ForumsArt, Music, and WritingNurv's scribblings

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For the casual poet since 2011 ^_^


Banish the sunâ¨
Bring in the coldâ¨
Frigid is funâ¨
Warmth is old

Enjoy the ice
â¨Embrace the snow
â¨Freezing is niceâ¨
On a peaceful ice flow

White is in
â¨Summer is outâ¨
A Beluga's finâ¨
A glacial trout

Let yourself welcomeâ¨
A winter's embrace
â¨It won't take some
â¨But it is your place

Feel in your bonesâ¨
The chilly and gelidâ¨
Icecaps like domesâ¨
The beauty does tell it

See your breath
â¨The feeling is polar
â¨A swift sleepy death
â¨Is arctic and slower

Come in the fire
â¨Feel its great heatâ¨
Orange and yellow
â¨Stolid and fleet

There is no escaping
â¨Its hungry hot plumesâ¨
Run all you want
â¨It knows of your doom.

Accept the infernoâ¨
Take it with grace
â¨Disappear to the smokingâ¨
Without a trace

Forests are burning
â¨Oceans that blazeâ¨
Reflections that flicker
â¨Capture your gaze

Footsteps in ash
â¨May be your sign parting
â¨Swallowed by flamesâ¨
The consumption is starting

Stare into embers
â¨Learn of its waysâ¨
Become like the flaresâ¨
Yet naught it betrays

Flowing and sweepingâ¨
Gentle and blueâ¨
Drift in the water
â¨It welcomes you

Float in the deepâ¨
Bubbles and foamâ¨
Currents that take youâ¨
Back to your home

Span endless oceans
â¨In fathoms and measures
â¨Moist caves below
â¨Hold secrets and treasures

Rain from the sky
â¨Bathes you from doubt
â¨Splashing in puddlesâ¨
As you frolic about

Ripples do form
â¨From your consequences
â¨Moats and dams
â¨For your subtle defenses

Trickles of mysteryâ¨
And eternal submersionâ¨
Go not to the surfaceâ¨
Think deep in inversion.

Metrically Indifferent

Subtleties pass before me like hidden motes
Sunlit; floating in the wind
Memories, slipping through my grasp
A paradox
Running through the wall
Crashing waves and roaring sea
Screaming nothings endlessly
In the face of the storm
Under immense pressure
Creating nothings for nothing
Sweeping away the days
Swaying to the madness of life
Lost, lost forever!
In this paradox
Backwards, twisting up
The storm is here
The Ballad of Waffle Mountain

A waffle and his lonely mountain
High above the misty clouds
Crunchy, yellow and delicious
Dignified; deep and proud

This waffle, he had many wants
To know the world round
Could he catch the answer waiting
Was this knowledge to be found

Was there deity up above
Syrup in the sky
Was there a reason to do right
Rewards when he did die

This waffle he did ponder oft
These deep and subtle thoughts
Grasping at those hidden truths
Like slender, silent moths

Day would pass and night would come
Knowing kept at bay
His ponderings did become unnerving
Impossible he'd say

What was he doing on this mountain
Could he leave its heights
Would he even want to flee
To perhaps more bitter plights

This waffle he yearned to know the truth
What did the others know
Were there smarter ones below
Tossing knowledge to and fro

The waffle did set off to see
If he could sate his mind's weak plea

Passing down the mighty slopes
He saw both good and bad
Pancakes fighting with each other
Ice cream that was sad

He said I must be out of here
This place is bitter yet
I miss my cozy mountain home
Here I always fret

Yet his hunger was too great
To the bottom he did come
And at this mighty mountain's bottom
The story differs some

Rainbow ridden by fine ponies
Pistachios in play
Brownies frolicked in the fields
All were bright and gay

Is this what knowledge is all about
Why are they crowing so
Do they have the answer yet
What do they truly know

He approached a candy cane
Excuse me sir he said
Why are you jumping all about
And why so white and red

Why it said I'm glad you asked
I'm joyful don't you see
We have found all happiness
An answer to our pleas

What is this knowledge the waffle asked
May I please partake
I know not where it comes
But go and ask that cake

The waffle did engage this cake
So battery and white
Tell me you where can I see
The answer to my plight

You must travel long and far
The cake answered quite gravely
You will pass both trial and test
And granted you go bravely

Direct me please the waffle begged
I've got courage 'nough for two
If any fiend dare take me on
They donât have a clue

Very well my friend the cane replied
Good luck unto yourself
And he proceeded to divulge
Directions by himself

When at last he uttered forth
The last foreboding word
The waffle bidden him farewell
I'll find it he assured

The waffle did set off to see
If he could sate his mind's weak plea

He journeyed forth so brave and bold
A chip upon his coating
I will know what I sought to find
No more needless doting

His first stop was an eerie place
Toaster land was called it so
Metal heating systems through it
Its origins no mortal know

Passing in and quickly so
He feared that place of toasting
Passing to the sugar desert
Where sun did often roasting

This place he decided was not for him
Although resplendent, apt
He was sure to reach his goal
If not his energy sapped

He passed at last to his last goal
The gates of death in all
Who dares come before me now
A booming voice, a droll

Excuse me there the waffle pleaded
I wish to know the answer
Why am I here on this great earth
Perhaps to cure all cancer

The voice did laugh and utter mirth
Unto the waffle's query
That inquisition you do have
I can safely bury

You see young breakfast, buttery too
For knowledge do not jostle
For in the end I'm said to say
Youâre nothing but a waffle

You were meant to be a snack
Toasted and devoured
Now pass from sight oh yummy one
Lest with fire be showered

The waffle went away sad it did
Its life was but a waste
Back to its mountain it did pass
But at least he knew his place

  • 4 Replies
2,520 posts

Ugh that's disappointing...

2,399 posts

Go, find a dog, and you troubles will be over.

2,520 posts

Hah true that. Although my dogs kinda hate me sometimes.

676 posts

The waffle one was good, the end was slightly depressing. Theyre all good overall!

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