ForumsGames[Main Thread] CoD? Put it here!

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Apparently the effort of cleaning up the forums has been biased, so the CoD group get their own thread for discussing as well.

  • 3,990 Replies
482 posts

Now that this thread is up and running, I'll move my COD ideas here.

COD Ideas

--Special Weapons--
- Taser: slows movements of an enemy and causes their screen to shake.

- EMP RPG: Allows you to either EMP enemy air support or EMP an area by shooting it
at the ground or an enemy.

- Under Barrel Taser: slows movements of an enemy and causes their screen to shake.
- Sling: allows you to pull out your weapon faster. (AR/SMG/Shotgun/Sniper)
- Range Finder Sight: shows distance to the point where crosshairs are located and shows
if itâs in an effective range.(AR/Sniper)
- TV: A fold out TV equipped with Satellite Television, so you can catch up on shows
while in the middle of battle. (AR/SMG)(Joke)
- Round Pack: A backpack that carries rounds for an LMG that feeds directly into the
gun. Greatly decreases mobility and disables sprint. (LMG)
- Grip Mag: A magazine that gives you faster reload and works like a grip, but not quite
as affective. (AR/SMG)
- Speed Shells: Connected shotgun shells for double barrel shotguns, used to load both
rounds at once. (DB Shotgun)

- Taser Shockwave: A Taser device similar to a Claymore, it slows movements of an
enemy and causes their screen to shake.(x2)
- Ammo Pack: A deployable ammo pack that you and teammates can receive ammo
- EMP Charge: Works like C4, but will take out radar, red dots/reflexes, etc. for a short
period of time. Does a small amount of damage.(x2)
- Tactical Mines: When placed it sets a small minefield of five feet across.(x1)
- Flag: Takes time to set up, but it increase morale of the whole team, increasing stamina,
increases rate of plants/defuses/flag captures, and doubles the effectiveness of Ammo
- Infrared Goggles: Allows you to see enemies heat signature, even though some walls.
The Ghost perk hides you from this equipment.(Unlimited Use)
- Adrenaline: Increases speed and stamina while sprinting.(x2)

--Blue Perks--
- Flak Jacket: Increases Explosives resistance. Pro: Immune to fire and allows you to
reset the pin on a grenade, adding it to your inventory.
- Lightweight: Increases sprint speed. Pro: Negates fall damage.
- Gambler: Spawns you with a random perk from any tier (Blue 10%, Red 30%, Green 30%, Yellow 30% ) with Stopping Power, Juggernaut, Morale!, Shocker, and Flak Jacket at lower percentages. Pro: Increases chance of Stopping Power, Juggernaut, Morale!, Shocker, and Flak Jacket being selected.
- Slight of Hand: Increases speed of reload on normal weapons. Pro: Increases speed of
reload on under barrel attachments, special weapons, and launchers.
- Ninja: Reduces footsteps noise by 75%. Pro: Increases enemy foot steps noise by 50%.
- Bomb Squad: Allows you to booby trap enemy carepackages. Pro: When you die your
dropped weapon becomes booby trapped, killing any enemy who tries to pick it up.
- Steady Aim: Reduces recoil. Pro: Recoil for semi-automatic is reduced even more.
-Fencer: Increases knife speed. Pro: Decreases recovery time after a knife lunge.
- Hardline: Decreases kills needed for a killstreak by one. Pro: Allows you to reroll
Carepackages and allows a second equipment slot (Press left on D-Pad).
- Smart Camo: Changes your camo to one better fitting to the map.. Pro: Automatically
changes the camo of you gun to fit the map.

--Red Perks--
- Stopping Power: Increases Damage. Pro: Increases damage after penetration through
objects in the battlefield.
- Juggernaut: Increases damage resistance. Pro: Marks enemy who attacked you on map
for five seconds.
- Battle Torn: Reduces flinch. Pro: Increases flinch on attacked enemies.
- Demo Man: Increases range of explosives. Pro: Allows you to replace your tactical
grenade with a primary one.
- Survivor: Increase health regeneration speed. Pro: Increase health regeneration speed
even further.
- Equipment Guru: Increases effective range of equipment. Pro: Allows you to carry an extra of your equipment, ie two Claymores.
- Shocker: Increases effectiveness of your EMPâs and Taser devices. Pro: Decreases
effectiveness of enemy EMPâs and Taser devices.
- Instincts: Increases speed and stamina while injured. Pro: Increases damage while
-Recon: Allows you to choose an extra kill streak. Pro: Sets one killstreak to two less
-One Man Army: Allows you to carry to primary weapons. Pro: Allows you to cycle through killstreaks (Press down on D-Pad).
- Hardline: Decreases kills needed for a killstreak by one. Pro: Allows you to reroll
Carepackages and allows a second equipment slot (Press left on D-Pad).

