ForumsGame WalkthroughsCastaway 2 Crafting

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This should be a guide of any crafting combos anyone has found. when you find a new one, post it here.

  • 765 Replies
1 posts

how to make a wooden shield?

1 posts

dytwrefew how to craft iron globesq1 e w !

57 posts

check out this link to help you out, only gives the crafting, not where to find the items.

1 posts

here what i know:
razor sword:wooden sword+5 iron globes
blast shield;:warrior shield + iron globes
titan scimitar:scimitar+sapphire globes
paladin armorld guard armor+paladin necklace

2 posts

Outcome First Item(s) Second Item(s)
Shank Iron Hide
Wooden Sword 3X Wood Iron Ore
Titan Scimitar Scimitar Sapphire Globe
Dartanian Sword Piercer Emerald Globe
Scholar Sorcererâs Sapphire Regal Sword
Nail Bat Iron Ignot Timber Wood
Vindicator Club Nail Bat Iron Globe
Apprentice Wand Stick Sapphire Shard
Imp Branche Apprentice Wand Gaea Seed
Trusty Dagger Rusty Dagger Alkahest
Assassin Dagger Trusty Dagger Ruby Shard
Staff of the Magi Seal of Magi Wizardâs Rod
Widow Claw Fachata Ruby Globe
Razor Sword Wooden Sword 5X Iron Globe
Paladinâs Mace* Peace Batton Angelâs Tear
Morning Star* Paladinâs Mace Vindicator
Deadwood Staff* Imp Staff Necromancerâs Heart
Cursed Kris Dagger Gorgon Blood
Regal Sword Militia Sword Leather
Outcome First Item(s) Second Item(s)
5X Gold Ninja Stars Gold Ore Alkahest
5X Ninja Stars Iron Ore Alkahest
5X Emerald/Sapphire/Ruby Dart Emerald/Sapphire/Ruby Shard Alkahest
Shuriken Iron Alkahest
Armors / Shields
Outcome First Item(s) Second Item(s)
Beetle Shield 3X Animal Hide 3X Animal Shell
Round Shield Wooden Shield Iron Ignot
Warriorâs Shield Knightâs Memento Round Shield
Plate Chest Armor Plate Leather Chest Armor
Plate Helmet Leather Helmet Plate
Blast Shield Iron Globe Warriorâs Shield
Golem Armor Leather Armor Golem Talisman
Minotaur Armor Golem Armor Minotaur Talisman
Paladin Armor Old Guard Armor Knight Talisman (Mage)
Saint Armor Paladin Armor Saint Talisman (Mage)
Beetle Godâs Shield* Blast Shield Beetle God Icon
Plate Armor Leather Armor Plate
Plate Sleeves Leather Sleeves Plate
Plate Leggings Leather Leggings Plate
Minotaur Chest Armor Golem Armor Minotaur Talisman
Crafting Resources
Plate 3X Shell 3X Shell
Solid Scale 3X Plate Alkahest
Iron Ignot 3X Ore 3X Ore
Iron Globe 3X Iron Ignot Alkahest
Timber 3X Wood 3X Wood
Leather 3X Hide 3X Hide
Treated Leather 3X Leather Alkahest
Alkahest Antidote Small Healing Potion
Emerald 3X Emerald Shard 3X Emerald Shard
Sapphire 3X Sapphire Shard 3X Sapphire Shard
Ruby 3X Ruby Shard 3X Ruby Shard
Emerald Globe 3X Emerald Alkahest
Sapphire Globe 3X Sapphire Alkahest
Ruby Globe 3X Ruby Alkahest
Gold Ignot 3X Gold Ore 3X Gold Ore
Gold Globe 3X Gold Ignot Alkahest
Sturdy Lumber 3X Lumber Alkahest
Small Healing Potion 3X Healing Herb Empty Bottle
Medium Healing Potion 6X Healing Herb Empty Bottle
Large Healing Potion 12X Healing Herb Empty Bottle
Small Mana Potion 3X Mana Herb Empty Bottle
Medium Mana Potion 6X Mana Herb Empty Bottle
Large Mana Potion 12X Mana Herb Empty Bottle
Small Berry Potion 3X Teras Berrie Empty Bottle
Medium Berry Potion 6X Teras Berrie Empty Bottle
Large Berry Potion 12X Teras Berrie Empty Bottle
Ambrosia Large Health Potion Large Mana Potion
Panacea 5X Antidote Medium Health Potion

