I'm a Prince now. I've decided to make a workshop; but without poems. Nearly just pictures! Thanks to Matrix for showing me a special way to paint here. I guess I start then!Blue Feelings.Red Feelings.
wow those are very cool! i love how some parts are more.... whats the word.... bright! haha i love the values.
Nice pictures. You should make more green ones. Green is purty.
Dreams look pretty good. What program is this?
i love how some parts are more.... whats the word.... bright!
You should make more green ones.
What program is this?
Green is purty.
Dreams look pretty good.
wow those are very cool!
Look at this guys. I can mix colors; but it's pretty much harder. I call the first one;Mixing 1
My 6 year old little-brother did also wanted to try. I think you can guess his name.Tobias 1Yes; his name is Tobias.
They are quite nice. I would like to know how you do these?
This is probably Tobias last one. It's kind of cool.Tobias 3
I've lost some inspiration. Please give me orders! But I can make this;Eye of Sauron
RageSee? My latest works sucks!
I've lost some inspiration.
Please give me orders!
Red SomethingWhy are there no ordering? Listen up; I want orders so please give me orders!
Can you make a cool creepy looking rainbow?
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