--Green Perks--
-Scavenger: Dead enemies drop a green bag containing a magazine for your primary and
secondary weapons. Pro: Bag contains one lethal and one tactical grenade.
-Sharp Shooter: Increases effectiveness of aim assist by two percent (Adds a three
percent aim assist for PC). Pro: Increases zoom for ADS (excluding sniper scopes).
-Longshot: Increases effective range of your weapon. Pro: Increases accuracy at range.
-Imitator: Allows you to copy an enemyâs class after they kill you. Pro: Allows you to
swap classes with the enemy that killed you.
-Spy: Allows you to wear the opposing teams camo set. Pro: When enemies put their
crosshairs over you, your name wonât appear to them.
-Anti Virus: Makes it so your equipment canât be hacked. Pro: Plants a tracking device on
the attempted hacker, allowing you to see them, as long as theyâre in one hundred feet of
your equipment.
- Marathon: Unlimited Sprint. Pro: Allows you to vault and recover from a dive faster.
-Assassin: Drastically increases rate at which you vault objects. Pro: Allows you to
counter knife attacks by pressing the melee button at the precise moment.
- Instincts: Increases speed and stamina while injured. Pro: Increases damage while
- Stalker: Makes you completely silent while stalking an enemy. Pro: Increases knife

--Yellow Perks--
- Morale!: Decreases plant, defuse, and flag capture time. Pro: Replenishes health faster
when an offense/defense medal has recently been awarded.
- Hacker: Allows you to see and hack enemy equipment. Pro: Makes you invisible to
Motion Sensors and delays Claymore and Taser Shockwave detonation by half a
second. It also shows Anti Virus equipment in blue
- Ghost: Makes you invisible to UAVâs and Infrared scopes. Pro: Makes you invisible to
Air Support.
-Sacrifice: If you die while on while capturing/planting, or defending/defusing an
objective, you respawn with a ten percent health buff for thirty seconds. Pro: You will
get a five percent health buff for fifteen seconds after that.
-Observant: Allows you to see the glare off of sniper scopes. Pro: When an enemy moves
in your range of view(up to 100 feet), they show up on your map for three seconds.
- Marksman: Allows you to hold your breath longer while sniping. Pro: Allows you to
pull up your scope faster.
- Smart Camo: Changes your camo to one better fitting to the map.. Pro: Automatically
changes the camo of you gun to fit the map.
- Grounded: Increases damage to Air Support. Pro: Decreases lock on time for launchers.
- Airforce: Increases damage of Air Support. Pro: Increases rate of time for Air Support.
- Second Chance: When killed, you have a bleed out period(fifteen seconds) in which a teammate can revive you. Pro: Allows you to take out your pistol(one magazine) while bleeding out and increases your bleed out period to twenty-five seconds.

--Primary Grenades--
- Bouncing Betties
- Caltrops

- 3-UAV: Shows location of enemies on Minimap every three seconds for thirty seconds.
- 3-Ammo Resupply: Resupplies ammo for primary/secondary weapons.
- 3-Reset: Resets your Killstreak with out you having to die first.
- 4-Sam Turret: A turret that automatically shots down air support, holds four rockets.
- 4-Counter UAV: Causes enemy Minimap to go to static.
- 4-Weapon Drop: Gives you a random weapon with random attachments. (Drop)
- 5-Napalm Strike: An air strike that leaves a strip of napalm down one part of the map.
- 5-Care Package: A crate that holds a random Killstreak. (Drop)
- 5-Equipment Resupply: Resupplies Equipment and lethal/tactical grenades.
- 6-Sentry Gun: A self operating turret.
- 6-Mortar Team: Lets you choose three or four(varies from map to map) locations on
the map that will be bombarded by mortars.
- 6-RC-XD: An RC car with C4 strapped to it.
- 7-Attack Helicopter: Choose a location on the map for the helicopter to fly around and
shoot at enemies.
- 7-Valkarie Rockets: Controllable rockets packed with explosives.
- 7-Full Resupply: Resupplies Ammo for primary/secondary weapons as well as for
equipment and lethal/tactical grenades.
- 8-XR-7 Aurora: A high flying, high speed stealth plan, it shows the location and
direction of movement of enemies on your Minimap.
- 8-Rolling thunder: Call a carpet-bomb in on a part of the map.
- 8-Battle Cry: Increases the Morale of you team, making plant/defuse/capture time
decrease and boosting sprint stamina. Lasts for one minute.
- 9-Chopper Gunner: Allows you to take control of the gunner position in a chopper.
- 9-Pavelow: Armored attack helicopter.
- 9-StS Missiles: Surface to Surface missiles, you place three of them on the map. More
or less a more powerful version of the mortar team.
- 10-Mass EMP: Deploys an EMP that covers the entire map. It lasts for fifteen seconds.
- 10-Ice Strike: A bomber comes in dropping liquid nitrogen, freezing
enemies, itâs followed up by a fighter jet, which fire 40mm rounds shattering
anything thatâs frozen, making frozen projectiles.
- 10-Satelite Missile: A missile shot down from a satellite that has a massive
explosion(roughly 50 foot radius).
- 11-Gunship: A controllable helicopter with a machine gun and rockets.
- 11-Attack Dogs: A pack of dogs, trained to kill, will be unleashed on the enemy.
- 11-Satellite Imagery: A satellite will highlight enemies on your HUD, even through walls.

