ForumsNews and FeedbackLive Chat Suggestion

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2,891 posts

To avoid so many duplicate threads, please place your ideas and thoughts on a live chat system here.

Initially, we weren't going to do a live chat, but enough users asked for it that Dan has agreed, and we'll add a live chat to the system AFTER we launch AG3. It will NOT be part of the AG3 launch.

Ideas that others have suggested:
- custom channels
- password-protected channels
- kick/ban controls
- moderation controls
- report a user

We don't know yet if the chat will be Flash based, Java based, or something else.

  • 504 Replies
49 posts

I think the chat should be like facebook. a chat bar and all the friends who are online you can choose to be in a group chat or a one on one chat.

2,891 posts

there should be rules and guidlines to follow allowing a full potential on a safe and friendly chat room.

There are rules and guidelines that encompass behavior and language in our Terms and Conditions that every user must follow. On top of those rules, we write extra rules for forums, and extra rules for game/user comments. So we'd simply come up with the same sorts of extra rules for a live chat system. Failure to follow those rules could get you banned from chat for a while, or banned permanently from chat, or just straight up banned from the site itselg.
603 posts

is there gonna be a regular chat room in place in armorgames, or is that idea out of the question now?

12 posts

Put some admins in armorgames live chat so there would be like someone to be the party pooper (Protect from cursing)

6 posts

Were the featured games bar is, Next to that there should be a chat bar, And different rooms, Maybe like one only for admins and mods, And live chat, And a private chat.

15,595 posts

A live chat for AG? Hmm... I don't know... There are outside chats like CountingTime or TinyChat that some AGers frequent.

Oh, sure why not, let some immature teenagers have all the power to things. Redirecting people to those will result in nothing but disappointment, from my time at CountingTime they don't accept everyone, and not to mention that it's just a few of them, about ten AGers that people may or may not know since they don't post around the site often. A chat room on AG will be for everyone, not some small group of people. And if you're going to argue creating your own chat rooms, why? Why would you argue against a live chat for AG? It'll bring in a lot of people and it'll be convenient. Sure you can always create a chat room on a chat site, but it isn't going to bring a lot of people. You'll have some people there, close friends. An AG chat will be good for talking with a lot of people and if they have private rooms, it'll be good for chatting with a few of your close friends. Many people have been asking for a chat room for a while now, so they might as well create one since people like chatting.
However, having an official chat for AG might quell some of the spam, though it might encourage some spam if it gives AP, which wouldn't be a very good idea.

Cormyn has already said that chat rooms will never give AP. I mean, why? Why would a chat room give AP? It doesn't make sense. Also, you could use that same argument for the forums and commenting, people sure do spam those a lot, but they are neatly kept due to moderation.
As far as a chat actually on AG, I'm not particularly excited about that. I'd rather not have a chatbar on the page, there already is a bar on the top, and adding another bar on the bottom would end up taking up a bunch of space that I would prefer to be left unfilled. One bar is enough. Besides, if there were public chats too, that would hardly leave any space on the page. The smartest option would be to make a dedicated chat page, but then you might as well use an external chat then.

I like the idea of a page where chat rooms are more than a little bar for it. External chat? Why? What's so bad about AG building their own chat?
15,595 posts

also, what's the point of a chat if you're not allowed to get 'off topic'?

Where'd you read that you can't go off-topic in a chat? Chats are for chatting about a lot of things, there are conversations that might stick in there for a while, but you can always try to change it if you want. Sort of like the messenger on user profiles, but this is better since it's live, it's faster. I'd rather use a chatroom to talk with friends rather than exchanging messages on profiles.
If there was a public chat, it would have to be fairly large

I suggested for them to create multiple chatrooms a few pages back. Like how Kongregate has, there are 130+ chat rooms there due to how many people frequent them. I imagine that AG will get a lot of people going to a single chat, so they might as well create a few of them to start out with, then when those get full, create some more.
15,595 posts

I still don't really understand how you can spam a chat, though.

By simply doing nothing but pressing random letters/numbers and enter? Or simply posting the same thing over and over again?
That would be hard to moderate, wouldn't it?

Yeah, which is why I suggested chat moderators, but Cormyn said no to that.
that means not being able to talk to friends if you don't know what chat they're in.

But there'll probably be private rooms.
I guess if the chats are named, it would be easier, though.

They should all have names that are listed on the chat page if they create something like that.
15,595 posts

Private chats are nice. However, that could be messy if a million people want to talk to you. Maybe chat invites?

I'm talking about user-made chats that are password protected so only you can let certain people in.
But wouldn't that mean a chat built into the site instead of on a bar?

Yes. I prefer having another tab open solely for chatting rather than having the little thing follow me around.
Then who would moderate the chats?

The current moderators, however, there's not enough if they make a few chat rooms, and even then, some of them are inactive.
I guess if somebody was acting against the rules or was annoying people, they could 'veto' him.

Well, that can be easily abused. You could just gather up your friends to veto people you don't like. I much prefer flagging users from their profiles. It'll show "flag this user" by "connect" and "ignore". When you press flag this user a little window will pop up so you can input your reason.
15,595 posts

Oh, so basically the 'quiet' button, like in the Exit Path multiplayer chat thingies. That way, you can avoid annoying people. However, that won't help with profanity or nasty/offensive comments. You could filter certain words, but that won't prevent flaming or trolling. That is, if you don't want to block them, their chatter still fills the page.

Perhaps there could be chat logs somewhere so the mods/admins can see them. If you flag a user for chat behavior, then the mods/admins will review them then act accordingly.
603 posts

(just an idea)

i think that on your' profile, there should be a notification that shows whos on your profile and when they got on it and left it...

and this should be optional in the users control panel:

enabeling or disabling a chat room on their profile... so they get the choice of having a chat room or not... good idea or bad idea?

130 posts

I agree to Chat. Maybe put a chatbar on the bottom of the screen, where anyone who is your friend, can chat with you. AND/OR:
A chat bar on the bottom, where there are chat rooms for just you and your friends, and then 3 public rooms, where all Armor Game players can chat publicly with non-friends!

1 posts

I think maybe someone could create one nice online rpg game

13,344 posts

I think maybe someone could create one nice online rpg game

You mean like an MMORPG? People have created them, and you can find some on the main page under "random game".

The reason there aren't any on AG is because AG is a flash website, and most MMORPGs aren't created using flash.
4,689 posts

I approve of this idea. Its the main reason I even visit some other sites.

Showing 121-135 of 504