I really like your style of using contrasting tones and values. Gives your pictures a very unique style. My only critiques are to try a little more line variety and to smooth up your shading a wee bit.
Great work all-in-all though! It's very refreshing to have some new talent around here. Post more!
P.S. Can you provide closer views of the three framed drawings?
Well im working on some pictures right now, so i will take your advice Thank you Ok i will try to find them and picture from closer distance. These are from my art exam at school. I think i will need to take trip to my city after this weekend and find them. BEcause i have to study a lot of, have session at university right now
Also, friendly thread tip. If you have a lot of drawings and such I would suggest posting them one or maybe 2 at a time. Nothing kills an art thread faster than having every art piece posted at once.
The art in the Op is interesting; it reminds me of what I'm working on right now. I really ought to finish it, but I'm not used to filling an entire piece of paper with pencil.
I recently got some inpiration from Roger Dean, if you don't know the artist, check him up, it might give you a fantastic new perspective for your drawings.