Welcome to the Fourth Community Tile Project, the Community Tile Project of Summer 2011!
So what is it exactly? Well, it's the like Community Tile Projects of Autumn 2010, Winter 2010, and Spring 2011 but with different tile rules and essentially no theme!
You, the user, are given a 100 by 100 pixel tile to fill in relating to the current theme of the Project. The theme for this Project is I Was Here, but that theme is open to anything. You can submit anything you want as long as it follows the rules of this thread, this forum, and the site itself. It's just to show that you were here on AG during the Summer of 2011. Accepted tiles will be added to the image at the bottom of this post. There is no limit to the number of tiles, but the Project will end on August 13th. Hopefully we can get as many entries as possible.
Here's where it's different from previous Community Tile Projects (CTP). All users are limited to one tile each, except those who have participated in previous CTPs. Users will get one additional tile per previous CTP in which he/she has participated. That is a maximum of four tiles if you particpated in all previous CTPs! Additionally, those who are granted additional tiles can now combine the tiles to a larger tile size. That means you can have domino, tromino, and tetromino shapes! However, each tile you combined with another still counts as a tile.
If you have four available tiles, you may submit: one tetromino or one tromino and one monomino or two dominos or one domino and two monominos or four monominos
If you have three available tiles, you may submit: one tromino or one domino and one monomino or three monominos
If you have two available tiles, you may submit: one domino or two monominos
The following list is the number of users alottled a certain number of tiles. If you have participated but your tile was not accepted, you are still counted. If you don't know how many tiles you are allotted, feel free to ask here. If you have never participated in any CTP, then do not ask, as you will be wasting my time.
There are several things to keep in mind when making your tiles:
-Entries must be in the shapes specified. Smaller entries will need filler to be up to size requirements. -Entries are limited to one per user plus one additional tile per previous CTP the user participated in that may or may not be combined to larger tiles. -Entries will be accepted as they are. That means no editing at a future date. -Entries may be submitted individually or simultaneously. -Entries must be completely original. -Entries must be submitted before August 13th.
Get your entries in before August 13th and we'll see how this turns out. Feel free to post any questions or comments you have about the Project.
Community Tile Project - Summer 2011 - I Was Here NOTE: You may need to hard refresh or clear your cache to view the latest image.
So I presume the tile shape is a standard square, rather than the special shapes of other CTPs past? Its a dumb question, but I just wanted to make sure.
[url=http://www.festivalinfo.nl/img/review/small/987/987-5.jpg] I was at the show where this picture is from, so 'I was here' match good for me by this picture.