Here are a few I wrote on the dates stated. Just a few experiments.
Misplaced Advice 05/07/11
I remember a certain acquaintance. He seemed to bear no faults in the eyes of his worshiping friends. And indeed, he did appear to lead a flawless life. However, I made a keen observation of him. Despite his perfection, I noticed an endless trend about him. If this trend alone was considered perfection embodied, I didn't know what perfection was.
Whenever he was at a party, he would imbibe until he was confident enough to stand up and say, â³ One thing I never respect in a man is his outright display of carelessness when it comes to alcohol.â¶
He was an avid smoker and perhaps lit up fifty times a day. Even then, he didn't let his voice idle. Once he told a friend, â³ In these difficult times You do what You have to do. And smokingâµs not one of them.â¶
he was a great socializer and was very popular with the ladies. While surrounded by adoring faces, he never missed the chance to say loudly, ' When it comes to women and a man canâµt make up his mind, heâµd better stay home.ⶠThis is just to name a few of his wise sayings.
He took to many wayward activities, yet never did he make excuse for them. However, he didn't stop the pearls of wisdom that would flow from his mouth at wanton times.
Of course, as time would have it, his life soon drew to a close. But, in the most untimely way possible. Heâµd had a hand in his own death. When I heard about it, I wasn't sorry, but the, I wasn't triumphant. Iâµd hardly known him. All I had known was his countless misplaced advice. I found myself wondering, that if it were at all possible for him to still speak, what wise advice heâµd give on suicide.
Just Listen 05/07/11
Martha stared at the boy. He didn't look at her. His eyes were on the ground before him. She felt a growing sense of resentment in her heart.
â³ Lake, why didn't You ever tell me? Why didn't You come to me?â¶
The police officer left the room slowly. The boy remained still in his chair. His head was bowed and his hair hung over his eyes. Martha bent down.
â³ Lake, You can tell me,ⶠMartha said encouragingly. â³ Why didn't You come to me?â¶
The boy clenched his hands and brushed at the hair in his eyes with a measure of frustration. He was still silent.
â³ Lake, please.â¶
The boy lifted his head. He had clear, grey eyes which seemed to be condemning the very faces it stared at. He had dark brown hair which was quite long, hanging over his eyes and coming down to his shoulders in the back. He looked to be a bout sixteen years old.
â³ You woundâµt listen. You never listen,ⶠhe finally said in a choked voice. â³ I tried! A long time ago! But-â¶
Martha stopped him there. His eyes met her own. His face was streaming with tears by now. She noticed something in his eye. A deep unfathomable look of pain. Suddenly, she understood.
â³ Lake, Iâµm sorry. Continue,ⶠMartha said quickly.
The boy covered his face and struggled to contain himself. â³ I have nothing else to say.â¶
Martha embraced Lake and kissed his head. He continued to cry softly. And while she sat with him, Martha listened, even though he had nothing more to say. Suddenly, even his sobs alone were precious to her.
The Apocalypse 05/08/11
The Apocalypse. Some say it will come with Fire. Others say it will come with Water. Still others say it will come with global destruction.
The Doomsayers loudly exclaim that it could crash upon us all any day now.
The Naysayers also loudly exclaim that it will never come.
The Gainsayers disagree with the Naysayers. Saying instead that the Apocalypse has already passed and therefore, will not come.
The Soothsayers struggle daily to provide us all with accurate details as to the exact time and date of its arrival.
However, it stands to reason that although no one can pinpoint its arrival, nor the time, nor the year, nor the month, nor the day, it will still come.
The apocalypse has been coming ever since the Dawn of Time. Now, itâµs inevitable.
It has not already passed, as the gainsayers would have You believe.
It is an event so great, so terrible, so horrible, so wonderful as to be worthy of the title: Apocalypse.
The Apocalypse is the ending of this World, as we know it. No one who is yet alive will survive it and simultaneously not know that it happened.
It should be a sobering thing to wake up everyday and find your life the same as it always has been. Because, one day, that will all change. And no Human Being can withstand the Force of the Deity.
Which would You choose? 05/10/11
â³ So, Mirari, which would You choose?ⶠAurthur asked with a curious grin. â³ The blond or the brunette?â¶
Mirari, a tall, stern looking boy of seventeen, stared down at his nine year old cousin. Aurthur grinned again.
â³ Well?â¶
Mirari tussled Aurthurâµs brown hair and avoided the boyâµs intense blue eyed gaze.
â³ I donâµt know, buddy."
â³ Think about it, then."
Mirari frowned and looked away. He blinked his grey eyes. He was thinking hard. What did it matter which girl heâµd choose?
He was a pretty lucky kid. Aside from the fact that:; his father had left his mother when he was nine; his eldest brother had committed suicide thereafter; he hadn't been invited to his sisterâµs wedding; and even as young as he was, he was on his own. He was alright.
Sure, his life was messed up. Sure, his life was broken, but heâµd coped through every minute of it. Heâµd struggled to maintain his sanity all along. He was proud that heâµd succeeded.
â³ Well, little buddy, what does it matter?â¶
â³ You choose the one You like best.â¶
â³ Does it matter?â¶
â³ Nope.â¶
Mirari sighed. All his decisions were based on his experience good or bad. But, if this decision didn't matter...
â³ In that case, Iâµd chosen neither.â¶
ⳠI forgot to mention the brown!ⶠAurthur said triumphantly.