Some elements can be created using a variety of combinations. Only one is shown here. Some elements can only be made once youâve progressed to the third episode. If you try a combination and it doesnât work, make a note and try again once youâve completed 140 elements. If you spot any errors please let me know.
01. Absinthe = Grass + Vodka 02. Air = Given At Start Of Game 03. Airplane = Air + Car 04. Alcohol = Fire + Water 05. Alcoholic = Human + Beer 06. Alien = Life+ Void 07. Ant = Work + Beetle 08. Antibiotics = Medicine + Bacteria 09. Apple = Tree + Flower 10. Ash = Fire + Dust 11. Assassin = Human + Poisoned Weapon 12. Astronaut = Human + Rocket 13. B-52 = Coffee + Vodka 14. Bacteria = Life + Swamp 15. Bank = Money + Skyscraper 16. Beast = Lizard + Earth 17. Beer = Wheat + Alcohol 18. Beetle = Earth + Worm 19. Bird = Egg + Air 20. Blood = Human + Dinosaur 21. Boat = Wood + Water 22. Boiler = Metal + Steam 23. Book = Paper + Feather 24. Bread = Fire + Dough 25. Bricks = Clay + Fire 26. Butterfly = Air + Worm 27. Car = Oil + Cart 28. Cart = Wood + Wheel 29. Cat = Beast + House 30. Caviar = Egg + Fish 31. CD = Book + Laser 32. Cell Phone = Radio Wave + Computer 33. Cement = Clay + Limestone 34. Censored = Grass + Paper 35. Ceramics = Clay + Human 36. Chariot = Beast + Cart 37. Cheese = Milk + Bacteria 38. Cigarette = Paper + Tobacco 39. Clay = Sand + Swamp 40. Clock = Sand + Glass 41. Clothes = Human + Fabric 42. Coal = Fire + Wood 43. Coffee = Energy + Seeds 44. Commandments = Given Once 139 Elements Have Been Discovered 45. Computer = Book + TV 46. Concrete = Cement + Water 47. Cookies = Sugar + Bread 48. Corpse = Poison + Human 49. Credit Card = Debt + Money 50. Cyborg = Human + Computer 51. Death Metal = Electricity + Corpse 52. Debt = Money + Bank 53. Demigod = Energy + Wizard 54. Dinosaur = Egg + Earth 55. Dog = Beast + House 56. Dolphin = Beast + Fish 57. Domestic Animal = Beast + Human 58. Dough = Flour + Water 59. Dragon = Air + Dinosaur 60. Dust = Air + Earth 61. Earth = Given At Start Of Game 62. Egg = Life + Stone 63. Electricity = Energy + Metal 64. Energy = Fire + Oil 65. Fabric = Wool + Tools 66. Feather = Bird + Hunter 67. Fern = Moss + Swamp 68. Fertilizer = Domestic Animal + Grass 69. Field = Earth + Tools 70. Fire = Given At Start Of Game 71. Firearm = Weapon + Gun Powder 72. Fish = Snake + Water 73. Flour = Stone + Wheat 74. Flower = Sun + Grass 75. Freezer = Ice + Mechanism 76. Frigate = Fabric + Ship 77. Fun = Sex + Human 78. Games = Fun + Law 79. Ghost = Life + Ash 80. Ghoul = Corpse + Zombie 81. Glass = Fire + Sand 82. Gold = Philosopherâs Stone + Metal 83. Golem = Life + Clay 84. Grass = Earth + Moss 85. Gun Powder = Sulfur + Saltpetre 86. Hacker = Computer + Virus 87. Hangover = Beer + Vodka 88. Hero = Dragon + Warrior 89. House = Bricks+ Concrete 90. Human = Life + Beast 91. Hunter = Human + Weapon 92. Hut = Stone + Human 93. Ice = Glass + Water 94. Ice Cream = Milk + Ice 95. Internet = Computer+ Computer 96. Journalist = Human + Typewriter 97. Knowledge = Book + Human 98. Laser = Radiowave + Fire 99. Lava = Fire + Earth 100. Law = Human + Religion 101. Life = Energy + Swamp 102. Lightbulb = Void + Glass 103. Limestone = Stone + Shell 104. Lizard = Egg + Swamp 105. Locomotive = Steam Engine + Cart 106. Meat = Beast + Hunter 107. Mechanism = Tools + Law 108. Medicine = Knowledge + Virus 109. Metal = Fire + Stone 110. Milk = Domestic Animal + Grass 111. Molotov Cocktail = Fire + Vodka 112. Money = Gold + Paper 113. Moss = Weeds + Swamp 114. Mushroom = Earth + Weeds 115. Music = Reed + Human 116. Nuclear Bomb = Plutonium + Weapon 117. Octopus = Fish + Knowledge 118. Oil = Coal + Water 119. Palmtree = Sand + Tree 120. Paper = Reed + Tools 121. Philosopher's Stone = Demigod + Quicksilver 122. Phoenix = Fire + Bird 123. Pie = Apple + Dough 124. Pirate = Alcoholic + Ship 125. Plankton = Bacteria + Water 126. Plasma = Energy + Fire 127. Plutonium = Radiation + Metal 128. Poison = Snake + Tools 129. Poisoned Weapon = Poison + Weapon 130. Policeman = Soldier + Law 131. Quick Silver = Metal + Water 132. Radiation = Radio Wave + Radio Wave 133. Radio Wave = Electricity + Void 134. Rat = Beast + Medicine 135. Reed = Grass + Swamp 136. Religion = Human + Commandments 137. Rocket = Void + Airplane 138. Rock-n-Roll = Music + Alcohol 139. Rum = Pirate + Vodka 140. Russian Roulette = Firearm + Vodka 141. Salt = Sun + Sea 142. Saltpetre = Fertilizer + Limestone 143. Sand = Air + Stone 144. Satellite = Void + Rocket 145. Scientist = Human + Knowledge 146. Scorpion = Sand + Beetle 147. Sea = Water + Water 148. Seeds = Life + Sand 149. Sex = Human + Human 150. Shell = Stone + Plankton 151. Ship = Wood + Boat 152. Sin = Human + Religion 153. Sky Scraper = Glass + House 154. Snake = Worm + Swamp 155. Soldier = Warrior + Firearm 156. Steak = Fire + Meat 157. Steam = Air + Water 158. Steam Engine = Coal + Boiler 159. Steam Ship = Steam Engine + Ship 160. Stone = Air + Lava 161. Storm = Energy + Air 162. Sugar = Field + Sugar 163. Sulfur = Bacteria + Swamp 164. Sun = Void + Plasma 165. Sunflower = Sun + Flower 166. Swamp = Earth + Water 167. Tavern = Hut + Vodka 168. Tequila = Worm + Vodka 169. Thunder Bird = Storm + Bird 170. Tobacco = Fire + Grass 171. Tools = Metal + Human 172. Treant = Life + Tree 173. Tree = Seeds + Earth 174. Turtle = Egg + Sand 175. TV = Radio Wave + Light Bulb 176. Typewriter = Book + Mechanism 177. UFO = Rocket + Alien 178. Vampire = Blood + Human 179. Virus = Human + Bacteria 180. Vodka = Water + Alcohol 181. Void = Given Once 99 Elements Have Been Discovered 182. Warrior = Hunter + Weapon 183. Water = Given At Start Of Game 184. Weapon = Metal + Tools 185. Weeds = Life + Water 186. Werewolf = Beast + Vampire 187. Whale = Beast + Water 188. Wheat = Seeds + Field 189. Wheel = Wood + Tools 190. White Russian = Milk + Vodka 191. Wizard = Energy + Human 192. Wood = Tree + Tools 193. Wool = Domestic Animal + Human 194. Work = Human + Money 195. Worm = Bacteria + Swamp 196. Zombie = Life + Corpse
Some of these don't work. I got a list like this off a cheat site and it said right on the bottom, "WARNING", "SOME OF THESE COMBINATIONS DON"T WORK FOR SOME PEOPLE". So if they don't work for some people, you might want to try to make some elements up before using other elements that involve that element.
Hey guys. If you don't like how this guide has wrong solutions, check out my all new doodle god 2 walkthrough in playable order! All combinations are correct and if you follow my order i listed you can beat the game from start to finish. Its really great!
Here is the link to it: [url=http:/community/thread/11348769/doodle-god-2-complete-element-list-in-playable-order]