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NOTE: This is different from Paarfam's Armatar War because this is an RPG, not an RP.

Anyway, this is the format for the character sheet. Anything in parentheses is a direction for what to put there. If it's blank, don't put anything there.

Username: (insert your username here)
Armatar: (describe your armatar, but don't reveal the AP to unlock it)
Level: 1
Spell 1 Effect:
Spell 2 Effect:
Spell 3 Effect:

More about the character sheet:

Once you submit a character sheet, I will simplify the Armatar entry if needed. Then, I will assign stats based on the armatar. Do not worry about prejudice for armatars. Strength, Magic, Constitution, and Dexterity are attributes that affect the other stats (I will handle all of that). Damage and spells interact with each other. In other words, if you have 3 spells, your damage is 1-4 modified by Strength. If you have 2 spells, the damage is 1-6. For 1 spell, the damage is 1-8. Damage is modified by Strength, while spell effects are modified by Magic. Dexterity modifies your Defense, which is how hard you are to hit. Attack affects how often you hit (a higher Attack increases the chance to hit) and is modified by Strength. Magic modifies MP (magic points), which lets you cast spells. Finally, Constitution modifies your HP (hit points).

The character limit is 5. Once 5 characters are created, the game will start.

Leveling Up:

I will decide when you gain a level. Your next post after gaining a level needs to include your previous character sheet, what attributes you are increasing (increase 2 by 1 each), and what spell you are adding (if I provide choices).


What if I switch my armatar?

If you switch your armatar, I will allow multiclassing. This means that the Armatar entry would look like this:

Before you level:

Armatar: original armatar (new armatar)

After you level:

Armatar: original armatar #/new armatar 1
# is what your level was before you switched your armatar.

Once you take a level in the new armatar, your stats change accordingly. Your attributes will change to hybrid the two armatars, but everything else is based on what you were before. Switching armatars will also affect spell choice. Once you switch, all levels from then on are added to the new armatar.

What if I switch my armatar again?

If it's back to the original armatar, you simply take levels in that armatar again. Otherwise, it has no effect on anything except your Armatar entry. If your armatar is something other than one of your first two since starting the game, it will be marked like this:

Armatar: original armatar #/2nd armatar #/current armatar

Can I fight other characters?

I will allow PvP fighting, but it depends on the situation. You can request to PvP fight by saying this as your action:

I search for a character to fight.

I will then tell you who you can fight. If a PvP fight does occur, I will handle it like other fights. The loser is whoever is first to go to 0 HP.

What happens if I go down to 0 HP?

If this ever happens to you, you may not do anything until I say otherwise. I would say this to notify you:

You have gone down to 0 HP. Do not post actions until I say otherwise.

When will the game end?

At some point, I will send all of you to a fighting tournament. Here's how the tournament would work:

The 5 characters and a character created by me with level equal to the median of the existing characters would be in the tournament. The tournament would have PvP fights. This will whittle the field down to 3. Then, a monster will be added to make it 4. The winner will be announced when all the fights are complete.

How will I fight?

When you enter combat, you need to post a 5-round action cycle. I will run the combat based on this cycle. If you don't have enough MP to cast a spell, you will attack instead.

What if I get a lot of spells?

You will be limited to 6 spells. Once you have 6, further spell additions will replace an existing spell.

  • 182 Replies
603 posts

user: kingofwar1234
armatar: king with sword
everything: 1000000000000000

12,319 posts

kingofwar1234, do not cheat. Also, the game is full, so you may not join unless someone quits.

Username: Riptizoid101
Armatar: Armored Knight
Level: 2
Strength: 16
Magic: 10
Constitution: 14
Dexterity: 12
HP: 13/18
MP: 11/13
Damage: 4-11
Attack: 7
Defense: 14
Spells: Power Slash, Goodgame Strike
Spell 1 Effect: MP cost is 2, attacks and deals 5-14 damage.
Spell 2 Effect: MP cost is 4, attacks at +2 Attack and deals 5-14 damage.
Spell 3 Effect:

You reach E2, but you run into a wandering monster.

6,257 posts

Username: Riptizoid101
Armatar: Armored Knight
Level: 2
Strength: 16
Magic: 10
Constitution: 14
Dexterity: 12
HP: 13/18
MP: 11/13
Damage: 4-11
Attack: 7
Defense: 14
Spells: Power Slash, Goodgame Strike
Spell 1 Effect: MP cost is 2, attacks and deals 5-14 damage.
Spell 2 Effect: MP cost is 4, attacks at +2 Attack and deals 5-14 damage.
Spell 3 Effect:

Jeez do they never stop coming? This should be easy, so now I use goodgame strike and then regular attack if he survives!

1,747 posts

From my point of view, the numbers in the character sheet make no sense if you can't compare it to the monsters. I want to know their stats too.

