Welcome to the creepypasta writing contest. The goal of this new founded contest is to write the best creepypasta for the theme. For those of you who don't know what Creepypasta is:
Creepypasta is a form of Copypasta and are short scary/horror stories that are regularly posted on message boards or sent via email intended to scare or unnerve the reader. Some are completely made up where as others are derived from old Urban Legends.
For this contest, Long creepypasta is what is being sought. Long creepy pasta tends to fall more under a spooky short story than anything. Some things to keep in mind while writing your story: creepyness: Plot ending grammar/spelling originality of idea etc. Creepypasta artwork does not count, but can placed along with your story. Remember the AMW rules. If I find out you plagiarized, you will be reported.
As the title of the thread says, the theme for this first challenge is fire. Good luck...
So... Creepypasta are those Emails you get telling you to FWD it or else Fred will kill you? So I can win contest writing the things I do anyways?
Sorry, but I'm looking for long creepypasta, which is more like creepy short stories.
And I meant to post some examples of long creepypasta in the OP, but I forgot, so... Russian Sleep Experiment [http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/West]West[/url] Suicidemouse.avi
Sorry for bumping (I feel like Ilberic form the days Battle of the Bands was unstickied), but entries are needed! Please... If this falters again, I won't revive it.
I am of the belief that the shorter creepypastas are the better ones, but I'll see what I can do. This is my first attempt at a pasta, so bear with me.
A long-held tradition of 19th century America was the teaching of Christian values alongside secular education. The ten commandments were well known by all good students. The most important of all was the first: "I am the Lord, your God. You shall not worship any other gods before me."
The Midwest was the most uptight in this regard. Rural areas were rife with "fire and brimstone" preaching, and warnings of grave consequences for those who did not put God ahead of all else.
As time went on, science began to take a front seat to faith, and the educational system became more secular. Prayer in school was not mandatory, and became rarer by the beginning of the 20th century.
On March 4, 1908, a fire broke out at Lake View Elementary School in Collinwood, an eastern suburb of Cleveland. The central staircase channeled the flames through all four stories of the inadequately fireproofed building, and the interior was gutted. 175 children lost their lives that day; some burned alive, others succumbed to the smoke. Many more were crushed to death on the stairs and in the halls, or died jumping from 2nd and 3rd floor windows.
Officially, the fire was blamed on an overheated steam pipe. Unofficially, rumors circulated of survivors witnessing the fire breaking out in multiple places at once. The fire occurred on Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent and the day Jesus was tempted by Satan. None of the 175 killed in the fire had attended mass that morning, and Lake View was a secular school. No one can say for certain, but there is always the inkling that science and education have become our new idols.