*Need to be crafted at a Forge!
Crafting Quests
Quest Outcome Combination
Softens the Blow Beetle Shield 3X Animal Hides + 3X Animal Shells
Make it Sharp Shank Animal Hide + Iron Ore
Iron Makes us Stronger Iron Ignot 3X Iron Ore + 3X Iron ore
Sorcererâs Apprentice Apprentice Wand Stick Sapphire Shard
Make it a Tasty Potion Small Health Potion 3X Herbs + Empty Bottle
Make it a Smart Potion Small Mana Potion 3X Mana Herbs + Empty Bottle
Reinforce This Baby Round Shield Wooden Shields + Iron Ignot
Polish the Edge Trusty Dagger Rusty Dagger + Alkahest
The Art of Throwing Pointy Things 10X Ninja Stars Iron Ore + Alkahest
Those Crafty Sprites Imp Branch Apprentice Want + Gaea Seed
Crimson Toss 6X Ruby Darts Ruby Shard + Alkahest
Azure Throw 6X Sapphire Darts Sapphire Shard + Alkahest
Emerald Swing 6X Emerald Darts Emerald Shard + Alkahest
Crimson Stabber Assassin Dagger Rusty Dagger + Ruby Shard
Going Out Swinging Nail Bat Iron Ignot + Timber
Double it Please Medium Health Potion 6X Herbs + Empty Container
Double the IQ Medium Mana Potion 6X Mana Herbs + Empty Container
Titanization Titan Scimitar Scimitar + Sapphire Globe
One for All, All for One Dartanian Piercer + Emerald Glpbe
I Would like that Super Sized Large Health Potion 12 Herbs + Empty Container
Brain Nitro Large Mana Potion 12 Mana Herbs + Empty Containers
Windowfication Windowâs Claw Falcata + Ruby Globe
Justified Vindication Vindicator Nail Bat + Iron Globe
Throwing Money Hurts 10X Gold Ninja Stars Gold Ore + Alkahest
Needs More Iron Blast Shield Warriorâs Shield + Iron Globe
Ultimatum Razor Sword Wooden Sword + 5X Iron Globes

Nymphs: Old Knights Memento + Round Shield = Warriorâs Shield
Mnemosyne: Sorcererâs Sapphire + Regal Sword = Scholar Sword
Phoebe: Seal of Magi + Wizard Rod = Staff of Magi
Theia: Gorgonâs Blood + Rusted Dagger = Cursed Kris
Tethys: Angelâs Tear + Peace Baton = Paladin Mace
Rhea: Vindicator + Paladin Mace = Morning Star
Forgotten: Beetle God Essence + Blast Shield = Beetle God Shield
Themis: Necromancer Heart + Imp Branch = Deadwood Staff
Hope i helped

