ForumsNews and FeedbackLive Chat Suggestion

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To avoid so many duplicate threads, please place your ideas and thoughts on a live chat system here.

Initially, we weren't going to do a live chat, but enough users asked for it that Dan has agreed, and we'll add a live chat to the system AFTER we launch AG3. It will NOT be part of the AG3 launch.

Ideas that others have suggested:
- custom channels
- password-protected channels
- kick/ban controls
- moderation controls
- report a user

We don't know yet if the chat will be Flash based, Java based, or something else.

  • 504 Replies
15,595 posts

forum silences (Do they do those here?) should remain forum silences.

Nope, they don't do silences here like Kongregate. It's just a ban, moderators ban 1-14 days.

I agree with you on chat moderators and how it'll be better maintained with them, but unfortunately they've said no to it. Hopefully they'll see why it's good to have them.
3,139 posts

What i mean by chat silence is that if a user is being offensive or spammy and there is no mods on to sort out the issue, users would click silence, and they then would not be able to see what the person is writing: this could help keep back-taling or prevoked aggression to a minimal.

On JC where i used to mod - chat mods had the ability to silence users so they could not talk, as a warning for maybe 3 minutes.
The site has actually just got rid of chat mods to see if the site can rely on admins to do the warning, kicking, banning and influencing the rooms: so far it's worked okay so i can see where corymn is coming from with the mod idea (even though i'm all for it) - the difference here is admins can't be expected to moderate madness when they have so much work to do, and moderators will have a lot more work to do in terms of site work and chat work.

The discussions so far are promising and i am hoping that people will be respectful enough with the live chat.

16 posts

What i mean by chat silence is that if a user is being offensive or spammy and there is no mods on to sort out the issue, users would click silence, and they then would not be able to see what the person is writing: this could help keep back-taling or prevoked aggression to a minimal.

Oh! You mean muting!
I don't think any chat should be complete without muting... It'd fall to pieces if it didn't...
603 posts

A question though, Will the chat rooms have a silence feature?

thats a good idea...

1. theres a guest on colony who keeps on annoying me day after day, and i have to add him in order to ignore him, but i don't know who he is! There should be a silence feature so that if someone is being mean to u or is spamming/trolling u can silence them with your super awesome button!

Also, one of my other ideas was brought up in the forums, about 7 pages ago.... So I'm gonna bring that idea back up....

Like the silence feature(that should be added to all chat rooms in AG3), there should be a button that kicks a person out without a mod to do it for them....

Ex: Let's say that someone is being mean/trolling/spamming or all of the above.... There is a button in the chat room that allows you(and everyone else) to vote to kick them out of the room, and some other rooms, for let's say, 3 hours.... The button is kind of like a vote button to kick someone out....

*you click it
*you type in the persons name
*then you're done!

Maybe like a fifth or sixth of all of the users should vote to kick that person out of the chat room.... then if a fifth or a sixth of the chat room users press the button and type in that persons name, that user that is spamming/trolling/being mean to someone will be kicked out of that chat room and all others for 3-4 hours!

Good idea or a bad idea?
16 posts

there should be a button that kicks a person out without a mod to do it for them....

I see too much potential to abuse that system.
A group of friends would be able to kick people purely based on dislike, or someone could create a large amount of alternates to mass vote.
Users shouldn't be given that much power, IMO.
3,139 posts

I think it'd be a great idea if chat mods were introduced, but i don't think so otherwise.

Mods of course should be given a kick button with the chat software.
(Usually buttons include kicking, banning, silencing, warning)
So it depends on what form of software AG go for. The other issue is that as this isn't a chat site and it will just be on of the features, it won't stop the person spamming the site - and being kicked out by other users will most likely lead to a spam fest on peoples profiles, the forums etc. Might lead to more work on the mods and admins clean up duties.

Also, as i said before, a lot of people could gang up simply because they don't like a person - this is also my issue in regards to the forum and reputation system if a 'dislike' button is added.

There needs to be a careful way of introducing such features in a chat room without victimizing users which a kick by normal users might do.

166 posts

Oh! You mean muting!
I don't think any chat should be complete without muting... It'd fall to pieces if it didn't...

Oh so this is going too be a chat room with mics? Or is it like video chat?
3,139 posts

Oh so this is going too be a chat room with mics? Or is it like video chat?

Nah, muting is a feature some chat rooms offer, where you can click on the persons name and click "silence" or "mute" and it means they can no longer type to you.

This isn't (as far as we know) in AGs live chat, just a suggestion thrown out there.
55 posts

We will be banned if we make a little publicity for a site or our own blog in the live chat?

Like: Visit this site or this blog.

27 posts

I think moderators should keep a close eye on it, live chat often ends up with huge arguments...

Expanding on this idea, if a live chat system is added I would suggest that we appoint "chat moderators" because with the amount of moderators we have now, it would be under-modded
3,517 posts

Expanding on this idea, if a live chat system is added I would suggest that we appoint "chat moderators" because with the amount of moderators we have now, it would be under-modded

I don't think this will happen. Considering the large amount of chatrooms, I don't think the chances of mods being on consistently and simultaneously modding the chatrooms, is unlikely. They have school, work, and other stuff. You can report spamful users though who continually spam.
27 posts

I don't think this will happen. Considering the large amount of chatrooms, I don't think the chances of mods being on consistently and simultaneously modding the chatrooms, is unlikely. They have school, work, and other stuff. You can report spamful users though who continually spam.

Large amount of chat rooms? I'm still against the whole "users being able to create their own chat rooms" model.

I think it would make things a bit rough and complicate the job of moderators.
517 posts

Large amount of chat rooms?  I'm still against the whole "users being able to create their own chat rooms" model.

I think it would make things a bit rough and complicate the job of moderators.

That is why it would be easier if the person who created the chat would be the mod. of that chat.
3,139 posts

Expanding on this idea, if a live chat system is added I would suggest that we appoint "chat moderators" because with the amount of moderators we have now, it would be under-modded

There was this whole discussion like throughout the entire thread.
They don't want chat mods. As it would be below mod and above regular users. The AG team are really careful about who the select for mod. Users who aren't mods aren't for a reason - immaturity, age restrictions etc etc. Therefore giving a lot of people chat-mods could be harmful.

Even though i am totally for the idea. I think us as users and them as developers just need to wait and see how it will work out. They'll be able to fix anything that's wrong and if they realize they need chat mods then i'm sure they'll do it. If the chat works well without them, well then there you go.

That is why it would be easier if the person who created the chat would be the mod. of that chat

The problems with people creating rooms, mainly if it makes them mod are:
1. The site has over 1 million users - every single person could create a chat room to call themselves a mod.
2. As mentioned above, pickings for mods are very hard to come by - giving someone the chance to automatically make themselves a chat mod could see people just joining the site and getting that title - a title of responsibility: aka: newbie spammer.
3. Abuse of powers.
7 posts

How about this:

-Only Modders can make chat-rooms.
-Each game has it's own Live-Chat-room next to the game-screen for all gamers to speak live with one another.
-Special chat-rooms for Game Developers and Modders.

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