ForumsNews and FeedbackLive Chat Suggestion

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2,891 posts

To avoid so many duplicate threads, please place your ideas and thoughts on a live chat system here.

Initially, we weren't going to do a live chat, but enough users asked for it that Dan has agreed, and we'll add a live chat to the system AFTER we launch AG3. It will NOT be part of the AG3 launch.

Ideas that others have suggested:
- custom channels
- password-protected channels
- kick/ban controls
- moderation controls
- report a user

We don't know yet if the chat will be Flash based, Java based, or something else.

  • 504 Replies
603 posts

I believe that the more 'active' people on this site currently should be mods in AG3 IF chat is installed... Ex: just saying GhostOfMatrix , and Ernie are examples because they help out A LOT around the site, and they'd be great mods.

4,170 posts

I believe that the more 'active' people on this site currently should be mods in AG3 IF chat is installed... Ex: just saying GhostOfMatrix , and Ernie are examples because they help out A LOT around the site, and they'd be great mods.

Now, don't get wrong, I'd love to be a mod and all, but this won't be implemented because the admins aren't aware of the current situation that AG2 is going through. Cenere, a former moderator, said that if there were anyone who could be a candidate, they would be a mod already.

I know I would try my best at the job, but I don't think others would. Some would get bored and get. Some would crack under pressure. Some would become too busy with life.

It's hard to explain, but this won't happen, and I can guarantee that 95%.
15,595 posts

Active doesn't necessarily mean worthy. They still have to fit all the requirements, and considering how nobody has been modded since Freakenstein I don't think anybody fits them.

That's assuming if many people use them and they make multiple chats. If there's just one chat and not many people use it then they wouldn't need much moderation. I'm sure the current mods could handle it.

I'm starting to think they may just do this. The forums don't seem that active, but I expect the regulars to use the chat, and if the chat is located on its own page instead of popping upon games I don't think many gamers will use it. It won't need that much moderation. It'll be more work for the current mods, but it wouldn't seem that difficult since the forum regulars already behave.

I believe they should add a flagging tool in the chat and mods and admins will have access to the database. Such as you click on a users name and several options pop up; friend user, send private message, block (in closed beta they had a block function on the profiles), and flag. When you flag someone all their chat messages show up in the database, but for this to be convenient they'll require some sort of filter that locates rule breaking messages.
4,170 posts

I'm starting to think they may just do this. The forums don't seem that active, but I expect the regulars to use the chat, and if the chat is located on its own page instead of popping upon games I don't think many gamers will use it. It won't need that much moderation. It'll be more work for the current mods, but it wouldn't seem that difficult since the forum regulars already behave.

If it were a chat like Krin has installed on Colony, it would be a disaster. Only one chat, like a shoutbox, would be great. I'd expect it to get a lot of traffic from unseen people though.

I believe they should add a flagging tool in the chat and mods and admins will have access to the database. Such as you click on a users name and several options pop up; friend user, send private message, block (in closed beta they had a block function on the profiles), and flag. When you flag someone all their chat messages show up in the database, but for this to be convenient they'll require some sort of filter that locates rule breaking messages.

That's pretty cool. If implemented, it could really make communicating easier.
603 posts

I believe they should add a flagging tool in the chat

That's a great idea Ghost... But I believe incorporating a flagging system will be too slow... So I've got an idea..

1) If someone says an innapropriate word that's racist or just being mean to others, there should be in the code of AG3 chats that they get warned ONCE then if they do it again on the same day maybe be banned from the chat rooms for maybe 30 minutes to an hour... and IF they do it AGAIN on the same day they'll be banned for the next twelve hours or so... See where I'm going with this?

Active doesn't necessarily mean worthy.

yes I agree completely, but people like you Ghost are the kind of people that I would like to see become a mod... You guys have little/no spelling errors(which is in the requirements) you're really active(not one obviously) and I feel that you'd be up to it and you'd take it seriously... I mean, you help out the community too even without a moderators status... That's just being a nice person who likes to help out!
15,595 posts

If someone says an innapropriate word that's racist or just being mean to others, there should be in the code of AG3 chats that they get warned ONCE then if they do it again on the same day maybe be banned from the chat rooms for maybe 30 minutes to an hour... and IF they do it AGAIN on the same day they'll be banned for the next twelve hours or so... See where I'm going with this?