--Game Modes--
- Escort: Escort a tank (or jeep, depending on the map) across a specialized version of a map. You have ten minutes to protect it from your opponents, and if it takes to much damage, you need to repair it to get it going again. Tanks will automatically fire their main cannon at enemies, jeeps will not. A teammate can control a mounted machinegun, making them vulnerable, but deadly. Two ten minute rounds, and a five minute tiebreaker (one life). (6v6)
- Odd Man Out: Tdm with an odd amount of players. When you die you sit out, and the previous odd man out takes your place. Rules are the same as tdm, but the highest scoring player gets an additional 100 exp and Cod Points. Lasts ten minutes. (6v6)
- Cycle: This game mode cycles through different game modes, including Domination, Demolition, Sabotage, Search & Destroy, Capture the Flag, and basic TDM. It scores as follows: Domination- One point per objective, per second. Demolition- 25 per plant or defuse. Sabotage- 50 points per plant and 25 per defuse. Search & Destroy- 25 per plant or defuse. TDM- Ten points per kill. It lasts for ten minutes, cycling game modes every minute. First team to 1,000 wins.
- Marksmen: (Lobby) A lobby with all game modes that only allows sniper classes.
- Hit Squad: A kill based game mode consisting of six teams of two. First team to 2,000 wins (50 points per kill).
- Gridlock: A ball starts in the middle of the map, and you have to get it past the enemy line, scoring you team a point. When holding the ball you can only hip fire your secondary. Three points wins a round, and its best two out of three rounds.
38 posts

cod its ok but awsom im level 50 prastige 4

38 posts

you have to admit the xbox 360 has beta grafics for cod but i supose ps3 hase free online for it

482 posts

you have to admit the xbox 360 has beta grafics for cod but i supose ps3 hase free online for it
The Xbox has horrible graphics, the PS3 runs a higher graphics card as well as Blue Ray, so no I don't have to admit something that isn't true.
38 posts

ok thats true but i like xbox 360 more i dont know why

38 posts

i proberly like it more because it is cheeper than the ps3 i realy whant the ps4 but there put on hold in production

482 posts

It isn't cheaper, the 250gb of both is $250.

482 posts

*$299 Sorry

38 posts

well it is only £150 were i am insted of £250

38 posts

on cod black ops my friend whants to fight me but he is to high in level for my

2 posts

[b]the ideas are ok but i not sure theyd do it

3 posts

I think these ideas are great actually, I like the idea of the taser and the EMP RPG, if there is a way to send it into Infinity Ward or whoever is making the next CoD ga,e, you should do that.

3 posts


6,800 posts

HOw to make CoD better?

-Get rid of CoD Points: You should EARN attachments and camo, not buy them.

-You have to get legit kills to earn killstreaks; killstreak rewards don't aid in earning higher killstreaks.

-Killstreaks aren't stackable.

-More balance in the weapons. MW2 has way too many ARs. More semi-auto guns, and decrease the amount of them.

Alot of your equipment and perks and killstreaks are redundant, or over powered, or both. An EMP RPG? One hit kill, because EMPs destroy electronics which aircraft need to fly. ANd you have two chopper gunners on their, so thats a waste too. Alot of your ammo replenishing ideas are also pointless, because you can just have scavenger.

Tasers would be a waste, because you have Flashbangs/Stun Grenades, and you don't have to physcially hit a person for those to work.

You overstress EMPs. EMP Claymore, EMP RPG, EMP Charge. EMPs don't work like that in real life, so theres no point putting them in a game. ANd its also a waste. If it doesn't kill my opponent, than whats the point? I get EMPs called on my all the time, and it doesn't affect me because I use iron sights and use a Noob Tube or silencer.

And that Nitrogen things, thats just dumb. I'm sorry, but it is. Liquid Nitrogen would dissapate before it hit the ground, and the fact that a harrier follows it is completely over powered. A better idea would be to have a B1-b Bomber buzz the map, and all enemies are stunned for 15 seconds or something like that.

Escort seems fun, but it'd be easier to use the same maps. So just have it set up like the WarPig mission from CoD4. You have a stationary tank, its main gun if offline, and you have to defend it for 10 minutes. C4 and RPGs cause damage, small arms don't. Noob Tubes don't. You can't repair the tank.

6,672 posts

you have to admit the xbox 360 has beta grafics for cod but i supose ps3 hase free online for it

the ONLY reason why this is true is not because the xbox itself has better graphics, but because they make the game for the xbox first and they test the game on the xbox. its alot harder to code graphics for the playstation because its blu-ray and not just a regular disc. so essentially they are just lazy
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