Check this part "fs,580,700,1,[b]1[/b],0,1" .<br>Change the bold part from 1 to -6<br><br>{"n":"AAAA","c":["prince,580,640,1,1,0","fs,580,700,1,-6,0,1"],"t":[-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20],"p":"SSTG","l":["td","mc","bg","wc","id"],"o":-1,"r":["rw","rwc","rs","rsc","ri","ric","rb","rbc","rfb","rpb","rrb","rf","rl","rr","ra","rp","rc","rsl"]}
853 posts

Edited by Reton8 to add code tag so castle code shows properly.
The share function doesn't work. Here's the full code.
Name of the building: Pont du Gard 3

13,055 posts

i read all the codes and I cannot find what I am looking for, is there a way to attach two building items to form a one piece item, (example: a hammer head and handle) so both will stay attached to each other, even when falling?

The closest thing is to add a 1 at the end of their codes so they can't move but the second you play, they will fall.
19 posts

Why didn't anyone use code tags or something? I can't successfully copy anything 'cos the winking emoji. Never gone through those castle codes but I'll probably find out, but it'll still be a major pain to copy these. >_<

3,174 posts

If I recall correctly, most of these codes were posted before the code tag on Armor Games and before the Armor Game's forum converted "colon p" into a smiley face. I could be wrong though.

It is pretty frustrating though seeing that you cannot simply copy and paste the code without a decent amount of code replacing.

3,174 posts


I realised, that I could actually fix the issue. Take a look, you should be able to copy the codes now.

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