That's a bit too strict and wouldn't always work as planned. Sometimes in the forums we use curse words to give emphasis on things. If we were to do that in a chat that has this tool then people would get wrongly warned and banned.

The flag tool seems slow because of how you need a person to check them, but it's better than having faulty mechanics for the chat.

Perhaps they could find some middle ground for this. If someone uses a racial term or general inappropriate word it'll automatically show up in the database, but the mods/admins would decide what to do. Instead of relying on an automatic warn/ban function.
603 posts

Well there should be AT LEAST a warning function.... Saying that the mods have been informed of your curse/racial word... And I'd think that mods would be good for chat rooms... There should be like certain categorys like Tavern,Chat rooms for game types(strategy, action etc), maybe newcomers? I don't know...

1 posts

one thing to think about is there are ppl of all ages on here so there need to be some rooms off limits to the younger users so teens and adults can speak more freely

15,595 posts

one thing to think about is there are ppl of all ages on here so there need to be some rooms off limits to the younger users so teens and adults can speak more freely

The site requires you to be 13 to have an account. If you're here and under that age and see something that's inappropriate it's not our fault, you shouldn't have an account in the first place.
4,170 posts

one thing to think about is there are ppl of all ages on here so there need to be some rooms off limits to the younger users so teens and adults can speak more freely

I know you mean well, but it is extremely easy for one to lie about their age in order to access restricted chat rooms.

I mean, come on. Who hasn't been underage and checked that little "I certify I am over the age of 18" sometime in their life?
28 posts

I aggree with Salvidian. However, i think that there should be multiple chat rooms so people could talk with other people about the same idea. here are my ideas for chat room types:
1: Gaming (talk about Xbox, Wii, PS3, but no flash.)
2: Flash gaming (talk about online games, including AG and Certain MMOs.)
3: ModernWorld (news, politics, ect.)
4: ProTalk (chat with developers [if the developer wants to do this] about games, ideas, and overall feedback)(may require multiple channels to classify the diverse amount of developers on AG)
5: -private- (players can form simple, private channels that are invite only and get removed afterwords.)
6: SpaM(: (talk about anything you like [rules apply])

All chanels should have a bi-langual function if people from other countries played (which would be Awesome ) on the site.

It's a long shot, but hey, it's just an idea.

1,531 posts

A chat room? Come on, you can do better than that.
In an actual forum, like what we have now and the AG overlords want to remove on AGv3, people can debate and opine freely and at length. Reasonably large amounts of information can be drawn up and posted, be it a paragraph or a Wall Of Text, and as a result intelligent communication can take place. With a chat room, you get little snippets of nothingness like ten-letter-long posts and a high degree of "lolwut-ing" that adds up to diddly squat for intelligence.

Granted, I'm not all that active regarding posting in the forums, but I do like to scroll through and read what people have to say and occasionally drop a block of verbiage into the mix. However, if the forums get wiped and replaced with a chat room, that'll be the end of my presence there, and I'm sure that a lot of other, far more prolific users/debaters/bastions of opining will be driven away forever as well. Given that the forums are one of the most popular and defining characteristics of this site, one must ask "can we really afford to do this?"

15,595 posts

They aren't removing the forum. They MAY OR MAY NOT be able to transfer all the threads and posts, but the forum will still be here. Please read through the stickies instead of getting upset over false information.

1,531 posts

Actually, I have read the stickies. And it's not false information.
According to information posted on one of said stickies about a month ago, they will most likely wipe the forums clean of all posts and threads and attempt to start over. This would be a huge blow to the site and its denizens. Game guides that help players ranging from newbies to experienced players who just get stuck, enough debate and discussion material to fill quite a few books, and the longest-running game here (and possibly ever - "You're Banned&quot, to name just a few of the losses. This would, in all likelihood, cripple the forums and drive away many of those who prolifically opine therein.
To be clear though, I think it would actually help the site if they delete and/or don't migrate all of the locked and necro threads. That would free up a considerable amount of information storage on AG's system.

Please refrain from assuming that I'm firing off without a full charge.

15,595 posts

Wipe clean is different from removing. Choose your words carefully.

Everything can be restarted. Will it be hard? Yes. Will people leave? Yes. But us regular users have no say in what they do.

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