ForumsNews and FeedbackLive Chat Suggestion

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To avoid so many duplicate threads, please place your ideas and thoughts on a live chat system here.

Initially, we weren't going to do a live chat, but enough users asked for it that Dan has agreed, and we'll add a live chat to the system AFTER we launch AG3. It will NOT be part of the AG3 launch.

Ideas that others have suggested:
- custom channels
- password-protected channels
- kick/ban controls
- moderation controls
- report a user

We don't know yet if the chat will be Flash based, Java based, or something else.

  • 504 Replies
1,502 posts

are there going to be private chatrooms? is there a filter? will private, if any, conversations be monitored?

2,891 posts

Whether we have private chat rooms or password-protected rooms will depend on which chat engine we use. Regardless of private/password status, all users will have the ability to report the other user, which will probably share the entire conversation with a moderator or admin to deal with it.

187 posts

that would be cool but i think you should be able to talk to like one of the friends you have.a mod could come and see when ever they wanted.

15,595 posts

I like the idea of chat rooms for AG3. But what about making it a little like Kongregate. Such as AG creating the chat rooms, then assigning certain users as chat moderators. Not sure if AG will do that, though, because of the whole argument 'if you can trust them with some moderator powers, then why not make them a full moderator' Well, it'll be different. They'll only be able to kick/ban people from the chat room.

We don't know yet if the chat will be Flash based, Java based, or something else.

I'd prefer flash, because I tend to turn javascript off sometimes when playing certain flash games so that I don't have lag.
15,595 posts

I didn't really clarify their system over there. (Can't wait for edit button if there's going to be one.) Well, on Kongregate they have chat moderators, then forum moderators. They have certain moderators assigned to each sub-forum they have there(the difference with their forum and AG's forum is that they assign different moderators to each sub-forum, while on AG all the current moderators can mod in every sub-forum, which is good.) They make users chat room moderators for basically the same reasons why AG makes users moderators. Chat moderators can go into any chat and have moderator powers there, they can silence/ban people. I'm not sure if they can kick there, but implementing kicking as a chat feature on AG will be good so that you don't have to jump straight to a ban/silence. With AG, there should be chat moderators like how Kongregate has them, but with a kicking feature. So, on AG it'll be: Having forum moderators and chat room moderators.

If that idea gets shot down by an administrator, then here's another:
Just letting users be able to create their own chat room on AG, being able to only let your friends enter the chat, and able to let anyone into your chat room. You'll have control over your chat room, being able to kick/ban/silence people on the chat room. Some flaws that I see with this is that what if people decide to abuse power within the chat room? What if not a lot of people will go into certain chat rooms because the owner of the room doesn't like them?
With those, they can be solved by a moderator of AG. But that'll take up a lot of time and the AG moderators will have a lot of things to be worrying about - chat rooms and forums. There will be a lot of chat rooms created, so I don't know how AG will keep track of those all. That's why I'd prefer the first idea that I presented.

15,595 posts

I really don't want to triple post here, but...
Forum moderators are both chat room mods and forum mods.
They can do both, while chat room moderators are just that, chat mods.
The difference is that you have people solely for modding a chat room, then you have forum moderators modding the forums, but they can mod chat rooms as well if they wish to do so.
Not sure what I could add to it. I'll wait for a response...

that would be cool.I dont know how that would turn out

Well, if you take a look at Kongregate's chat it'll probably seem similar to that. If you've been to a chat, then you have a general idea of what it'll be like. But with private rooms that people are in control of, eh... not sure about that.
No, it would be separate from the games. However, this does raise a tricky point about where on the site we place the chat window so you can continue to chat while you browse around the site.

Maybe creating a page for the chats. A page where you can view all the chat rooms, then you click on one of them it opens a page for it. Like when you click on games you get a game.
1,143 posts

I think that a chat system would be really great, as for the issues over mods, although useful the sytem that most of the chat rooms i use on kong have adopted is to just collectively decide to mute any trolls or spammers that are on the forum and then to report them to a mod, I think that a mute button would be essential, so that that users posts just don't appear to you

1,322 posts

optomization of space could help with placement... such as maybe a font or half a font lower for normal text... shifting of what is now the white column w/ the meat of the data to the left or right and placing the "chat(s)" to the opposite side and letting it run (maybe) down the length of the viewable page. smaller chat text could help with some of the space problem.

as per maybe the subtle hints from a few weeks ago... or maybe the Beiber fever made me have delusions... some of the mods have real life things that come up from time to time... and anyone who is human (imma go 99.999% of the people) have lives w/ similarly occurring episodes. if you're going to increase the "moderated" material then you may have to consider increasing the number of moderators a bit (1,2, or 3) ...I'm sure Gantic doesn't want to play constant superhero to both the forums and the constant kiddy "chat"ter that is going to go on... I mean he's just one rabbit. I know they watch more than I am aware... but they also admit to going on hiatus from time to time.

so some possibilities include
A...keep the numbers the same
B...Increase normal mod squad
C...create new style of mod (chat mod)
D...B and C
E...clone Gantic's and Cenere's and have personal army of mods patrolling the site.

15,595 posts

A new important thread in the AGv3-category? It's time for me to give my look at it. Well; pretty great! I'll may not use it very often; but sometimes!

