ForumsNews and FeedbackAchievements Suggestion

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2,891 posts

Hey everyone,

Here's a sticky thread to put achievement-based ideas and discussion.

Our plan is to engage game developers to send us periodic information about your game play, such as how many castles you've toppled in Crush the Castle, or how many times your dinosaur jumped in Treadmillasaurus Rex, etc. and that these pieces of information would accumulate to award you 'achievements' on AG3.

We're actively designing and building the achievement system right now, so as we have information, we'll share it here, but we're welcome to listen to ideas and feedback along the way.

  • 484 Replies
474 posts

Acheivements would be nice.

1 posts

There should be more general achievments, like 100 games played,
50 scores submitted

13,344 posts

100 games played,

Refresh the page 100 times and you've already earned a free badge in less than a minute.

50 scores submitted

AG only has a certain number of high score games, and even if they had more, it would still be a cheat-magnet. Plenty of high score games you don't have to play for very long before you can lose and are given the option to submit a score, which means someone could theoretically submit hundreds of scores in one day and get another free badge.
12,319 posts

[quote]100 games played,

Refresh the page 100 times and you've already earned a free badge in less than a minute.[/quote]

Then the achievement could simply require that 100 different games are played. Also, &quotlay" should be defined as leaving a game open for at least a few minutes (somewhere from 2-5 minutes) to prevent abuse.

[quote]50 scores submitted

AG only has a certain number of high score games, and even if they had more, it would still be a cheat-magnet. Plenty of high score games you don't have to play for very long before you can lose and are given the option to submit a score, which means someone could theoretically submit hundreds of scores in one day and get another free badge.[/quote]

Rather than have a number of scores submitted, a similar achievement could be "Scores Submitted in 10 Different Games," where scores have to be submitted in 10 different games, but the number for any game is irrelevant. There could also be achievements for 20, 30, and/or even 50 games depending on how many games have high score submission available.

Also, while we're on the subject of non-game-specific achievements, I shall list achievement types by name with a short summary of each:

X Different Games Played: Play X different games. For a game to count as played, its window must be left open for at least 2-5 minutes.

Scores Submitted in X Different Games: Submit at least 1 score in X different games.

X Comments: Make X comments on games and user profiles (assuming comments are still possible). If enough comments are deleted to take the count below X, the achievement and associated AP would be removed.

X Reputation: Reach X Reputation. If Reputation is a percentile instead of a number, then X could simply be a percentile (e.g. Top 5%, Top 2%, Top 1%, Top .1%, etc.). If the Reputation goes below the requirements for the achievement, the achievement and its AP would be removed.
15,595 posts

(somewhere from 2-5 minutes) to prevent abuse.

It can still be abused. Open a lot of games in tabs and just use a different web browser for what you usually do or leave your computer.
5 posts

Phyco said:

Ask the game designers to put in at least 5 achievements per game.
completing these achievements will get u rewards (No Da) 1 per achievement.
3 rewards will be for the game itself.
2 rewards will relate to your profile.
EG: 1 will unlock that games armatar album.
1 will put a special badge next to your account image saying u have completed the game or unlocked the achievement. ( these badges can be removed so you can only display the ones you are really poud of)

What an idea great

12,319 posts

It can still be abused. Open a lot of games in tabs and just use a different web browser for what you usually do or leave your computer.

Then the admins should have a way to delete achievements if those achievements are determined to be a result of abuse. In addition, considering that the achievements can be abused, they should have a lower value to discourage abuse. In other words, the majority of available AP should be from game achievements since non-game achievements can be abused.

Ask the game designers to put in at least 5 achievements per game.
completing these achievements will get u rewards (No Da) 1 per achievement.
3 rewards will be for the game itself.
2 rewards will relate to your profile.
EG: 1 will unlock that games armatar album.
1 will put a special badge next to your account image saying u have completed the game or unlocked the achievement. ( these badges can be removed so you can only display the ones you are really poud of)

Two problems:

1) Developers should not be forced to include achievements.
2) Achievements will award AP as a reward in AG3.
15,595 posts

Then the admins should have a way to delete achievements if those achievements are determined to be a result of abuse.

How do you expect them to monitor this? Giving achievements for things such as X amount of games played and X amount of comments sounds easily abusable and too much of a hassle to keep track of. Besides, comments on profiles on AG will be similar to that of Facebook; they'll be status updates and people can comment on them. At least that's what they were in the beta. The whole point of achievements in AG3 is for in game stuff anyway.
Developers should not be forced to include achievements.

Let's look at Kongregate for a moment (since this is basically the same thing): How they add achievements to their games is if the game has API and a good score then they have staff members create achievements for the game; achievements that the developer adds in game and achievements the staff creates to award points are two completely different things. The developer doesn't have to do anything besides add the API. If the Armor Games achievements don't work like that then I don't see how the whole achievements idea will work out.
15,595 posts

They explain it here. If AG could have something like that, it'd be successful.

47 posts

i still say the achievements should give you points for like a store for the games or a real store or something

15,595 posts

That wouldn't work because Armor Games is not Yoville and because developers prefer real money. Achievements will most likely only give you armor points.

15 posts

I don't know if it has already been said as I don't want to read trough 34 pages, but isn't it kind of unfair to give achievements to, as an example, moderators, or the best players on AG... because "to achieve" means "to reach a goal", and not every one can become a moderator, or one of the best players on AG...

15,595 posts

The achievements will be for things in game and everyone has a chance to get them. Similar to Kongregate.

15 posts

But I've read things about special achievements for moderators and a special achievement for firetail_madness... those aren't gettable by "normal" players, right?

15,595 posts

I believe you're referring to the legacy achievements mentioned a long time ago. I'm not sure if that'll still happen, but everyone who got up to a certain rank will get it as I recall, even if you get up to serf you'll get it.

Showing 316-330 of 484