Well, as the title says tell us your favorite book(s). I have a Top 50, but I will only post my top 10!!!!
10. Tunnels (series) 9. Harry Potter (series) 8. The Last Dragon Chronicles (series) 7. Savvy 6. Skeleton Creek (series) 5. The Red Pyrimid (series) 4. H.I.V.E. 3. Percy Jackson and the Olympians (series) 2. Fablehaven (series) 1. The 39 Clues (series)
Yet another favorite [Insert random thingie here] thread.
Well, my favorite book is Siddhartha, by Hermann Hesse. While I do love philosophy, I prefer when it is implicit and esoteric rather than a heavy, clogged thesis. As to make a list, I've too much books I like to rate and rank them. My personnal library boasts over a hundred books all carefully choosed, and I adore every one of them. I know it's not much to brag about, but considering my age, I find it not so bad of a start for a collection.
Alright, this thread hasn't been locked yet, so I guess it is ok?
All of Tolkien of course, I've read just about every major release from him. C.S. Lewis' Narnia and Space Trilogy series. Starship Troopers by Robert A. Heinlein. H.P. Lovecraft's myriad of short stories and novellas. H.G. Wells' stuff Beowulf
The following are for mature readers: Frank Herbert's Dune series. George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series. The Forever War by Joe Haldeman Glen Cook's The Black Company series.
Alright, this thread hasn't been locked yet, so I guess it is ok?
It just means someone reported it to Strop, and I only checked my profile for reports yesterday. I still wonder why someone would report to Strop...
Either way, under normal circumstances, I would just move this, but honestly, I see no reason for it. There will be a thread just like this in a month (or, according to my check, in a week), which means there should be plenty to pick from in the right section: The Popular Media section, if anyone is interested. However, I do wonder how it is possible to ignore, not only the description for this section, that states the intend of this forum section, but also the sticky. Oh WAIT, the sticky is invisible, and no one cares. Either way, this gets locked as being a misplaced and duplicate thread, and how much I love books, I don't care for such threads here. Had it been a discussion thread, then maybe, but not another "Wass ur fav..." The end.