ForumsNews and FeedbackAchievements Suggestion

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Hey everyone,

Here's a sticky thread to put achievement-based ideas and discussion.

Our plan is to engage game developers to send us periodic information about your game play, such as how many castles you've toppled in Crush the Castle, or how many times your dinosaur jumped in Treadmillasaurus Rex, etc. and that these pieces of information would accumulate to award you 'achievements' on AG3.

We're actively designing and building the achievement system right now, so as we have information, we'll share it here, but we're welcome to listen to ideas and feedback along the way.

  • 484 Replies
12,319 posts

@hawkeye: GhostOfMatrix responded to your first 2 suggestions, and I agree with him. Here's my response to your other suggestions:

3- Achievements have their own page on the person's account to show.

I think achievements should be a section of your profile. However, if suggestion 3 is implements, a certain number of achievements should be shown on the profile (like AG2 faved games and friends) with a link to the full list.

4- Achievements should not be got by completing levels; They should be earned by special things like beating the game or doing an incredible stunt. (Should not be that hard though)

Achievements should be for a variety of things, including level, beating the game, and special stuff.
243 posts

I don't think you know how achievements are most likely going to work here. Go to Kongregate and play a few of their games that include badges. That's how armor points are going to function in AG3.

Sorry if I'm not updated on the information about the AG3 new system but one thing about having achievements is that it will make points flow like hell. If there aren't too much achievements it would be better. Achievements I believe will be better if they did not include too much AP too.

And by the way, Thank you for taking the time to see what I had in mind.
15,595 posts

one thing about having achievements is that it will make points flow like hell.

No, because it'll actually take time to get achievements in games. Unlike now where you can get up to ten thousand armor points from simply rating all the games, leaving comments on each one, and chatting with other users. I've seen some people get to wood king in a matter of a month or two that way. The current system is broken, the new armor points system (achievements) will work better. However an abundant supply of achievements is needed to keep people interested and so this will last longer. You also need to give an appropriate amount of points considering this will be the new armor points.

How I imagine it working:
You'll have easy, medium, and hard achievements similar to Kongregate. For the sake of not copying it entirely I'd suggest adding some sort of legacy achievement - the legacy achievement will be the hardest one to get because you have to achieve one hundred percent completion in a game. This achievement will reward anywhere between 60-100 armor points. Since it would be so difficult to get I'd go with 100. However with the other difficulties I'd reward an easy achievement 5-10 points, medium 15-20, and hard 30-40.

The only way achievements can truly be abused is if people hack games, but you can't stop people from doing that, so it's not a good enough reason to discard the achievements idea. If suspect someone's rate of getting achievements/their score isn't legitimate then we can report them and they handle it. An example of why that's such a poor reason: Look at the forums, we all like using them, however a downside to them is there are spammers. Should we delete the forums because spammers show up occasionally? No, that's idiotic. We should rather keep them because the users enjoy them and there's a group of people to deal with the spammers. Just like there will be a group of people to deal with hackers abusing achievements.
243 posts

How I imagine it working:
You'll have easy, medium, and hard achievements similar to Kongregate. For the sake of not copying it entirely I'd suggest adding some sort of legacy achievement - the legacy achievement will be the hardest one to get because you have to achieve one hundred percent completion in a game. This achievement will reward anywhere between 60-100 armor points. Since it would be so difficult to get I'd go with 100. However with the other difficulties I'd reward an easy achievement 5-10 points, medium 15-20, and hard 30-40.

This is actually a great Idea however if you add the achievements back to the game that never had achievements on AG2 i'll have a problem. I've beat a lot of games on AG2 you can't count and I beat them 100% (Yeah sure of it) but some of the game saves are gone and I don't think my saves will be moved back to AG3. I suggest you only add achievements that have the AG save feature (Saving using your user online) so I won't have to beat the game all over again to get the achievement. Some games are really hard to beat and get all the in-game achievements again like <B>"Epic Battle Fantasy 3"</b> or<b> "Crystal Story"</b> <b> "Acruz and Acruz 2" or Castaway games. Those games are huge and requires time to beat.
15,595 posts

I've beat a lot of games on AG2 you can't count and I beat them 100% (Yeah sure of it) but some of the game saves are gone and I don't think my saves will be moved back to AG3.

If your saves have been deleted that's on you - we have no control over that, but they do plan on moving our game progress over to AG3.
243 posts

If your saves have been deleted that's on you - we have no control over that, but they do plan on moving our game progress over to AG3.

So AG3 will still have the saved games from AG2? I don't understand.
15,595 posts

So AG3 will still have the saved games from AG2?

Yes, our progress in games from this site will be moved to there.
116 posts

I LOVE achievments so I think this is a GREAT idea!

31 posts

the person who made the game should be able to make up the details of the achivements. but the moderators should first see if it is a reasonable amount

2 posts

i think that achievements are cool but you should get more than 1 armor point for commenting!!
maybe 3 or 4 or even 5 armor points!![b][i]

15,595 posts

i think that achievements are cool but you should get more than 1 armor point for commenting!

No, armor points will only be for achievements in AG3. You'll get reputation for comments and forum posts if people decide to vote up your stuff.
2 posts

I think AP should be for helping the community, and that in game achievements should be called something different, like gaming points.(You guys could probably think of a better name) If you get enough gaming points, there are different ranks, like "Amateur" or "Gaming master". However, they should be different. I like the way Kongregate has their achievements set up, there should be more than on Kongrate though.

17 posts

i think you should put archivements like when uplay a game for example: 20 minutes you gain 20 armor points and then u get the archivements

12,319 posts

I think AP should be for helping the community, and that in game achievements should be called something different, like gaming points.(You guys could probably think of a better name) If you get enough gaming points, there are different ranks, like "Amateur" or "Gaming master". However, they should be different. I like the way Kongregate has their achievements set up, there should be more than on Kongrate though.

Community involvement will be awarded through the Reputation system., and it's been decided that the points for achievements will be called Armor Points.
1 posts

I just hope they get out all the bugs before it comes out

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