2 posts

Outcome First Item(s) Second Item(s)
Shank Iron Hide
Wooden Sword 3X Wood Iron Ore
Titan Scimitar Scimitar Sapphire Globe
Dartanian Sword Piercer Emerald Globe
Scholar Sorcererâs Sapphire Regal Sword
Nail Bat Iron Ignot Timber Wood
Vindicator Club Nail Bat Iron Globe
Apprentice Wand Stick Sapphire Shard
Imp Branche Apprentice Wand Gaea Seed
Trusty Dagger Rusty Dagger Alkahest
Assassin Dagger Trusty Dagger Ruby Shard
Staff of the Magi Seal of Magi Wizardâs Rod
Widow Claw Fachata Ruby Globe
Razor Sword Wooden Sword 5X Iron Globe
Paladinâs Mace* Peace Batton Angelâs Tear
Morning Star* Paladinâs Mace Vindicator
Deadwood Staff* Imp Staff Necromancerâs Heart
Cursed Kris Dagger Gorgon Blood
Regal Sword Militia Sword Leather
Outcome First Item(s) Second Item(s)
5X Gold Ninja Stars Gold Ore Alkahest
5X Ninja Stars Iron Ore Alkahest
5X Emerald/Sapphire/Ruby Dart Emerald/Sapphire/Ruby Shard Alkahest
Shuriken Iron Alkahest
Armors / Shields
Outcome First Item(s) Second Item(s)
Beetle Shield 3X Animal Hide 3X Animal Shell
Round Shield Wooden Shield Iron Ignot
Warriorâs Shield Knightâs Memento Round Shield
Plate Chest Armor Plate Leather Chest Armor
Plate Helmet Leather Helmet Plate
Blast Shield Iron Globe Warriorâs Shield
Golem Armor Leather Armor Golem Talisman
Minotaur Armor Golem Armor Minotaur Talisman
Paladin Armor Old Guard Armor Knight Talisman (Mage)
Saint Armor Paladin Armor Saint Talisman (Mage)
Beetle Godâs Shield* Blast Shield Beetle God Icon
Plate Armor Leather Armor Plate
Plate Sleeves Leather Sleeves Plate
Plate Leggings Leather Leggings Plate
Minotaur Chest Armor Golem Armor Minotaur Talisman
Crafting Resources
Plate 3X Shell 3X Shell
Solid Scale 3X Plate Alkahest
Iron Ignot 3X Ore 3X Ore
Iron Globe 3X Iron Ignot Alkahest
Timber 3X Wood 3X Wood
Leather 3X Hide 3X Hide
Treated Leather 3X Leather Alkahest
Alkahest Antidote Small Healing Potion
Emerald 3X Emerald Shard 3X Emerald Shard
Sapphire 3X Sapphire Shard 3X Sapphire Shard
Ruby 3X Ruby Shard 3X Ruby Shard
Emerald Globe 3X Emerald Alkahest
Sapphire Globe 3X Sapphire Alkahest
Ruby Globe 3X Ruby Alkahest
Gold Ignot 3X Gold Ore 3X Gold Ore
Gold Globe 3X Gold Ignot Alkahest
Sturdy Lumber 3X Lumber Alkahest
Small Healing Potion 3X Healing Herb Empty Bottle
Medium Healing Potion 6X Healing Herb Empty Bottle
Large Healing Potion 12X Healing Herb Empty Bottle
Small Mana Potion 3X Mana Herb Empty Bottle
Medium Mana Potion 6X Mana Herb Empty Bottle
Large Mana Potion 12X Mana Herb Empty Bottle
Small Berry Potion 3X Teras Berrie Empty Bottle
Medium Berry Potion 6X Teras Berrie Empty Bottle
Large Berry Potion 12X Teras Berrie Empty Bottle
Ambrosia Large Health Potion Large Mana Potion
Panacea 5X Antidote Medium Health Potion

*Need to be crafted at a Forge!
Crafting Quests
Quest Outcome Combination
Softens the Blow Beetle Shield 3X Animal Hides + 3X Animal Shells
Make it Sharp Shank Animal Hide + Iron Ore
Iron Makes us Stronger Iron Ignot 3X Iron Ore + 3X Iron ore
Sorcererâs Apprentice Apprentice Wand Stick Sapphire Shard
Make it a Tasty Potion Small Health Potion 3X Herbs + Empty Bottle
Make it a Smart Potion Small Mana Potion 3X Mana Herbs + Empty Bottle
Reinforce This Baby Round Shield Wooden Shields + Iron Ignot
Polish the Edge Trusty Dagger Rusty Dagger + Alkahest
The Art of Throwing Pointy Things 10X Ninja Stars Iron Ore + Alkahest
Those Crafty Sprites Imp Branch Apprentice Want + Gaea Seed
Crimson Toss 6X Ruby Darts Ruby Shard + Alkahest
Azure Throw 6X Sapphire Darts Sapphire Shard + Alkahest
Emerald Swing 6X Emerald Darts Emerald Shard + Alkahest
Crimson Stabber Assassin Dagger Rusty Dagger + Ruby Shard
Going Out Swinging Nail Bat Iron Ignot + Timber
Double it Please Medium Health Potion 6X Herbs + Empty Container
Double the IQ Medium Mana Potion 6X Mana Herbs + Empty Container
Titanization Titan Scimitar Scimitar + Sapphire Globe
One for All, All for One Dartanian Piercer + Emerald Glpbe
I Would like that Super Sized Large Health Potion 12 Herbs + Empty Container
Brain Nitro Large Mana Potion 12 Mana Herbs + Empty Containers
Windowfication Windowâs Claw Falcata + Ruby Globe
Justified Vindication Vindicator Nail Bat + Iron Globe
Throwing Money Hurts 10X Gold Ninja Stars Gold Ore + Alkahest
Needs More Iron Blast Shield Warriorâs Shield + Iron Globe
Ultimatum Razor Sword Wooden Sword + 5X Iron Globes