Username: JohnGarell
Armatar: Ice Lord
Level: 1
Strength: 10
Magic: 14
Constitution: 16
Dexterity: 12
HP: 0/11
MP: 0/10
Damage: 1-6
Attack: 2
Defense: 14
Spells: Icicle, Frost Nova
Spell 1 Effect: MP cost is 2, deals 2-7 damage.
Spell 2 Effect: MP cost is 5, adds 3 Defense for 2 turns.
Spell 3 Effect:

I go back to S4 and make a normal attack on that last enemy.

12,319 posts

Username: Riptizoid101
Armatar: Armored Knight
Level: 2
Strength: 16
Magic: 10
Constitution: 14
Dexterity: 12
HP: 15/18
MP: 12/13
Damage: 4-11
Attack: 7
Defense: 14
Spells: Power Slash, Goodgame Strike
Spell 1 Effect: MP cost is 2, attacks and deals 5-14 damage.
Spell 2 Effect: MP cost is 4, attacks at +2 Attack and deals 5-14 damage.
Spell 3 Effect:

I forgot your regeneration for movement, so I accounted for it in your latest sheet. Also, you win the combat and gain a level.

Add one of the following spells:

Weapon Block: MP cost is 4, increases your Defense by 2 for the next 2 rounds.
Armor Spikes: MP cost is 6, increases your Attack and Defense by 1 each for the next 3 rounds.

You may also do one of the following:

-Increase two of your stats (Strength, Magic, Constitution, Dexterity) by 2 each.
-Increase one of your stats by 4.

This is what your character sheet looks like now:

Username: Riptizoid101
Armatar: Armored Knight
Level: 3
Strength: 16
Magic: 10
Constitution: 14
Dexterity: 12
HP: 26
MP: 14
Damage: 4-11
Attack: 8
Defense: 15
Spells: Power Slash, Goodgame Strike
Spell 1 Effect: MP cost is 2, attacks and deals 5-14 damage.
Spell 2 Effect: MP cost is 4, attacks at +2 Attack and deals 5-14 damage.
Spell 3 Effect:

The meanings of each stat will be posted below JohnGarell's character sheet.

Username: JohnGarell
Armatar: Ice Lord
Level: 1
Strength: 10
Magic: 14
Constitution: 16
Dexterity: 12
HP: 0/11
MP: 0/10
Damage: 1-6
Attack: 2
Defense: 14
Spells: Icicle, Frost Nova
Spell 1 Effect: MP cost is 2, deals 2-7 damage.
Spell 2 Effect: MP cost is 5, adds 3 Defense for 2 turns.
Spell 3 Effect:

Strike 1! You attempted to post an action even though you're dead. This is not allowed and therefore earns you a strike. Do not post actions until you are revived. Reaching 3 strikes ejects you from the game, which also opens up a slot for someone else to play.

Mortinor: M13
JohnGarell: S4 (dead with 1 monster left) X
endlessrampage73: Z26 (in combat*5)
Riptizoid101: E2
ganlaf: M13
Clues: Row A, E, T, or Z

12,319 posts

Oops! I forgot to post the meanings of stats:

Strength: This stat affects your Attack and damage. A higher Attack means a higher chance to hit. Specifically, increasing Attack by 1 increases your chance to hit a monster by 5%.

Magic: This stat affects your MP, which is used to cast spells.

Constitution: This stat affects your HP.

Dexterity: This stat affects your Defense, which affects your chance to be hit by a monster. Specifically, increasing your Defense by 1 reduces your chance to get hit by 5%.

In addition, each monster has Attack, Defense, Damage, and HP. If your Attack is 11 less than the monster's Defense, you have a 50% chance to hit. Each Attack point increases that chance by 5% until you get to 2 below the monster's Defense, which gives you a 95% chance to hit. Your hitting chance can never go above 95%. Each Attack point lost reduces your chance to hit by 5% until you get to 20 below the monster's Defense. When that happens, your chance to hit reaches 5%, which is the minimum.

12,319 posts

JohnGarell has quit Armatar War RPG, so there is now a slot open. Play will continue with the current players, but someone else may join at any time.

Mortinor: M13
endlessrampage73: Z26 (in combat*5)
Riptizoid101: E2 (leveling up)
ganlaf: M13
Clues: Row A, E, T, or Z

6,257 posts

Username: Riptizoid101
Armatar: Armored Knight
Level: 2
Strength: 20
Magic: 10
Constitution: 14
Dexterity: 12
HP: 15/18
MP: 12/13
Damage: 4-11
Attack: 7
Defense: 14
Spells: Power Slash, Goodgame Strike, Armor Spike
Spell 1 Effect: MP cost is 2, attacks and deals 5-14 damage.
Spell 2 Effect: MP cost is 4, attacks at +2 Attack and deals 5-14 damage.
Spell 3 Effect:

Ok I will go to A5

12,319 posts

@Riptizoid101: You gained a level. This is the correct character sheet:

Username: Riptizoid101
Armatar: Armored Knight
Level: 3
Strength: 20
Magic: 10
Constitution: 14
Dexterity: 12
HP: 26
MP: 14
Damage: 6-13
Attack: 10
Defense: 15
Spells: Power Slash, Goodgame Strike, Armor Spikes
Spell 1 Effect: MP cost is 2, attacks and deals 5-14 damage.
Spell 2 Effect: MP cost is 4, attacks at +2 Attack and deals 5-14 damage.
Spell 3 Effect: MP cost is 6, increases your Attack and Defense by 1 each for the next 3 rounds.

