Welcome to the master feedback thread! I don't know if it will go anywhere, but I'm sure it'll help. To get feedback just place a link to your work and determine you want to be critiqued on/ helped with.
I don't think these kinds of threads will live, because they have been mage before. Users like their own thread to update it, and to have all of their stuff in one place, not mixed in with everyone else's. I'm not hoping this crashes, I just don't think it's a good idea. But hey, that's just me. =p Also, really cool fractals! I don't have any critique on it though. . . I don't see how you could, they're generated images.
I created a writing thread a few days ago. The link to it is the first one on my profile. It has gotten over 300 views, but only two people have given me any helpful critique on it, now I know how wolf and some of the other writers that don't get a critique feel. However, I've created the same thread on Kongregate and I've gotten much better critiquing. Seems like Kongregate is better for poetry.