Nymphs: Old Knights Memento + Round Shield = Warriorâs Shield
Mnemosyne: Sorcererâs Sapphire + Regal Sword = Scholar Sword
Phoebe: Seal of Magi + Wizard Rod = Staff of Magi
Theia: Gorgonâs Blood + Rusted Dagger = Cursed Kris
Tethys: Angelâs Tear + Peace Baton = Paladin Mace
Rhea: Vindicator + Paladin Mace = Morning Star
Forgotten: Beetle God Essence + Blast Shield = Beetle God Shield
Themis: Necromancer Heart + Imp Branch = Deadwood Staff
Ore Spawn Rates

âOre spawning on maps is basically done by scanning the map for walkable tiles, then on each of them get a 3/2000 chance of spawning an ore. For defining which ore itâs going to be, it just applies the random chance of each ore and the final spawn will be the last one that passes the probability test. So, for the numbers:

Area 1: Maps 1-11 can spawn Iron (Iron always have a 100% probability to spawn, so if the tile passes the 3/2000 chance it will spawn at least iron there)

Area 2: All maps (1-8) can spawn Iron, and Sapphire can happen with 12% of chance.

Area 3:All maps (1-12) can spawn Iron, Sapphire with 12%, Emerald with 7% and Ruby with 2%

Area 4: Iron, Sapphire 15%, Emerald 10%, Ruby 5%

Areas 5-6: Iron, Sapphire 18%, Emerald 13%, Ruby 8%, Gold 3%

Area 7: Iron, Sapphire 30%, Emerald 20%, Ruby 10%, Gold 5%

Area 8: Iron, Sapphire 35%, Emerald 25%, Ruby 15%, Gold 7%â â" Tip by Lebossle!

NOTE: Areas and map numbers can be found in the first map! Area â" Map (example 1 (area) â" 2 (map)) combination will appear in a gray font.

Combinations (Simplistic List) list by Lebossle!

[IronGlobe, 1], [IronIngot, 3], [Alkahest, 1]

[GoldIngot, 1], [GoldOre, 3], [GoldOre, 3]

[GoldGlobe, 1], [GoldIngot, 3], [Alkahest, 1]

[Ruby, 1], [RubyShard, 3], [RubyShard, 3]

[RubyGlobe, 1], [Ruby, 3], [Alkahest, 1]

[Emerald, 1], [EmeraldShard, 3], [EmeraldShard, 3]

[EmeraldGlobe, 1], [Emerald, 3], [Alkahest, 1]

[Sapphire, 1], [SapphireShard, 3], [SapphireShard, 3]

[SapphireGlobe, 1], [Sapphire, 3], [Alkahest, 1]

[Shank, 1], [IronOre, 1], [Hide, 1]

[Trusty, 1], [Rusted, 1], [Alkahest, 1]

[Assasin, 1], [Trusty, 1], [RubyShard, 1]

[Wooden, 1], [Wood, 3], [IronOre, 1]

[Regal, 1], [Militia, 1], [Leather, 1]

[TitanScimitar, 1], [Scimitar, 1], [SapphireGlobe, 1]

[WidowClaw, 1], [Falcata, 1], [RubyGlobe, 1]

[Dartanian, 1], [Piercer, 1], [EmeraldGlobe, 1]

[Razor, 1], [Wooden, 1], [IronGlobe, 5]

[NailBat, 1], [Timber, 1], [IronIngot, 1]

[Vindicator, 1], [NailBat, 1], [IronGlobe, 1]

[ApprenticeWand, 1], [Stick, 1], [SapphireShard, 1]

[ImpBranch, 1], [ApprenticeWand, 1], [GaeaSeed, 1]

[ThrowingStar, 10], [IronOre, 1], [Alkahest, 1]

[GoldThrowingStar, 10], [GoldOre, 1], [Alkahest, 1]

[RubyDart, 6], [RubyShard, 1], [Alkahest, 1]

[EmeraldDart, 6], [EmeraldShard, 1], [Alkahest, 1]

[SapphireDart, 6], [SapphireShard, 1], [Alkahest, 1]

[Beetle, 1], [Shell, 3], [Hide, 3]

[Round, 1], [Wooden, 1], [IronIngot, 1]

[Blast, 1], [Warrior, 1], [IronGlobe, 1]

[Armor.Legs::Plate, 1], [Armor.Legs::Leather, 1], [Plate, 1]

[Armor.Arms::Plate, 1], [Armor.Arms::Leather, 1], [Plate, 1]

[Armor.Torsos::Plate, 1], [Armor.Torsos::Leather, 1], [Plate, 1]

