Original thread may be found here: [url=http:/community/thread/3550512/draw-that-fakemon-closed/page/1] This thread was made with Zega's permission.
In this thread you can draw your own "Fakemon", based on a theme.
Format *Each theme will last one week. If not enough images have been entered by that time, the theme may last for an extra week, but for no more than two weeks.
*Judging will be done by me every Sunday where appropriate. If I fail to judge by Sunday, and if I have not extended the deadline, the winner who chose the theme may judge. If neither are available for judging, the deadline will be pushed back until I am or the previous winner is able to judge.
*Themes may not be repeated from previous weeks, only original themes please! (Themes from the old thread are allowed.)
Rules *Any art program may be used, hand-drawn pictures are also accepted
*All themes and images must be appropriate, nothing too mature please.
*Any images entered after judging wont't count, naturally.
*Only enter images that you have created! If you're caught stealing, you'll be disqualified from the theme. Caught stealing three times and you will be permanently disqualified form the thread.
*Only one Fakemon per user please! If you post a second fakemon, your previous entry will not be counted, unless you wish to revert back to it.
This weeks we'll start with something simple: Baby Pokemon
This may be a baby version of any existing Pokemon, or your own Fakemon!
Thanks for entering Reversewk2000! Hopefully we can get more people to enter, it's looking likely that judging will be delayed for another week. :/ Something I forgot to say, please don't upload photos onto PhotoBucket, the chances our that your images will be deleted later on due to bandwidth limits. A good site to upload photos to is imgur.com, thanks!