You go to A5, but you run into a wandering monster.

Mortinor: M13
endlessrampage73: Z26 (in combat*5)
Riptizoid101: A5 (in combat)
ganlaf: M13
Clues: Row A, E, T, or Z

12,319 posts

Actually, I made another error. This is the correct character sheet:

Username: Riptizoid101
Armatar: Armored Knight
Level: 3
Strength: 20
Magic: 10
Constitution: 14
Dexterity: 12
HP: 26
MP: 14
Damage: 6-13
Attack: 10
Defense: 15
Spells: Power Slash, Goodgame Strike, Armor Spikes
Spell 1 Effect: MP cost is 2, attacks and deals 7-16 damage.
Spell 2 Effect: MP cost is 4, attacks at +2 Attack and deals 7-16 damage.
Spell 3 Effect: MP cost is 6, increases your Attack and Defense by 1 each for the next 3 rounds.

6,257 posts

Username: Riptizoid101
Armatar: Armored Knight
Level: 3
Strength: 20
Magic: 10
Constitution: 14
Dexterity: 12
HP: 26
MP: 14
Damage: 6-13
Attack: 10
Defense: 15
Spells: Power Slash, Goodgame Strike, Armor Spikes
Spell 1 Effect: MP cost is 2, attacks and deals 7-16 damage.
Spell 2 Effect: MP cost is 4, attacks at +2 Attack and deals 7-16 damage.
Spell 3 Effect: MP cost is 6, increases your Attack and Defense by 1 each for the next 3 rounds.

I use regular attack first, then Armor spikes and then regular attack for the rest of the rounds.

12,319 posts

Username: Riptizoid101
Armatar: Armored Knight
Level: 3
Strength: 20
Magic: 10
Constitution: 14
Dexterity: 12
HP: 18/26
MP: 8/14
Damage: 6-13
Attack: 10
Defense: 15
Spells: Power Slash, Goodgame Strike, Armor Spikes
Spell 1 Effect: MP cost is 2, attacks and deals 7-16 damage.
Spell 2 Effect: MP cost is 4, attacks at +2 Attack and deals 7-16 damage.
Spell 3 Effect: MP cost is 6, increases your Attack and Defense by 1 each for the next 3 rounds.

You win the combat, but there is also a clue:

The slot machine is somewhere in the first 100 areas, as in Battleship.

You may now move elsewhere.

Mortinor: M13
endlessrampage73: Z26 (in combat*5)
Riptizoid101: A5
ganlaf: M13
Clues: A1-10 or E1-10

6,257 posts

Username: Riptizoid101
Armatar: Armored Knight
Level: 3
Strength: 20
Magic: 10
Constitution: 14
Dexterity: 12
HP: 18/26
MP: 8/14
Damage: 6-13
Attack: 10
Defense: 15
Spells: Power Slash, Goodgame Strike, Armor Spikes
Spell 1 Effect: MP cost is 2, attacks and deals 7-16 damage.
Spell 2 Effect: MP cost is 4, attacks at +2 Attack and deals 7-16 damage.
Spell 3 Effect: MP cost is 6, increases your Attack and Defense by 1 each for the next 3 rounds.

I go to A6. Hopefully I don't run into a wandering monster

12,319 posts

Username: Riptizoid101
Armatar: Armored Knight
Level: 3
Strength: 20
Magic: 10
Constitution: 14
Dexterity: 12
HP: 18/26
MP: 8/14
Damage: 6-13
Attack: 10
Defense: 15
Spells: Power Slash, Goodgame Strike, Armor Spikes
Spell 1 Effect: MP cost is 2, attacks and deals 7-16 damage.
Spell 2 Effect: MP cost is 4, attacks at +2 Attack and deals 7-16 damage.
Spell 3 Effect: MP cost is 6, increases your Attack and Defense by 1 each for the next 3 rounds.

You go to A6 and do not run into a wandering monster.

Mortinor: M13
endlessrampage73: Z26 (in combat*5)
Riptizoid101: A6
ganlaf: M13
Clues: A1-10 or E1-10

779 posts

Username: Roty
Armatar: Dwarf Mage
Level: 1
Spell 1 Effect:
Spell 2 Effect:
Spell 3 Effect:

Can I play? If so, is this good sheet?

Showing 136-150 of 182