[Armor.Helmets::Plate, 1], [Armor.Helmets::Leather, 1], [Plate, 1]

[Paladin, 1], [OldGuard, 1], [PaladinTalisman, 1]

[Armor.Arms::Paladin, 1], [Armor.Arms::OldGuard, 1], [PaladinTalisman, 1]

[Armor.Torsos::Paladin, 1], [Armor.Torsos::OldGuard, 1], [PaladinTalisman, 1]

[Armor.Helmets::Paladin, 1], [Armor.Helmets::OldGuard, 1], [PaladinTalisman, 1]

[Golem, 1], [Leather, 1], [GolemTalisman, 1]

[Armor.Arms::Golem, 1], [Armor.Arms::Leather, 1], [GolemTalisman, 1]

[Armor.Torsos::Golem, 1], [Armor.Torsos::Leather, 1], [GolemTalisman, 1]

[Armor.Helmets::Golem, 1], [Armor.Helmets::Leather, 1], [GolemTalisman, 1]

[Saint, 1], [Paladin, 1], [SaintTalisman, 1]

[Armor.Arms::Saint, 1], [Armor.Arms::Paladin, 1], [SaintTalisman, 1]

[Armor.Torsos::Saint, 1], [Armor.Torsos::Paladin, 1], [SaintTalisman, 1]

[Armor.Helmets::Saint, 1], [Armor.Helmets::Paladin, 1], [SaintTalisman, 1]

[Minotaur, 1], [Golem, 1], [MinotaurTalisman, 1]

[Armor.Arms::Minotaur, 1], [Armor.Arms::Golem, 1], [MinotaurTalisman, 1]

[Armor.Torsos::Minotaur, 1], [Armor.Torsos::Golem, 1], [MinotaurTalisman, 1]

[Armor.Helmets::Minotaur, 1], [Armor.Helmets::Golem, 1], [MinotaurTalisman, 1]

[HealthPotion_sm, 1], [HealingHerb, 3], [EmptyBottle, 1]

[HealthPotion_md, 1], [HealingHerb, 6], [EmptyBottle, 1]

[HealthPotion_lg, 1], [HealingHerb, 12], [EmptyBottle, 1]

[ManaPotion_sm, 1], [ManaHerb, 3], [EmptyBottle, 1]

[ManaPotion_md, 1], [ManaHerb, 6], [EmptyBottle, 1]

[ManaPotion_lg, 1], [ManaHerb, 12], [EmptyBottle, 1]

[BerryPotion_sm, 1], [TerasBerry, 3], [EmptyBottle, 1]

[BerryPotion_md, 1], [TerasBerry, 6], [EmptyBottle, 1]

[BerryPotion_lg, 1], [TerasBerry, 12], [EmptyBottle, 1]

[Alkahest, 1], [Antidote, 1], [HealthPotion_sm, 1]

[Panacea, 1], [Antidote, 5], [HealthPotion_md, 1]

[Ambrosia, 1], [ManaPotion_lg, 1], [HealthPotion_lg, 1]

[Plate, 1], [Shell, 3], [Shell, 3]

[SolidScale, 1], [Plate, 3], [Alkahest, 1]

[Timber, 1], [Wood, 3], [Wood, 3]

[StrongLumber, 1], [Timber, 3], [Alkahest, 1]

[Leather, 1], [Hide, 3], [Hide, 3]

[TreatedLeather, 1], [Leather, 3], [Alkahest, 1]

[IronIngot, 1], [IronOre, 3], [IronOre, 3]


Here are some frequently asked questions. I may expand upon this later if I spot more FAQs.

Where is the Sorcererâs Stone?

The Sorcererâs Stone can be found just south of the Forge of Nympth.

Where is the Seal of Magi?

Just north of the boss âPuff-No-More.â

Where is âxâ Boss?

All of the boss locations can be found on the second map, just below.

How do I open âxâ Gate?

All of the gate locations and how to open them appear on the second map.
Heres the full one glad i helped!

1 posts

guys can you tell me how to make a nail bat

1 posts

How you get the Gaea seed

8 posts

How do you make leather armor?

1 posts

where is falcata could be found or craft anyway??

2 posts

how do i make plates?

2 posts

how can i make the knight's memento???? Do i need the old knights memento?

1 posts

Looking for a Sorcerers sapphire, help!

1 posts

The angels tear is located at the last part of the map.

1 posts

Can anyone please tell me where the forgotten forge is? I have the stuff I need to make the beetle god shield but I can't find the forge.

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