I'll definitely be using it. Because I don't necessarily like just having a normal message system, I mean, it's great, but having a live chat so that you don't have to wait a while for a response would be good.
I think that a chat system would be really great, as for the issues over mods, although useful the sytem that most of the chat rooms i use on kong have adopted is to just collectively decide to mute any trolls or spammers that are on the forum and then to report them to a mod, I think that a mute button would be essential, so that that users posts just don't appear to you

A mute system isn't going to get rid of the troll/spammer/flamer/whatever. Moderators are there to keep the place clean. Not every person in a chat room is going to ignore/mute the person disturbing it. And if they do, then they could just hop around all the chat rooms there. So having chat moderators would be better for it all. It's just taking care of the big problem that may or may not happen before it starts.
A...keep the numbers the same
B...Increase normal mod squad
C...create new style of mod (chat mod)
D...B and C
E...clone Gantic's and Cenere's and have personal army of mods patrolling the site.

The bolded one is the best one out of the bunch. All ArmorGames has to do is to build some sort of cloning machine. I don't know how long that would take, but they should hire some scientists to do it. Then after it's done being made(might take a year or longer), then they should either tell them to go to AG HQ to get cloned, or send a cloning machine to each of them. With the latter that would take a lot of money and it might not be shipped because those dudes at FedEx or what ever company they decide to use might take it for themselves then create their own little army. So the best thing to do would be to have them go to AG HQ, then make a few hundred moderator clones of them. AG HQ will have to have some kind of secret underground place, though, so that you can put all those clones somewhere. Unless AG already does have an underground place. Maybe they already do have cloning machines and cloned Strop when he went there, because I've been seeing him around a lot lately.
A...keep the numbers the same
B...Increase normal mod squad
C...create new style of mod (chat mod)
D...B and C
E...clone Gantic's and Cenere's and have personal army of mods patrolling the site.

Well, I'm not sure on A or B.(I'm taking E is just a joke, :P)
With A it'll be rather difficult for them to keep track of the forums and chat rooms. With B, I don't think the should include a lot of normal moderators how they have currently. But I like C, because if you take a look at Kong then you can see that they have a lot of chat room moderators then seperate them from the forum moderators of the site. It'd be more convenient as well because the normal moderators wouldn't have to have a larger workload on the site, them having actual lives, coming on AG, then taking good care of the forums must be time consuming enough. I'd imagine if they just kept the normal moderator team, create a whole bunch of chat rooms, then it'd be rather difficult to maintain that. What I'm wondering, though, is how many chat rooms does AG plan on creating? A rough number would be good to know.

I'm just going to say, there are one hundred chat rooms on AG, then the limit of people in each chat room can reach all the way up to two hundred. If there are around fifty+ people in each chat room, then only the number of moderators AG has currently, then it is going to be near impossible for them to keep track of that.
1,143 posts

A mute system isn't going to get rid of the troll/spammer/flamer/whatever. Moderators are there to keep the place clean. Not every person in a chat room is going to ignore/mute the person disturbing it. And if they do, then they could just hop around all the chat rooms there. So having chat moderators would be better for it all. It's just taking care of the big problem that may or may not happen before it starts

yes but ts inevitable that sometimes mods won't be in the room, until they are there needs to be a mute button, also private messaging in chatrooms would be good as to avoid arguments annoying other people, or personal conversations
15,595 posts

yes but ts inevitable that sometimes mods won't be in the room, until they are there needs to be a mute button, also private messaging in chatrooms would be good as to avoid arguments annoying other people, or personal conversations

I believe in my first post I mentioned an ignore button for chat rooms. But it's necessary to have moderators in there as well to prevent the bad things from happening.
12,319 posts

I believe in my first post I mentioned an ignore button for chat rooms. But it's necessary to have moderators in there as well to prevent the bad things from happening.

I don't think sprooschicken was saying no to chat mods in his latest post. I think he was calling mods unreliable and was saying yes to a mute/ignore button. I would say yes to both mods and a mute/ignore button.
15,595 posts

I think he was calling mods unreliable and was saying yes to a mute/ignore button. I would say yes to both mods and a mute/ignore button.

All the chats that I've been to have moderators and a mute/ignore button. That includes xat, tinychat, and Kongregate chats. I don't understand how moderators would be unreliable. Look at the forums, take the moderators out then the forums turn into something where you don't want to be.
1,322 posts

it just depends on whether or not the chat mods will have the ability to ban users on the actual site. if all they do is kick and mute or just ban from the site then the rest of the moderators are still going to have to be the ones doling out punishment and overseeing how things get handled later on when they log back in... it still increases their workload if the chat mods can't ban or do actual punishment.

15,595 posts

it just depends on whether or not the chat mods will have the ability to ban users on the actual site. if all they do is kick and mute or just ban from the site then the rest of the moderators are still going to have to be the ones doling out punishment and overseeing how things get handled later on when they log back in... it still increases their workload if the chat mods can't ban or do actual punishment.

Silencing a person doesn't mean banning them from the site. A silence is when they can't post in forums, comment anywhere, nor chat. But they can still login to play games and save progress for said games, earn achievements and such. Banning a user will make it so that they can't get onto their account.
Showing 16-30 of 504